
Sunny Happiness Episodes 23-25 Recap (The End) — 51 Comments

  1. Omg you finished, jie jie! I’m going to save this to read for later, but wow! Recapping 3 eps in one sitting? Only the addicting power of SH could do that to anyone. I’m so glad you recapped this because it certainly exposed a lot of people to this little gem. It’s going to be a while before my SH high wears off since I’m the last episode I rewatched was 14. ^^ It’s candy that I want to savor slowly so savor it I will.

    • I’m done, mei mei! It was an insane recapping schedule (25 eps in 3 weeks), but well worth it if more people end up watching SH. I expect you to leave a very long comment later after your rewatch, you got that? Yes, I am giving you homework (on top of your non-drama related homework).

    • And Yong Yong’s family’s house is where the sisters lived in Down With Love, and the restaurant at the end is the same restaurant-space used in the final episode of Wish to See You Again. (But other than major redecorating indoors & out for the family’s house, the other two locations were shot at very different angles from the previous productions, and clearly intended to distract/cover — as much as possible — that it’s an already-used location, with some pretty distinctive architectural features in each. But I gave props for the camera-folks at least trying to use different angles/directions and framing.)

      • The house Yong Yong and Yun Jie stayed in when the were faking as husband and wife, was also the same as in The Fierce wife 😀 i think its cool to see the same locations

  2. Thank you for introducing me to this wonderful little drama! And thank you for the insightful recaps. You are a talented writer and I enjoy your work so much. Good stuff all the way around.

  3. thank for your wonderful recap 🙂

    i totally, truly and titilattingly agree with you!!! SH is my all time favorite TW drama! i will never know it and Mike He without You! I’ve been a big fan of your blog since mary went out last night.

    please keep it up!

    xoxo 🙂

  4. Thanks a million koala, I really love this drama and also your recaps it’s make more enjoyable to watch the drama, 2x, 3x or even 4x. I enjoyed reading all the comments too. Have a Blessed day everyone. Love…Love…Love…..

  5. “…heart-wise it PWNS legions of rom-coms. SH delivered the one unassailable truth – a successful rom-com is making me understand and sincerely believe in why these two people fell in love.”

    Perfectly said! That’s why we all love SH! It’s such a rare gem in rom-coms! I love how it’s so subtle in leaving us with that feel good truly wonderful happy feeling after it ended. SH will certainly be one of my cherished dramas for years to come! I’m so glad I have you gals to spazz with my SH addiction. Now, off to sleep. Sunny Happiness dreams everyone! ^^

  6. The only thing I would have changed about SH is Wan Lan’s characterization and story arc. I felt like her characterization wasn’t very consistent, and the wheelchair bit came completely out of left field and wasn’t really necessary. But it definitely could have been worse, so I won’t whine about it too much.

    I love SH for all of the same reasons you mentioned, unni, but the two biggies for me are the awesome family relationships and the honestly and lack of contrived drama. It’s so nice to see the stereotypical “rich family” portrayed as a functioning one, just going to prove that you don’t have to have all that drama to have a drama, if you catch my drift. None Yun Jie’s issues stemmed from his family – he didn’t have any mommy or daddy issues at all, which was a nice, refreshing change from the trend. And even though Yun Chao did, it was an entirely believable conflict, one that didn’t cause unreasonable and overly melodramatic angst between the two brothers.

    And how much do I love that Yun Jie stepped down as president? I loved that the writers kept his character consistent, while also showing us that “Cinderella” doesn’t have to marry a rich, important man for him to be the prince. In the end, all Yun Jie really wanted was her, not the kingdom, too. And he’s perfectly happy that way. What a powerful message in this “gimmemore” generation.

    Thanks for sharing SH with us, unni! I’m so glad you did, because I loved this drama to bits and enjoyed it immensely. Yong Yong and Yun Jie will always be one of my favorite couples in all of dramadom, and a shining example of how to make a compelling drama without cancer, hateful parents/families, or dire revenge plans.

    • My little dongsaeng, I am so happy you ended up watching your first(?) TW-drama, and having it be the wonderful sublime SH. It’s not perfect, it’s not a masterpiece, but it’s just a lovely love story that was executed with remarkable heart and sincerity. YY-YJ FTW! 😀

      Agree with all the comments you’ve written for each of my recaps (sorry, didn’t have time to respond to each of them). I find SH works because it doesn’t try very hard to make you love it by throwing in flourishes and tricks. It’s simplicity is what I love the most about it – like how natural and effortlessly beautiful Yong Yong always looks in this drama.

  7. Thanx for recap.first I do hate wan lan guts for saying harsh words to yong yong but glad they don’t drag her too long.yes they resolved and focus on the conflict to 2nd lead make a threat for OTP,main lead sway because he still holds feeling for her and lead female then come 2nd male lead.the same old boring plot.SH is the drama I’m looking for,the focus more on the bonding process and execute the trouble well and not dragging it up.when I read the end.gosh I want more!I can watch it for hundreds ep and will find it interesting because can’t get enough of yong yong-yun jie love story.thanx dear koala chingoo for introducing this wonderful drama because I need one.cheer.

  8. There were a lot of things I liked abt these last few episodes: Yun Jie crying scene when he tore up the contract, Yun chao and yong yong scene in fron of the house and xin jie’s decision. I confess, Xie Jie may be annoying just because.. But I never disliked her character, it was believable and not really the screech worthy types. I actually liked the possibility that the other two have a chance to startover.

    The only thing I ever disliked about this show is the toned down atmosphere.. I sometimes miss the jealous confrontations (Yun Jie got jealous only once abt amusement park date) and such. But Overall, it was definitely a nice drama with awesome characters

  9. Ockoala,

    I enjoyed reading your recaps/analysis more than the drama itself, actually. I have lost interest in following a whole drama since Doctor Champ, plus the on-going Japanese situation has me very worried about a dear MIA friend of mine living in the Tokyo area, thus I don’t enjoy “fluffy stuff” the way I used to.

    Maybe this drama will appeal to me much more in a while. Honestly I had been reading your recaps with much interest thus went ahead and watched ep 9, which I enjoyed much. Having no time for a drama-watching-marathon, I went straight for ep 25 (so eager to see the ending) which disappointed me, I must say. I snapped out of fantasy for a few things:
    – Wan Lan’s paralysis — so cliché!
    – Wan Lan’s uncomfort and awkwardness towards her son while in her wheelchair, or should I say that the actress herself just didn’t know how to behave?
    – the empty restaurant — no vehicle, no customers;
    – the fake tummy — seriously, it was so obvious that it got me to laugh, which really shouldn’t have happened.

    Then again, I am so fond of perfection, which is more likely to happen in dramas than reality, although most dramas imo really s**k.

    Thanks for promoting this drama, though, for “expanding our horizons”. 🙂

    Btw, couldn’t help but notice that Yun Jie’s words (summarized as He doesn’t want to keep playing cat and mouse with her anymore ) were EXACTLY the same as Park Shi Hoo’s character in his latest drama, Queen of Reversals, in ep 31 (the last one), although in a different language. Coincidence? Maybe.

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts, denali. Foremost, I’m sorry to hear about your friend, and hope you receive good news soon.

      As for SH, this drama honestly can’t be episode skipped (though its true of most dramas). And frankly, episode 25 was purely a cherry on top of the cake conclusion whipped topping, i.e. just fluffy goodness. It works as a last episode, but it’s actually my least favorite episode taken alone, if you want my honest opinion.

      If you wanted to randomly watch an episode, one of my faves is ep 22. As for the empty restaurant in the last episode – it was empty because it wasn’t open for business yet. The orphanage took over this out-of-business restaurant and was planning to turn it into a bakery. YY went there first to set it up and get things in order. Hence, no customers or vehicles outside.

      Anyways, as for the same dialogue use in SH as in QoR, SH was filmed from June to October of 2010, so it’s purely coincidental that the same dialogue from SH was seen first in QoR in Jan of 2011, since QoR was filmed after SH but aired before it (due to K-dramas having a live shoot system). 🙂

      • Thank you very much, Ockoala, for taking time to answer that comment of mine and for your thoughts, on the drama and my friend. Still no news from her but still praying.

        Now back to the drama. Actually, after the disappointment of ep 25, I patiently waited for all your recaps to be available to get the whole picture and answers to my questions. 😉 Thus I find this drama to be rather original indeed and I do understand the reasons for its addiction. ^^ I have just enjoyed “the most difficult video to find” which does show some sweetness and tenderness (and Mike He’s skills ^^).

        About the absence of customers, I was referring to the empty parking lot and restaurant when she was preggy, having a meal with her hubby outside, supposedly several months after the opening had occurred. 😉

        The coincidence of the same line in QoR and SH reminded me of either plagiarism or a wise saying: “Great minds think alike”. 😉

  10. Congratulations Koala!!!!… You did really god job:)

    SH became one of my favorite T-Dramas thanks to you. When I find enough time, I will watch all episodes, promise:)

    Note: I (I think everybody) am looking forward your marvellous recaps for other dramas -_~

  11. It is really so sad to say goodbye to something that made me so happy. Although the drama is not perfect, it radiated so much love. Like you, I wanted more. Thanks for bringing this drama to my attention, koala.

  12. Agreed on the whole thing. o/ I seriously can’t wait for the dvds. I’d like to rewatch SH right now!

    If I have to criticize a technical aspect of the drama, which, come to think of it, is not a flaw of SH per se, but of tw-dramas in general? Voice-overs that sound like they were recorded in the Batcave. GAH! Thank goodness SH didn’t have many of those cos they can distract me so much I even stop paying attention to what’s happening on screen (and to think they’re soooo easy to fix! *sighs*). Then again, maybe it’s a problem of mine. I’m not much fond of voiceovers even when they’re perfectly recorded.

    Anyway, you have no idea how much I cried when YY found out she lost her baby. There was a moment in which she was completely still, she looked numb and then, she lost it and omg, I’m tearing up again.

    YY+YJ are one of my favorite OTP ever! Thank you again for reccing SH!

  13. love that it’s not too overly dramatic and all the elements seemed to fit together.
    Mike He how i love oppa even more!

  14. Wow, you are on a roll and high on the Happy! 😉

    Haven’t read this recap yet because would you believe it, Real Life has kept me so busy that I haven’t had enough time to finish SH as the choices have been SH vs. sleep, SH vs. work, SH vs. subtitles duty, etc. *shakes fist*

    I’m making a must that I watch SH to the sweet end by the end of this week. LYF, wait for me!!!!!!

  15. “I can’t rate or rank SH because it’s in a class of its own. … heart-wise it PWNS legions of rom-coms.”

    AGREE . it was beautiful to watch . i wasn’t ready for it to end :]

  16. I don’t know if anyone mentioned this already, but at the last scene when Yong Yong calls Yun Jie to meet up before she leaves they were coincidentally wearing semi-matching outfits! 😀 Maybe I am overspeculating this but that made me go kyahh~ Its so cute! <3
    And once again, I apologize if someone mentioned this already 🙂
    Also SH has really been a good opening for my "drama of 2011" I can sense that this year will be great! 😀

  17. Dear ockoala, thank you so very much for recommending this ‘hidden’ and rare gem. SH deserved so much more publicity. I dunno why its not so highly promoted like FTLY. SH really brings out the warm feelings in the heart and I find myself smiling countless times while watching it.

    I marathoned the whole drama in less than a week and finished ep25 this morning at 12.30am. I am having a bad headache now. Due to my limited understanding of mandarin I had to rely on your recaps and keep on referring to them (a million thanks) to understand more. In the midst of watching I had to check your recap and sometimes I wish (sorry, greedy of me, but just so frustrated that I can’t understand what they say) you do the important dialogue parts. Lol

    Now I’m in a dilemma to rewatch or wait to buy the Spore set with eng subs. Please keep us updated asap once its available.

    I wish you had written a little more of Xiao Nian. At first I find it hard to ‘accept’ him as an eight year old (as every time I see him he’s like a 10yo) but his character is well written and well played. I like many parts that are so natural like what an 8yo will react in the situation. Also I love that he has such a sunny/cheerful disposition. One of my favorite scenes is when he ran away from home and played the game with the children. When he scrambled to find a chair to sit and he could not get it, he said cheerfully, “I guess I have to do it again” (or something like that). I wish I can go inside the scene and hug him! I replayed that scene many times. And YY’s scenes with him are so beautiful and natural.

    The only contention is I hate Wan Lan but not as much as the 2nd lead of FTLY. She really looks too old to partner Yun Jie which in a way its good, that our OTP is never really threatened! Lol I loved how Yun Jie is so firm with Wan Lan all along about his non-existant feelings. But all in, there is not much wickedness in SH and I think SH has the least.

    I have so much thots that its screaming inside my head but I’m not good at expressing in words. I so envy y’all who can just write and express all you feel.

    Thanks for all SH fans who share and I get to read and enjoy all your opinions. Lets spread this sunny happiness everywhere, this world sure needs it. Jia you everyone! 🙂

  18. Thank you Ockoala for the wonderful recaps of SH, TBH I have been dreading for this day to come, I did not want this to end… but I’ve also been anticipating you recaps… I’m so addicted to this drama that I don’t know how many times I rewatched my fave scenes… I hope that we get another drama that we can get addicted to soon…

    I love that this drama was so refreshing, it did not make me irritated like other dramas that just simply have angst without any reason…it was simple yet logical…That I don’t think I will find another drama as lovable as this in the near future…

    Again Ockoala many thanks!!!….

  19. Thank you so much, ockoala for introducing SH and for your superb recaps. You helped me find my way back to watching Taiwanese drama and rekindled the Mike Hee fan girl within me. It was ages ago since I watched T-drama and that was Why Why Love. And yes, though SH lacks a K-drama’s slickness and snappy attitude, it’s undoubtedly a rom-com which is very refreshing to watch. I can’t recall seeing a drama wherein the stepmother and stepsisters are that lovable and caring. The very rich parents-in-law are neither oppressive nor vicious as well. Even the second lead characters are not that unbearable though Wan Lan at some point pissed me off. But what makes SH memorable for me is Li Yi Feng. Thanks to SH most especially to you, my dear ockoala…. I came to know him. Woah!!! I never thought I’d be hooked with him too. I suddenly feel the urge of wanting to see more of him that I want to watch Happy & Love Forever. It’s just that it’s a 30 episodes drama and I’m afraid I’ll be spending sleepless nights again and find myself skipping meals. Omo…. ottoke?!?!?!?!

  20. Thank you so so so much for all those recaps that makes me wanna watch this taiwanese drama you are such a virus that spread rapidly to us! Lol and you know what i found the taiwanese version in youtube but does not have subtitle! So anyone wanna start watching with me again? 🙂 cheers and please recap some more interesting drama in the future!

  21. Dear Ockoala, Thanks for sharing this gem with us. I had been Mike-He-allergic and wouldn’t have watched it in the first place although I like Janine Chang (not the best actress but there’s something very enchanting in her). Li Yi-feng is now also becoming my fav 2nd lead and will watch out his new projects.

    The 25 epidsodes went by so quickly. It is light but consistent, heart-warming but not cheesy, subtley romantic, and the ending is perfect. Agree with all your analysis. Ready for a rewatch now. Thanks once again for the recommendation!

  22. Dear koala,

    It’s been a week since I watched the show non stop and I still find it hard to get over SH; I have been thinking why the show has affected me so much. What are the things that really matter in this lovely lovely drama? It does show familiar plots and tropes. There are dramas and there are dramas that say the same things and so arrive nowhere, never connecting with our hearts. But here, the actors’ habit (with the help of the director and a wonderfully written script, of course) is to make actions speak the things themselves. Actions, small gestures, glances and facial expressions are the means- the way to meaning. The meanings do not come from words, they come from the lives we see being lived. We catch on and are moved with the gradual developments as the story unfolds gently.

    The drama is without eccentricity, without experiment. It has no pretense, either of device or stratagem. It is full of rhetoric but the rhetoric is invisible. It is full of all the words that are not there (wordless eloquence, to borrow an apt term I recently read). Truly a nice piece of work.

    I hope there will another one so touching coming soon. Thanks once again for showing the way.

  23. Dear Koala,

    I just finished a marathon run of SH, it took me a little over a day, nearly non stop. It was hard to turn of my computer because every episode was great and left mean craving for the next episode. I totally agree, this drama is in a league all by itself. The chemistry between the OTPs were incredible. The acting from the cast was top notched. I enjoyed every thing about it. The beginning, middle and the end. I cried numerous times watching this drama because it was just so touching.

    I’m going to watch it again, but this time 1-2 chapters per day so I can absorb every word, frame and gesture.

    Thanks so much for the recaps.

  24. Ok, so I admit that before you – I had not come near a TW drama in years. I think the first and last TW drama I ever saw was Magicians of Love. I just could not stand the histrionics and over the top cutesiness of most TW actresses and I may be neutered and quartered but what little I saw of ISWAK on youtube MV – I abhorred!!! BUT I LOVED PLAYFUL KISS!!!

    so the point here being – I watched SH solely – and I mean solely on your recommendation and loved it so much that I have watched 4 more times since. I know it’s a bit much but since I am not fluent in the language at all and have to rely on subs – suffice to say it has been well worth it.

    So – 2 questions –
    [1] will you be putting up DL links – pretty please – a treasure trove of sorts and
    [2] as I understand it, SH is part 2 of a trilogy – is Part 1 – Happy & Love Forever or some sort [don’t really know the title] – worth watching.

    I do not want to have my perfect drama experience in SH shattered by watching the first part – and you have not said anything about it…….so?

    Thanks ockoala!! Eternal gratitude!

  25. Sunny Happiness was definitely my favorite taiwanese drama, and as others stated, I watched it straight (marathon). I could not stop. The ending is so uplifting that when I’m down I watch it over and over again, original version, english subtitled version and spanish subititled version. It puts a smile on my face and I throughly enjoy He & Chang as the leading characters. I would love a continuation or another drama with these two champs @ making us “feel good”. Sunny Happiness stops the rain in my heart and makes the sun shine. Definitely a must-see and I will rewatch when I complete my conversational mandarin course.

  26. hi,

    i just marathon-ed 25 Eps of SH in 2 days, so I came here to read ockoala’s thoughts on the last few episodes.

    i’m 2 months behind the release of this drama, but that’s considered “early” for me cos by the time I usually find enough motivation to watch a drama, it can be as long as 1 to 2 years after its release! The first 2 episodes really turned me off though, being chock-full of clichés! The typical rich boss-maid plot, kind-Cinderella story… Even the meeting between Yun Jie and Yong Yong – urgh! On a bicycle being almost knocked down by a car?? Didn’t that appear in Down with Love with Jerry Yan and Ella? The only thing that kept me going through the first few Eps is I recall ockoala’s review saying that SH is very, very good. I thought, ockoala cannot be wrong – I trust her judgment and opinion when it comes to drama reviews! And thank goodness, after that more originality and interesting plot appeared. But really, why do they put such a clichéd first 2 Eps? It’s enough to bore anyone!

    I love the OTP – the chemistry between Mike He and Janine Chang, and they look so good together! I don’t love it as completely as ockoala does “without reservations and without limitations”, but it’s a wonderful romance story that really made me feel there is love (a great accomplishment for a cynic as me who thinks true love is very rare).

    The only thing I want to mention about the ending is, I think it’s too brief and rushed, and does not do full justice to the drama. I particularly dislike that part about how Tian Yu Group’s financial crisis was resolved and the abrupt change in Xin Jie’s behaviour from a spoilt rich man’s daughter to a suddenly amazing growth in her maturity – what? After one talk with Yun Jie (a person she’s not close to) who tells her that forgiving is easier than hating someone, she grew up so fast? That’s quite unconvincing to me. And as for the happiness between the OTP in the final ep that I was looking forward to, well, the sweet, sweet period is simply too short! I wish I could see more of their loving moments!

    One last comment, by the way, does anyone else think that Mike He looks absolutely NOT-handsome when he cries? Just stick to cool or smiling please….

  27. omg, I can’t believe I just discovered your site! Finally, someone who recaps decent taiwanese/chinese dramas. Your recaps are absolutely wonderful!!! I also LOVED SH. A lot of times, I feel TW dramas are a bit lacking when compared to Korean dramas, whether it’s the acting, or the production, but SH is by far one of the best ones I’ve seen. The story was SO fulfilling, and I love the OTP. Keep up the nice work 🙂

  28. Finally watched this drama. Marathoned it through Hurricane Irene! Irene was no match for my Drama Obsession 😉 (Luckily the power and internet did not go out).

    I really enjoyed this drama. The first 18, 19 episodes flew by which is unusual for me when I’m in a marathon. The last episodes got dragged out. I couldn’t believe our OTP didn’t accept each other till the last 5minutes of the last episode. Other than that though it was a great drama.

    >I liked that it talked about issues of divorce, abortion and remarriage in a really sincere way. I do wish it approached disability in the same way, but oh well.

    >Xiao Nian was such an awesome little boy! (The actor looks like G-Dragon when he was a kid) The actor did a great job. Very talented.

    >I loved the families in this drama. They really love each other and that’s so refreshing to see. 2nd sister is my favorite. She so loves her little sister 🙂

    >Some of the places they filmed were so beautiful, it makes me want to visit Taiwan and wherever they used for Mainland China. The view out of the apartment Yun Jie got Yong Yong in Mainland China was just beautiful with a little island out in the bay…

    >At times I loved Yong Yong and at other times I wanted to strangle her. I don’t know anyone so self-sacrificing that they hurt themselves and the person they love (Yun Jie) for such an undeserving person (Wang lan). Her case of Noble Idiot Syndrome was one of the worst I’ve ever seen. It was like she was incapable of believing she had a right to Yun Jie for the simple reason that Yun Jie had chose her.

    >Wang Lan was the character I had the biggest problem with. She was just so weak and selfish throughout the whole drama. I disliked that Yong Yong still only accepted Yun Jie after Wang Lan “gave her permission to” via Wang Lan’s book. Wang lan just didn’t make sense to me. I know people like her exist, but she was very frustrating.

    Overall just loved this drama. It was filled with really wonderful and memorable characters.

  29. First of all i just want to say that I’ve read a lot of your recaps and you have helped me form one obsession after another. The most recent ones: dream high, you’ve fallen for me (although there was room for improvement) and SH.
    But this is the first time I’ve actually placed a comment. I Have to say I simply love/adore/ (whatever you want to call it) your recaps!

    That being said I also love this drama. I’ve seen a lot of drama’s with mike, but this is one of my favorites. The only problem I had with this drama, besides the obvious wheelchair fiasco and the miscarriage, was the actor who played yong yong’s father. I don’t have anything against the character itself, but I couldn’t get over the fact that it was the same actor who played the creepy stepfather who sexually herassed his stepdaughter and the stabbed the male lead in autumns concerto. I kind of feel bad for the actor, but I’ll never be able to see him as any other character. I’d probably run away screaming if I we ever to meet him, but that’s never going to happen, so the poor man can go on with his life without a lunatic who may even kick him :p

    It’s kind of strange cause I’ve never had a similar problem, but he just really creeps me out.

    Anyway……. I’ll stop talking now 🙂

    Once again good job on your recaps!

  30. Thanks for your recommendation and recaps, it helped me go through the parts where I just wanted to ffwd. I loved it at the beginning, but the novely wore off towards the end. At the beginning I found that I was enjoying the cliche (Cinderella, marriage contract, etc) because the cliches aren’t typical ones. For example how the step-mother and step-sisters aren’t acting like Cruella deVil. Towards the end, however, the cliche became too typical and I got disappointed for each curveball that came along. The clingy ex with added clinginess by unfortunately caught herself in a wheelchair-bound accident, the miscarriage, the “I don’t care how I feel and how my other half feels, I am a saint so I have to behave as such, self-sacrificing for all” attitude from our heroine, it was too much in the end. I had to admit I ffwd quite a lot the last 5 episodes. Your recaps did help otherwise I would have gone crazy. I was even expecting Wang Lan to turn around saying “Ha ha! I was faking my disability this whole time, you suckers!” just to add insult to my woes.

    What I think is excellent was Xiao Nian’s portrayal of an 8 year old boy. Lots of dramas tend to make the little kids talk like big kids and understand a lot of things. This one wasn’t. It was very close to reality as possible, in my opinion, and I thoroughly enjoyed watching how adorable he is.

    What I also find lacking is the chemistry between our hero and heroine. Yes, I find myself believing he loves her. Yes, she’s also proving to be loving him. However I didn’t get the whys and the attraction. In the middle of the story I almost half expected him to sway towards Wang Lan for whatever reason (pity, guilt feeling, responsibility, or what not). He used to love Wang Lan, and Yong Yong could very well be another one of those past love. I felt the chemistry forced and not natural. Matching clothes does not always equate to good chemistry.

    The ending. Oh how it killed my spirit. Must they go through the checklist to make sure they don’t leave out anyone else? I hate it when they do that. A little bit is okay to tie up loose end, but they sure overdid it with this series.

    What I also enjoyed was the sibling relationship between the brothers, and the step-sisters. The bit when the orphans were crying was also tearing me up.

    The drama has its moments, it could have been better.

  31. Koala,

    I am truly an SH fanatic.I dont know how many times I’ve watched and read your recap yet I feel so giddy and happy everytime. It is really a feel good drama. I truly missed Yong yong and Yun jie. I wish they’ll have a sequel.
    I would also like to thank you for all your hard work. I became your avid fan should I say.



  32. Hello! I just finished marathoning Sunny Happiness, after reading you mention it so much in your recaps for Drunken to Love You. Ten years ago I was the biggest TW-drama fan (I started on Meteor Garden) and over the years I watched a lot of Rainie Yang. I got hooked on Devil Beside You and Why Why Love — but as the years passed I forgot about my T-drama days. 😀 Thankfully I got into it again because of Rainie, this site and… wow, Sunny Happiness!!

    Truly, I love a great love story. That line you said about rom-coms, that rings true for me too… that in books or tv or movies, it doesn’t matter what plot they used to get there. Actually, there aren’t that many truly “original” plotlines to use in this day and age. What truly matters is that they are believable and sincere, and in this case Mike He and Janine Chang were really great in that respect.

    I also loved that they made the secondary characters also as believable and not cartoonish. They could have easily made the stepmom and stepsisters evil and make them mistreat Yong Yong, but instead they gave Yong Yong a true family. I think it’s wonderful that they made the characters in this drama real people, and not just characterizations of stereotypes.

    Thank you Koala for recapping this and praising it to the high heavens, because if you didn’t I might not have lasted the 8 episodes it took for the story to really get into gear. And I might have missed half my life.. who can stand it? LOL. Anyway, thanks and jia you on your future recaps and news… I’ll just be lurking around. 🙂

  33. Thanks to your 2011 review of sunny hapiness I just marathoner all 25 episodes of is amazing drama. Now I’ve even learned how even to say I love you in Taiwanese mandarin.

    Like you this drama was never over the top and treated all the issues in a very mature and subtle ways. There wasn’t drama for dramas sake everything just fell into place. The reactions and actions of the characters made sense.

    Gosh I loved the brotherly love in this drama. I’m so happy that they didn’t make the brothers hate each over yong yong.

    Tis drama will hold a special place in my heart and your right its comfort drama. Similar to that fool every time I watch it just makes me smile and love life, gives me strength to keep living.

  34. Thank you so much for recapping! The last episode was blocked in the USA and it was so frustrating because I loved this drama and then I couldn’t get the last episode with English Subtitles. Thank you again, it is great to know that everything turned out well.

  35. Had a small drama drought feeling recently, and so I’m still re-watching in 2015! I remember watching this when it first came out and absolutely loving it for the amazing thoughtful characterization and having no one else to share it with! Mike He was truly great in this and I love that each of the characters (apart from Wan Lan) had their heads on right and were mature about their relationships. So happy to see that other people had enjoyed this little gem of a show too 🙂

  36. I just finished marathoning it again over the last two days, and Sunny Happiness has worn well over the last 5 years. I don’t know where Mike He is headed with his career, but this will surely stand as a testament to his Drama King title. <3

  37. Hi! Found your blog while desperately searching for Episode 25. What a disappointment that I couldn’t find it on youtube. However, I did find your recap which I Loved! I would have appreciated seeing the ending for myself,but at least I found out what happened in this drama. Totally agree with all of your opinions of the drama and loved reading some of the comments. I can see that here I will have good company because obviously everyone here is as freakishly addicted to these dramas as I am!

  38. I obviously am coming very late to this drama. I pretty much gave up on T-dramas and then figured out I needed to go back a ways and thus ended up watching MARS, Devil Beside You etc. This no drama drama, while not perfect, shows such a grounded, nicely paced love story. Yes, there was some unnecessary angst and noble idiocy in the last 4 or so episodes, but even those issues were dealt with in a low key way. Probably Mike He’s best performance I’ve seen thus far. I feel fortunate to have found it subbed on You Tube.

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