
49 Days Episode 6 Recap — 8 Comments

  1. Thank you for the recap~

    It seems all Kang did was thinking about Ji Hyun, being nice to Ji Kyung, thinking about Ji Hyun, being mean to Ji Kyung… on and on. I like Kang, and I like the actor, but the writer seriously needs to do something with him. Min ho, on the other hand, is getting more and more interesting.

  2. Thanks for the recap! I hope we’re off the Kang/Ji Kyung merry-go-round and on to some plot movement. If something doesn’t happen soon, I might walk away from this drama despite my love of the premise and interest in the characters.

  3. I think I’m more into 49 Days for the relationships than the plot. Because honestly, the plot isn’t that great. However, the interactions between everyone ARE interesting, and I find myself really, really liking how the Kang/Ji-kyung line is developing. Yes, the moments are a little repetitive and getting kind of annoying in their frequency, but I’m totally digging conflicted!Kang. Jo Hyun-jae has great expressive eyes and expressions that are really wowing me. And of course, any Scheduler/Ji-hyun interaction is hilarious, though in this episode things got a little more serious. (And YAY for backstory on the Scheduler!!)

    I also really like the OST and don’t find it obvious or overworked at all. It’s different from most OST, more instrumental and less pop song-ish than most dramas, which I like. Plus I find it rather whimsical, in a pensive way (is that possible, or am I just making things up?), and not distracting or jarring at all.

  4. Min Ho bothers me, you know, more so than any lying, cheating, manipulative scumbag would. No, really. His actions at the beginning of the ep just scream, “Take responsibility for the lust uncomfortable feeeeelings you cause within me with your inexplicable looks and shifting attitudes!” What is this, I can even, what.

    Aaaaaand then he does The Creep (haaa!) on her, strong-arms her into his car, and then offers her job? Maybe this is partly because he got her fired, but I’m betting it’s mostly because he’s totally got the hots for her and wants to figure out why. I get feeling guilty about that, but he does understand that he’s officially engaged to a comatose woman and then dating her best friend on the side? Can he just not be so douchebaggy and drag yet another woman into this mess? I don’t know, he’s so overwrought all the time, and it’s irritating.

    You know, all the men in this drama aside from the Scheduler are irritating. Kang needs to get his shit together and pull his head out of his ass because taking his frustration out on an unsuspecting woman — on an unsuspecting anybody, really — is not being manly, yo.

  5. “but I’m totally digging conflicted!Kang. Jo Hyun-jae has great expressive eyes and expressions that are really wowing me”

    I agree with this statement. I checked out this drama for LYW, but I ended up loving JHJ. What an amazing actor! And he’s the only reason I am still watching this drama.

    The drama itself has lost its appeal for me, development is so slow, so many useless scenes. I find myself nodding off as I watch, waking up only when I hear JHJ’s voice.

    Thank you for the recap. Btw, been a long lurker in this blog, but first time commenter.

  6. thanks for the recap!

    i’m really curious about what you consider a good OST? Do you have any OST recommendations? I don’t know much about music so I was just curious what OSTs or songs in general you would feel would be better suited to this drama.

    Anyway, thanks for the quick updates!

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