
49 Days Episode 4 Recap — 22 Comments

  1. But today no.1 drama Royal Family only manage to get >11% rating, so 49 Days in 2nd place get >10 wasn’t bad IMO. It’s the only one which rating up. And its beat Thorn Bush Bird already.

  2. thanks for the recaps. i just came across your site recently after starting to watch sunny happiness with the lovely janine chang (i’m a dramabean addict but, unfortunately, she doesn’t cover tdramas).

    maybe it’s because there are no other kdramas that currently interest me but i’ve really been enjoying this series so i’m glad you’re updating as quickly as you do even though your experience is not quite as enthusiastic, yet. the editing, as you point out is a bit choppy but this, along with the ost, don’t really bother me. in any case, i hope you continue to recap as quickly as you do and give us glimpses of any previews in the future. I’m really curious to see what the background stories of these characters are and how everything will be resolved.

  3. You are not the only one hoping for Kang-Yi Kyung couple!! I’m hoping the plot will develop that way too (though I can’t think of how – that’s the work of the writer, heh) and am definitely waiting for more stories about Yi Kyung (i think the first 4 episodes can end up well as a mini-story for Ji-Hyun; time for Yi Kyung)!

    • sorry but I need to add a point that CH has valid reason for having a number of episodes for setting up as it has so many characters and each has their contributing factor (plus it takes time for people to digest the not-so-familiar political scene, albeit the interesting fact that once CH is over there has been a flux of president-related dramas); whereas for 49 days, it really wasn’t a “difficult plot to digest” so the flow could have been faster (though I’ve expected worse and in reality they “exceed my expectation” already haha)

      (am getting excited at the mention of CH hahaha)

      • you’re not the only one who gets excited at the mention of CH!! hehehe… 😉 i just finished watching the drama and i’m still basking in the wonders of that perfect OTP!!!! *squeeee!!!

        oh and Koala – you are sooooo right. the ending to that drama is everything a viewer could hope for and MORE!!! gyaaahh! SO GOOD!!!! 🙂

      • @ Su3

        It’s my opinion that the beginning of CH is brilliant. It’s not even slow or purely for character and plot set up. It’s rich in subtle details yet funny, fast-paced, and incisive.

        I didn’t reach this conclusion until my CH rewatch, and since then I’ve watched CH so many times I can quote dialogue.

        What I meant to say is that the general consensus is that CH has a slow beginning and doesn’t ratchet up the story proper until about 4 episodes in. While I can understand that perspective, since I had it myself, I merely meant to say that 4 episodes into 49 Days gives one the general feeling that a lot of folks feel about CH.

        But it’s not my view – I think CH has a much stronger beginning than ending, IMO, despite my unequivocal love of the ending of CH which is about as perfect for a fan as any drama I have ever seen.

  4. Just feel good to meet fellow CH lovers here (sorry i know this is a 49 days post =P)

    Dee, I guess you may re-watch CH soon haha (I’m trying to force myself re-watch it in a slower pace since I was so absorbed in the drama for the first 2 times that i watched it that I feel I’ve missed some delicate points of the drama – although the heated and meaningful discussion @ dramabeans provides loads of insights already)

    • yep will definitely re-watch. but i might just bask in the overall feel of finishing the drama and savour it.. and when the need to re-watch it, i definitely will!! hehehe

      and yes it feels good to find others who like CH! even if this is a post about 49days! lol.

  5. Well, I don’t think the drama will go with the aim at Kang – Yi Kyung happy ending. It’s almost impossible. He’s sure falling hard for Ji Kyung but it’s all because of Ji Hyun and has nothing to do with Yi Kyung except her shell. If Han Kang just chose the face rather than the character, then it would ruin the whole story about his pure and true love (for Ji Hyun), which the drama is trying to prove, as the opposite extreme to the fake bastard Min Ho. Yeah, right from the start, it is so transparent to me that Kang loves Ji Hyun and has always loved her ever since high school days. I’m also sure that the girl he came back for was her, but he was a little too late. So I actually can’t see why you’re looking forward to the making of Kang – Yi Kyung couple, koala ^_^

      • Cool… but just a wishful thinking, imo, which of course I won’t complain if it does come true ^_^

    • obviously, Kang loves Ji Hyun since high school and that she’s the girl he came back for. nevertheless, just like ockoala, i’m looking forward to Kang – Yi Kyung couple as well. 🙂 it’s possible that their everyday interaction would develop into something. isn’t it? and just what Rockz said, Ji Hyun will go with the scheduler after the 49 days. i’m thinking that way too. they look good together anyways. heheh!

      • Why do you guys want Ji Huyn to be with Scheduler I wonder? I am also hooked on their so adorable relationship, but JH ends up following him and leaving her desperate parents behind on their own, especially witnessing their endless pain and tears for her? I don’t think it’s a very nice idea…

      • Did someone see this picture where the characters’ relations are visualized…it says that Scheduler is ACTUALLY Yi Kyung’s brother…uhuuuuuuuuuuuuu. :DD
        So my theory: Yi Kyung turned out like that cause her brother died in that car accident, and that brother (somehow) became a Scheduler (what do I know what it does require to become one…? xD)…then we get some drama towards the end of the drama (oh the irony), cause Ji Hyun can only find two genuine tears (in my opinion…Kang and that other friend of hers, Seo Woo), and so Ji Hyun needs to die, SCheduler goes all “UUUH SHIT SHE’S ACTUALLY IMPORTANT TO ME D:!” …cries a genuine tear for her…kabooosh she can become human again (well, Scheduler isn’t human, but the fact that he used to be Yi Kyung’s brother PROVES that he was once a human as well, so…that does count, right?! D:) …then Ji Hyun goes all S*ob sob I won’t be able to remember you then though sob sob* then there goes the magic and Scheduler comes back to life, so Yi Kyung can be happy again as well and yush…no one is left behind.
        I know, that sounds weird, but dun forget this drama’s genre IS fantasy. XDD
        As for the couple…I totally support Ji Hyun x Scheduler, but I fear it won’t happen… the Scheduler is the “device” to bring Yi Kyung back to happiness again, not a love-object. Sadly, cause I would totally choose him if I was Ji Hyun…he’s just so adorably cute. XDD Even my SISTER said that he was awesome and sexy…and hey, my sister practically HATES the outward appearance of asians…she was like”If you EVER marry a korean, I’m fine wiht this one, and ONLY this one, got it?! :DD” …so yush. I hope we get SCheduler x Ji Hyun, but I doubt we will DDD:

  6. Hmm yeah I noticed too that Kang likes Yi Kyung but I can`t keep but wonder who exactly he likes since Ji-Hyun spirit is in her. Is it possible for him to fall for the real her? The thing is that I like the character of Ji-Hyun only when is played by Yi Kyung…

    Sadly if my prediction is right – Kang would end up with the real Ji-Hyun. I think he started to like Yi-Kyung for the reason that she reminds him of Ji-Hyun.

    Can`t wait to see what will happen. I cross fingers for Kang-Yi Kyung couple as well.

  7. “Am I weird in hoping that Han Kang and Yi Kyung are the end game, not some variation of Kang ending up with the resurrected Ji Hyun or falling for Ji Kyung.”

    Nope you’re totally not! I’m also hoping for that and I can’t wait to find out more about Yi Kyung’s story. If Kang ended up with resurrected Ji Hyun then that would be so… predictable and predictable is boring. Truth to be told, I think he’s already falling for Ji Kyung but I hope he gets to know Yi Kyung soon and feel something for her too… now that would make it a compelling love triangle 😛

  8. “I’m glad it turned out the whistle in Ji Kyung’s bag was not the exact same whistle Ji Hyun had in high school, but was a whistle nonetheless that Ji Kyung uses in the same way – to summon help when she’s in trouble. That’s one less inexplicable inconsistency I don’t need to rationalize.” and so do i 🙂

    i knew it! the meeting of Ji Hyun and Min Ho in the woods and cinema were not coincidental and were all set-up by Min Ho and In Jung. i guess, the land has something to do with the unstable mind condition of Min Ho’s mom that’s why they planned it all.

    and no ockoala, you’re not weird in thinking that Han Kang and Yi Kyung are the end game. i’m thinking that way too. that makes us two. heheh! i’m having this thoughts also since ep 1 that the scheduler is Yi Kyung’s ex bf and his death is the reason why she’s in deep agony. and for some reasons, the scheduler sees Yi Kyung as if he doesn’t know her.

    this early, my prediction is that at the end of the story, pairings will be…. jaraaannnn….
    Han Kang and Yi Kyung, Min Ho and In Jung, and Ji Hyun and the most adorable scheduler. whahahahahha!!!!!

    • I like your predictions, hehe. ^^
      I hope the real Yi Kyung starts appearing more. I’m really curious to know all about her background story. There are so many things they haven’t revealed yet in this drama and it’s keeping me watching.

      Thank you for the recap, ockoala! : D

  9. I’m also hoping that Han Kang and Yi Kyung will end up together. I cant wait for Kang to meet YK as herself. I think anything is possible atm. I want to see YK’s journey as well because JH isn’t the only one who needs saving. Someone has to bring YK back to life too. Preferably our hero Kang 🙂

  10. you’re not the only one, ockoala. Even since their first meeting, I can see the chemistry between Lee Yoo Won and Jo Hyun Jae already. And the one who build up chemistry isn’t Nam Gyu Ri, but Lee Yo woon, so i feel it’s not fair if in the end JHJ will end up with the real JH aka NGR. Since I done see they have chemistry in my eyes. Jo Hyun Jae look better with LYW.
    I hope Kang will meet the real YK, interact with her, and can make her dark life become shunnier with his warm personality.

  11. You are not the only one! It’s an old comment but i just finished the k-drama and i grew attached to kang and i-kyung i just shipped them more and i can see more the chemistry. They are actually the one who build the chemistry. But I don’t exactly disagree on the ji-hyun and kang feelings but in those 49 days of her journey she always appeared as i-kyung and I can’t deny that there is so much chemistry for i-kyung and kang. In the last episode, I’m not too cruel and i also considered all of their feeling scheduler and i-kyung and kang and jihyun. But i am actually hoping for a better ending, if they couldn’t make the couples together, they could have at-least give a better ending for those two who are left behind in this world, as a recap on the last 20 episode, sheduler says something when the doctor comes in, in i-kyung’s house like he doesn’t deserve i-kyung, it’s like he is accepting that someone would take his place and would be there for i-kyung and as for the ring that he is hoping to give on i-kyung, my heart is breaking for him knowing that life and death can’t ever be one as together, when he throw that ring that he wears and the one he gave to i-kyung and he wishes happiness for i-kyung i know that he knows that there is somebody that will love i-kyung other than him. And as for ji-hyun and kang, their relationship is also sad because their relationship only grow for only 49 days and he is hoping that she will live but she also dies, it’s really painful knowing that you can’t be with someone you love and you are only given little days to see and love them. I am happy that i-kyung choose to be happy more like the scheduler says, she also need to live her life because he cannot be happy knowing that i-kyung is unhappy And also she reunited with her family and i hope she gets more closer to them, and as for kang he is also starting to finally let go for ji-hyun and focusing more on his career. I actually hope more for i-kyung and kang to be together cause they are the one who remains and i actually hope that he will love her as i-kyung. And if they are both will marry someday , I hope they will be the endgame cause I can’t see other people being with them.

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