
Jang Geun Seok Officially Announces His Singing Debut and Will Release First Solo Album in March 2011 — 76 Comments

  1. WAAAAHHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! This is seriously the best news I’ve heard all day! All week! What wonderful news to go to sleep to! Our Sukkie is so versatile — he can pull of the rockish “Take Care, My Bus” AND my personal favorite, the ballad “I Will Promise You”. Seriously. “I Will Promise You” gives me goosebumps even after two (or is it three?) straight months of listening to it.

    I can’t wait for his album to come out. I will probably weep with joy and sing hallelujah. Thanks for being the bearer of this best news, ockoala! ^______^

    • “I will promise you” is my favorite song off both M3 OSTs, too.

      It’s actually only been released for a little over a month (mid-December, I recollect), but I guess you’ve been listening to it so often it feels much longer. I feel the same way. 😀

      • The most sophisticated song that I have heard in quite a long time and I am glad you appreciate it even though I cannot listen to it without crying. No song has ever moved me so. It is his best.

  2. wow!!! fantastic news!! thanks so much, ockoala, for the bearer of such long-awaited news on JGS debuting as a singer as well as the production of his first album… (”,)

    i agree totally with both estel and you on how beautiful JGS’s voice is singing all the songs that he sang for the M3 OSTs but i especially LOOOVE “I Will Promise You” and have been listening to it almost non-stop ever since the first time i heard it on M3….

    how fortunate of you to also receive the M3 OST Part II so you could listen to JGS’s beautiful voice to your heart’s content…

    i am so looking forward to JGS’s debut and subsequent success as a singer… (”,)

    i am not surprised he is debuting as a singer but what DOES surprise me is that he is debuting in JAPAN instead of in South Korea, his country of birth…and having his first concert there as well…hmmm…could it be he feels more support from his Japanese fans than his countrymen/women?

    would you have any explanation on this, dear Ockoala? (”,)

    • There are a variety of reasons for releasing an album in Japan as opposed to JGS’ native Korea,

      Big Hallyu stars like Ryu Shi Won, the late Park Yong Ha, and even now Yoon Sang Hyun, have all transitioned from an actor to a singer by testing the waters in Japan first. Over the years, all of them have released most if not all of their albums in Japan.

      The biggest reason is reception – not because they are not popular in Korea, but because the requirement to become a successful singer in Korean is so high with the predominance of idols and established balladeers that it’s an easier transition to release an album in Japan first.

      Come to think of it – pretty much single actor turned singer in the last decade has debuted in Japan first. JGS is just following the trend. I would have been surprised if he had released his album in Korea first, actually.

      • oh, i see…thank you so much for kindly providing me with the detailed and clear explanation, dear Ockoala…

        i have learnt so much from your explanation and have a better understanding of the entertainment industry in Korea…very illuminating… (”,)

        bless you, Ockoala dear, for your continued interest and update on JGS, for all his fans…*hugs* *kisses* for the one and only, Ockoala… (”,)

    • “could it be he feels more support from his Japanese fans than his countrymen/women?”
      yes, I guess so.
      but, I think Japanese fans deserve it. They are really loyal.

      • “but I think Japanese fans deserve it. They are really loyal.”

        I thought so too, esp considering the reception JGS got during his Asia Tour that included Japan…so much love for him from his fans outside of Korea…

  3. I am going to miss him as an actor but I know he will excel in singing. I hope MSOAN did not deter him from acting and that he is just proving his worth once again. I hope he finds the happiness that we all want in our chosen careers.
    For some strange reason, I feel a loss for me (as a fan of his acting) and a win for him, bittersweet. I really am a fan even though I am an older woman and criticize his wild side but he is extremely talented. A very soft yay.

    • I understand what you mean, many times he said he want people know him as an actor whenever reporter asked if he want to be a singer.
      Bittersweet, i wish he still keep on acting.

    • JGS is not going to stop acting with this addition to his career. He’ll likely still do one drama/movie a year as he’s been doing since his adult debut – same as the other actors who have added a singing career. He’s never been as prolific as some other actors, who do 2-3 acting projects a year. I’m sure we’ll still see him on screen as often as we’ve always had. Yay for that!

      Singing and acting is not an either or option, but am “in addition to” option for many multi-talented K-actors.

  4. Good for him. But when will he have the time to study then if he’s busy making tours? Hmm.. JGS should be at par with MGY. Still, wishing him best of luck in whatever he’s doing.

    • just saw the beauty he supposedly went to do an mv in Japan with. once that mv comes out people will forget the MGY/JKS couple. trust me this girl (Mina Fujii) is a beauty and I am one of MGY biggest fan. I read a post from one of his groupies who seems to have an inside scoop to all things JKS so I looked her up and listened to her. I am and will always be MGY fan but my head went oh all those visits to Japan hm maybe .

      • Really? you think Mina Fujii is a beauty? She’s cute in some pics but there’s something off about her. A little too anime in the face??

      • Looks are subjective of course, but I find Mina Fujii just okay.

        She’s a hapa like Naka Riisa, but not yet leading girl material. She reminds me of Kitatgawa Keiko-lite, in terms of screen presence.

        She barely made a blip in Bloody Monday 1 and 2, though who can blame me if I spent the entire drama staring at Miura Haruma. ^__^

        Anyways, I don’t think there is any danger Seok will fall madly in love with his music video co-star. If that was the case, the entire DBSK boys would be goners since she started as a video girl for one of their singles.

        Now why’d I go mention the TBSK boys, Changmin is still giving me fits of nightmares after watching him in PR1. *shudders*

  5. my favourite a bit different from koala and others..I like “Hello Hello” song so much..Still like other songs like “Take care, my bus” and “i will promise you” too..not to forget YAB!!
    i have MMM & YAB OST bt only JGS version in my mobile!!hehehe

    • hello hello’s my favorite too! next would be “I will promise you”.. ^^
      there wwould be not a day that i won’t listen to his osngs.. especially whenever i’m writing. :))

      btw.. i wrote a novel with JKS / Kang Mu Gyul as the HERO. hahaha.. ^^

  6. Wow!! That’s great!! Hope it will be sold here in the Philippines.. i also wish all songs he sang in the drama “you’re beautiful” will be included here or in another album he will surely make..Thanks…God bless…..

  7. I love this new. I really want JGS to have his won solo album.
    Now it’s going to come true.
    I cazily listening the songs he sing “Good Bye” “Still as Ever” from You’re Beautiful drama OST. (that two songs are my favourite from YAB).
    Wishing you have every success in 2011, My Dear Jang Keun Suk.

  8. That’s wonderful to know. I have been collecting all his songs these past few months since his “The Happy Life” singing days and I must say it will be a pity if he does not take advantage of the opportunities to record an album. He’s a good singer but he can be better and be at his best by getting a voice coach or voice instructor. Forgive me all, but I really feel that he is not that confident in singing live because of some pitch problems. Although this is not such a huge obstacle that proper singing techniques and voice training won’t solve. I know, I have been singing and teaching voice for the past ten years. Oh I hope someone advices him regarding this matter then we’ll all have a blast with a new singing JGS! Good luck!

  9. He can just read off a phonebook in the album and I’d still relish it.

    Thanks for the news Koala /hands you eucalyptus leaves

    • Dear Hachimitsu
      JGS can sing like a cow for all I care BUT I have already psyche myself up to buy it no matter how the album turns out… just to show my undying affection for JGS.

      • Me too!!! i have faith in his album but no matter how it’ll turn out, for his sake i’ll buy it and love it!!!!!

    • Phone book, grocery list… who cares what as long as he’s singing. I’m sure he’s getting plenty of practice singing to MGY at home. heehee

      • Dear cheery one
        “””he’s getting plenty of practice singing to MGY at home”””
        You’re really hilarious…. LOL… cheers…

  10. i already watch the tv drama of jang geun suk… ” mary stayed out last night” and I CAN SAY.. THAT… HE MADE ANOTHER FANTASTIC…. TALENT HE SHOWED ON THAT DRAMA… and NICE STORY AS WELL…






    SO GOODLUCK,.. KANG MOO KYUL… name of his character.. in MSOLN

    I LOVE YOU… ♥♥♥

  11. Best news of the week!!!

    I kinda knew something like that was coming with all these rumors about him meeting japanese producers (TK from Globe), bands,… But I squealed like a little fangirl anyway lol

    I’m happy I learned japanese because I’m buying all version of his album!

  12. YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! i’m so excited!!!! omg what a thrill!!!! seriously best news ever!!!! I was suspecting some of the kind for this year (he gave some hints) but no so soon. i love his voice, love m3, yab, happy life soundtracks (and every single he sings) this’ too much!!!! i also think he needs some training (for live performance) but an album will be perfect…. i will buy it for sure!!!!!
    i was asking myself what kind of music he will sing…so it’s rock 😀 totally love it!!!
    thanks captain for the Great News 😀
    and of course i hope hewon’t give up acting, cause he’s so a talented actor, but i guess he will have a hard schedule this year (wich means lots of news for us :D)
    oh it makes me smile so much!!!! 😀 😀 😀

    • my dear antonia
      “””of course i hope he won’t give up acting, cause he’s so a talented actor”””

      That was spot on! bingo!! No one else would beg to differ when it comes to JGS talent in acting. If I am not wrong, he’s majoring in acting, right?

      • of course he is!!!! like 2009 and 2010, i hope he’ll do a new drama at the end of 2011… and if drama gods are kindly enough it would be with mgy and with a good script 😉 !!!!

  13. 1) am so gonna buy cd even if it sucks…. LOL
    2) am glad that the boy is in control and diversifying his career… GOOD ON HIM!
    3) am glad that he’s not gonna kiss any girl on screen after MGY for the next few
    months at least since there is no news about the boy signing himself up for any
    drama projects so far!!!

    Thanks v v much to our dear captain Australian marsupial for the latest update on our cutie boy JGS.

  14. I received my OSTs weeks ago and they’re still wrapped in plastic… eeeep. It’s the case of my spending spree at end of last year. I have a couple more stuff still wrapped in plastic.. ^^;;

    However, that aside.. yeay!!! JGS album to look forward too! *happy* .. thanks for the good news!

  15. God must’ve known that I needed some more JGS news to get through this week. Been in a hellish state since yesterday but this brightens the atmosphere a little better.

  16. heeeee! /

    I’m not coherent enough to write a comment that actually makes much sense, but heeee heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee / we can never have enough JGS

  17. Absolute ELATION!!!! JGS releasing his own singing album! Can’t wait to lay my hands on a proper album with ONLY HIS voice and HIS songs. Really looking forward to March now. Will he be including songs like “I will promise you” and all the others in M3 and his previous dramas, Ockoala? When you gain access to that information and please let us know IMMEDIATELY. Thank you very much in advance and counting on you! 🙂 He sings all the other songs from Beethoven Virus, A Happy Life etc so well. Am also full of anticipation for his MV as he is very engaging on those too.

    JGS is really deserving of being our PET, BLOND HAIRED, BLUE-EYED BOY. On route to being the equivalent of Robert Redford, Paul Newman and Brad Pitt (didn’t MGY say Brad was her ideal man? Well our JGS is the Korean personification and she must really be referring to him in secret!) Forget about the low ratings in M3, the difficulties encountered with script and all noisy obstacles blocking JGS’s path. He is POWERING full steam ahead and will prove all his detractors WRONG with conviction, determination, talent and strength!

    I have only two words to say with regards to JGS, his new singing album and all future acting projects : “BUY” and “OUTPERFORM”.

    • Dear Stayinguplate
      “””JGS is really deserving of being our PET, BLOND HAIRED, BLUE-EYED BOY. On route to being the equivalent of Robert Redford, Paul Newman and Brad Pitt (didn’t MGY say Brad was her ideal man? Well our JGS is the Korean personification and she must really be referring to him in secret!) Forget about the low ratings in M3, the difficulties encountered with script and all noisy obstacles blocking JGS’s path. He is POWERING full steam ahead and will prove all his detractors WRONG with conviction, determination, talent and strength!
      I have only two words to say with regards to JGS, his new singing album and all future acting projects : “BUY” and “OUTPERFORM”.”””

      Well said. Thank you for articulating what’s on my mind especially the part about Korean personification. My dear, that’s so true to truth!!! You surely rock!!!
      Same, who cares about the ratings, anyone?? Cheers to a good day…

  18. OMG so excited! I’ve always loved Jang Geun Suk’s voice (whether it be speaking or singing) and really some of these people who go around saying that JGS’ singing is just okay for an actor, seriously his singing is better than some of the SINGERS out there. And I’m interested in this electronic rock feel. If it’s anything like Magic Drag than I’m all for it.

    Also I reposted this news on Omona (with credits to you and the press release). I hope you don’t mind.

      • You’re welcome and thank you for bringing the news (and for being the best JGS and MSOAN fan ever)! 😀

    • Reiven you’re absolutely right, his voice is perfect, wheter speaking or singing. many singers should envy his voice. and he can do rap, electronic, pop, rock, whatever style fits his voice. 🙂

      • JGS is perfect. I find that he has a superior voice even to some of the well know singers out there, of course he doesn’t sing as well as they do, but for an untrained singer who is really an actor full time, his efforts bring amazing results.

      • Dear Antonia
        YES, voice perfect… agreeto.. Physique wise, JGS has all the female gender [whether ahjummas, noonas or dong saengs alike] swooning over his cutie face and charming smile. To me, it has always been his voice that place him a par above the rest. Let’s face it, the boy’s voice is SEXY and like a true man which is why he makes a good MC… Yay!

  19. Hi!
    May I say a few words?
    Only God is perfect! So, we, humans, are non-perfect and I think JUST THIS NON-PERFECTION WARMTH OUR HEART!!! I don’t know if Geun suk has training or special studies AND REALLY I DON’T CARE AS I LOVE THE WAY HE SINGS AND HIS SONGS! I don’t need perfection as perfection is cold and non-human. HE IS HUMAN!

  20. That a good new for JKS fans ! I have been collecting all the ost YAB, Ost MSOAN , M3 …,even JKS stuff I have to collect all .I ‘m sure he’s a good singer his voice so awesome .I’m so excited waiting for his new album coming out .I will buy it for sure !!!
    Thanks for good new and wish JKS have more success in 2011 ! Good luck My Precious JKS !

  21. good luck for JKS…his voice is nice to listen to. though i think that his voice didnt fit with the upbeat music of “take care my buss”..his is too soft to execute that song. but for ballad song, his voice is perfectly fit. it’s just a matter of technique, i think. Lee seungki’s voice is good for upbeat and rock type…JKS better for ballad.

    • oh he’s wonderful singing ballads. but he’s absolutely rock type!! havent you heard the happy life ost??? i love it so much

  22. its really a great news since JGS will be officially releasing his album. thanks for posting this news about him. I really love his voice and his songs hope he will also include those songs he sings at his drama You are Beautiful.

    Can I ask the permission to re-post this on facebook?

    Thanks ^_^

  23. hua its been a while I lost internet yet so many good news.
    hooray for JKS for releasing his album.will look forward to it.ah idc bout that miina or that jap girl featuring in his mv because she can’t beat MGY in our heart esp in JKS’s and who knows that he will make MGY his next featuring in his pv,plot esp written by him with lots daebak scene&kissing as a little sweet revenge from MSOAN&Personal request.

  24. How are we going to GET JGS’s cd and mv? When??? If it is only going to be release in Japan so far???? Arrghh! hate the wait. Hopefully some Japanese fan will be kind enough to upload it on to youtube once they receive the goods.

  25. Also, just read from someone’s comment on earlier AKP post that JGS’s MV is called “MOON”. Have you guys heard anything of that sort?

  26. I enjoyed watching MSOAN and couldn’t care less about the ratings too. I like JGS’ acting and the songs he sang in the drama.

  27. :’) ..this super good news finally come..

    Marry me mary has wonderful soundtrack that i always listen over and over again. this is such a good luck a read this news after listening to his song all night long …
    i can’t wait for this coming his own album :’)

  28. JGS indeed has a great speaking and singing voice, and don’t forget the acting:-) He just puts so much meaning, depth and dedication to whatever he does, esp. his acting and singing. It’s about time he released an album. Love all his songs but my fave is theme song of Beethoven Virus. Great drama. Can’ t understand why it did not take off as it should:-( Love you JGS. Thanks for having a lot of pride in all you do. Can’t wait for your next project. When are you coming to LA? Love everything about you. But most of all – I LOVE YOUR SMILE!!!!

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