
My Princess Episode 9 Recap — 23 Comments

  1. Another great recap. I do love your insight and the way you disect the characters. And yes to honesty. No stupid misunderstandings they usually feed us.

    It’s not only the script that improved. I didn’t think HY couldn’t get any hotter and he did!!! Also loved loved LS hair in this episode.

    I get the monarchy thing and I still think restoration of monarchy in Korea can be a valid discussion. It may cut down reunification period of the 2 Koreas.

  2. I really really enjoy this show. Thank you for your Speedy recap despite it being Lunar New Year eve. I hope the romance between HY and Seol can be more open soon. Got to go visiting now but can’t wait for the next episode tonite..will catch it tmrw morn on Tudou.
    Have a blessed day !

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE all of your recaps for MP. Thank you, koala!

    I think that with this development, MP will not fall into the angst track. After all, it is a rom-com. And at this point, the script-writers know too well that MP will loose fans if they continue with flimsy relationship angst.

  4. You are so awesome! Thank you for the recap. It helps me get through my excitement! Now, time to wait for the eng subs at viki. We’ll be back here again.

  5. gotta say, MP is turning out to be one helluva romcom! everything feels fresh and new. the deliveries, the dialogue. the looks. everything is so well done! and i am such a happy camper. OMO OMO indeed!

  6. o/ Mansae!! Thank everything good in the world that this episode was not like episode 8. I admit, that there for a second I was kind of pessimistic about the chances of Seol and Hae-young regaining their bickering, fun chemistry, but I squeed like a small child on Christmas at the fountain scene. So cute! *squees some more*

    Here’s hoping Hae-young puts Yoon-ju squarely in her place. I want him to call her out for the press conference shenanigans, too.

  7. I love ur recap !!!!! thanks a lot
    In the end of ep 9, after Yoon Joo hugged Hae Young.. she mouthed something to JW..
    do u have any idea what it was??
    can’t wait for the ep 10 !

  8. I actually like it so far……i would have to disagree with you on some of your insights…… I guess everyone have their flavors… 🙂

  9. just know i discover this page through my FB….it’s a great recap i just love ur page….exciting and waitng to see the epd. with english subs…..maybe tonight i can watch it…..

    thanks a lot for the recap…..just love to see HY and Soeul together…and how HY really takes care of S…..

  10. koala captain..somehow I lost it..can’t keep my interest..I tought with episode MP allure me to be back on tract but with episode 10 somehow they dissapoint me..pulling Lee Soul don’t have the sachet makes her not the princess??HY seems making me dislike him…gaaah why are they pulling this one..put back the 1st 4 episode that I the contrary I don’t connect with DH at first but after episode 5 I began to love it and craving for it..the character development is good, kids getting mature, love triangle heading in good way because they giving me hard time to choose for OTP except I love phil suk and Jason…I don’t get influence by you but after watching the last 4 episode of MP they make me felt that way,

  11. Thanks so much for your another awesome recap. I totally agree with your thoughts.
    I love how MP is carrying the story line and its make sense.
    In this episode 9, I am knowing that HY true feeling towards LS and YJ.
    He is such a good gentle man and understanding others inside feelings, more than I can guess his character.
    I love how he did mention about knowing relationship between YJ and prfess J.
    Make me LOL at how LS said “MR.P”……
    Yes……. I love MR.P….. who is “PHY” hahaha… cute…….
    MP is touching my heart deeply and I love to watch over and over again….

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