
The Cast of Extravagant Challange Attend Press Conference and Commence Filming — 20 Comments

  1. OMG, they at least got the casting of the male leads right. Big sigh of relief right there.

    Still iffy about Bianca Bai as Kanae, but we’ll see … I always like to keep an open mind and will gladly welcome any sort of improvement in her acting skills. Wonder how she will tackle the prickly-on-the-outside, soft-on-the-inside Kanae.

  2. dang…Choi Si Won can speak chinese too??!!…his hotness just rose to another level right now…..also Hayate Combat Butler will also be airing in two weeks right?..will you be considering watching it?

  3. I find it hilarious that the poster up there notes that Hae and Siwon are from Super Junior. XD

    But yayyyyyyyyyyyyy I am so essite 😀

  4. @V: Yeah, big sigh of relief! Now it’s truly official!

    OMG, Choi Si Won can speak chinese?! And good Chinese at that! That’s awesome~ Really hoping that there won’t be any dubbing then! Oh, my I’m getting so excited about this drama adaption~

  5. O M G! This is directed by 鈕承澤?! I have no idea. :OOOOOOOOOOO my PD/ahjusshi crush. Now my interest in this just explode.

  6. I am not a big fan of the manga (I don’t dislike it, it just didn’t grab me – it’s very episodic and not angsty/plotty enough for me) but this cast looks so cute, I just might give this one a go 🙂

  7. I definitely agree with you, I’m more excited for Tdrama than Kdrama right now. 😀
    and it’s a good thing it won’t be dubbed.

  8. Siwon-aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh~~~~!!!!

    Omo, I am so excited for this. It doesn’t even matter if it sucks! (Okay, it does, because Athena sucked and there just wasn’t enough Siwon to keep me going, even though he’s my ILU. But still.) I don’t think I’ve seen the two actresses in anything, but considering my repertoire of TW dramas is, like, six that’s not surprising. But I have no knowledge of the source manga, so even if they chop it up I won’t care, so long as the story stays consistent.

  9. HYPERVENTILATING!!!! I CAN’T WAIT FOR THIS… OMG My life has meaning now!!! Donghae!!! :#: AWJ$%I#$U%IDJRF#$(^I$&()JDF sorry if this counts as spam.

    I will have to keep myself entertained with something until this comes out…

  10. FINALLY, thank God! I feel like I’ve been waiting for this drama forever, I’m so glad filming is finally starting and all the craziness (hopefully) has stopped. Should be good, can’t wait for it to air.

  11. Yay!! I love skip beat.. But I can’t hate Sho if Dong Hae is playing him!!!! He is one of my favs frm Suju! And I really hate Sho lol Anyways, I will check it out for sure 🙂

    I don’t know much about the main girl but I actually don’t like Bianca much (that dress too is pretty bad)

  12. just curious..
    as far as i know their is no real 2nd female lead in Skip beat..
    I mean there are many females in the story that go GAGA over Ren and Shou but those female aren’t present permanently.
    I mean, the only other constant female character in Skip beat is s Shou’s manager, who has a platonic relationship with Sho as the story progresses (chapter 50 and up I think) and the other female character is Kyoko’s bestfriend Moko-san who isnt romantically linked to ren or shou?

    So my best bet is that bianca would be playing the manager, right?
    anyway I wonder how they will end this drama since the manga is far from being over like it is chapter 173 now but you cant see Ren openly and vocally admitting his attraction/love for Kyoko? or for Kyoko’s side, she still is confused with her feelings…
    koala, what do you think, will they end the story like the one on the anime?

    please please please.. can someone tell me…

  13. for those who didnt know .. siwon & donghae is not really learned chinese/taiwanese language they ‘ll have an interpreter which is hard for them to understand . so THAT WHY THIS is called the cast of extravagant challenge THEY didnt use SAME languages .. in the taping they’ll telling on what’s in script based on their languages for ex . in the scene that siwon calls ivy chen , siwon uses her korean language to tell what’s on the script on ivy chen and ivy chen replied to siwon using taiwanese language ..well it is hard for them because they dont use same language . (do you get it ?) that’s why they called this cast .. “the cast of extravagant challenge”

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