
The Production of Sunny Happiness Releases Series of BTS Videos — 31 Comments

  1. I just finished ep. 21 and just love it. I am really happy for Mike, I can tell his acting skill has improved and he protray Yun Jie’s character very well. I also love the chemistry between him and Janine. One of the best TW/C drama within this 2 years. Koala thanks for showing the BTS…I always love those….hehe

  2. If you ever stumble upon dl links, could you please email me? My sources have failed me and my connection can’t handle streaming that well. :((((

    I’ll watch the BTS after I’m done with the series. You convinced me; I’ll give it a try.

  3. i’ve been following this drama as well. Janine Zhang, Li Ye Feng and Mike He are in my opinion doing a very good job in projecting their characters on screen so intense (easy on the eyes too)
    i’m glad that you guys like it too—storyline is quite interesting some of the turn of events are quite unexpected—which i appreciate keeps me from ff the scenes. For those who haven’t watched it yet—give it a shot–sneek peak epi 1 ( just my 2 cents:)

  4. ~faints with joy~ OMOMOMOMOMOOOOOOO!!!!!!

    Unni, THANK YOU!!! These were so adorable and I am totally more in love with SH and Mike He and Li Yi Feng and Janine than ever. Plus, this is tiding me over while I wait for episodes 21 and 22 to finish being subbed. I’m not used to having to be patient, since I usually only watch Korean dramas and I can watch them raw, so I’m pretty much going insane waiting. This helps. Plus, it’s good to laugh on a Friday evening after a long week. ^_^ Komapda!!!!

  5. Hi!^^ Thank you for the BTS, I laughed so much. I love the ‘bromance’ between Mike and the other guy, so funny. The chocolate thing was LOL….

    I also find that Mike turned me in his fangirl again. I was some years ago, but then I gave up the Tdramas and just watched Kdramas… then I find this drama, and I’m so glad I checked it, to tell the truth, I started to watch without seeing who was the cast, so when I saw Mike, I was ”huh? I know this guy from somewhere” and so I checked and was Mike… for me he changed so much, don’t know… he older is better (his acting skills also improved). I don’t get why some of his fans don’t like his actual hair and says he is older :0 what is their problem? As for Janine, what a good surprise. Usually the main lead girl over-act and that is why I don’t enjoy T-dramas so much, but Janine is natural in SH so all works:

    The main girl is likeable, the main guy too, and the second guy is so handsome and cute… his smile is adorable. Someone know how old he is? I never get their real age…XD <3

    The ost is good, anyone know where I can DL?

    Ah, if possible, please do the recaps, I would love it. Thanks again, kisses 🙂

  6. Is it just me, or does Li Yi Feng remind anyone of Kim Hyun-Joong?

    THANKS Ockoala for recommending this – since your first post on this dram … I have ‘surfed’ on and off now up to Ep 23.

  7. omo!!! seeing this made me long more for my mike hee. how i wish i could start watching sh!!! why is it i knew only of this after i started watching tamra. i should have known this first before. anyway, just 5 episodes of tamra to go and i can start drooling for mike hee once again. *evil smile*

  8. I’ve been reading here for a while (found my way from DB) and finally delurking to say thank you so so much for writing about SH!!! I don’t usually watch Tdramas either but thanks to you I started it just yesterday. 36 hours later, I am at episode 21! TOTALLY sucked into this and it is as awesome as you said it was!! This might just be a record marathon for me.

    I hope you do end up recapping because i would totally lap those up! which I almost never do. Way too many exclamation points were used but I can’t help it; got really excited when this post popped up in my reader!! More goodies!

  9. anybody knows how’s the ending ? I’ve alraedy watched ep 25, but the final ep consists of many scene from previous eps. So actually no final eps. Do u have any info ockoala ? I really enjoy every update from you. Its really special and very update. And your taste of drama is the same. M3, MP and now SH. Hope to get your answer soon, thanks a lot.

  10. SH is my Latest Happiness! very cute drama indeed, i feel that SH is better than Happy & Love Forever, but i love HLF coz of Mingdao & LYF

  11. I do marathon too watching this series…fiuhhh, never get bored seeing the Xiang brothers :p. Ockoala, u rite! I just registered my self as mike he’s fan girl 😀 he is sooooooo adorable *love love love*

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