
Ultimate Bromance: Lee Min Ho, Kim Bum, and Jung Il Woo — 30 Comments

  1. Oh you have got to watch Return of Iljimae Koala! It’s the reason why I love that guy, JIW (I’ve also discovered other great actors in that drama, also, the best cinematography, in my opinion). He kind of reminds me of Joo Ji Hoon sometimes, not the way they act, but the way they look. There are certain angles that they look similar, even when smirking. So he plays the piano too? Another plus points for this fella ha ha! Yeah, Gu Jun Pyo is a classic character. Lee Min Ho really nailed it! I haven’t seen Kim Bum in other dramas though, other than BBF. The three guys really look like they love each other. Thanks for the post!

  2. I am biased, Kim Bum doesn’t have to compete. I truly believe he is better than the others. WWSWTM is great to watch over and over. He made Dream better to watch cause it was a stupid story and I am still wanting to see his movie but haven’t found it. Love the rumors that he might be coming back this year. Oh I forgot Rude Women and Haru. Looks and talent.

    • Its always cool to find three handsome lovely frnds i lyk lee min ho cos he’s so handsome ,kim bum cos his smile can make u crazy n scheduler cos he’s hot

  3. They are soooo cute and when they are together, you can hear noonas all over the world fainting or sighing. I’m so happy they found one another. True friends are difficult to find, but it looks like they were lucky.

    Of all the dramas mentioned, I watched all. I did drop BoF halfway through it though I really, really, really wanted to finish it for LMH. Then again, I watched the-drama-that-must-not-be-named for him so I may be excused. I loved The Woman Who Still Wants to Marry and RoI even if they’re completely different. You should really watch RoI cos it’s a gem, imho.

  4. The return of Iljimae my fave part Dara kissing him….oooh so bad it ended so fast they look good together for real….I like Dara she’s proper 🙂 Why did 3 pretty guys get all together shucks they’d blast the planets out of orbit with one deadly smile ROFL!!!! 😀 And yes this guys are my ultimate “hold on to your skirt it might drop when they pass” icon. I think Kim Bum has a girlfriend for real and Minho hmmm beats me. Now I know why Jung Il Woo feels so warm to me he looks like Sung Joo one of the little Korean guys I taught American english and he learned a lot of American slang from me, but he is adorable except Sung Joo is 8 years old and yes they definitely look like twins…LOL 😀 Sarang hae yo!!!!

  5. Hmmm I hope they’re not the kind that “I’m all over myself, narcissist” or else that face is such a waste, so where do I find a very grounded low maintenance artist who treats fame as an everyday ordinary task and all in the days work but not really me for real cause I have strict principles and values discipline!!!! 😉 I’d love to fall in line and meet him 😉

  6. yup i love the bromance of these 3!
    their friendship seems genuine and i love those kind of bromance!
    hope they would continue to be friends til they grow old and gray!
    and i wish they could do a project together! I think it would be a blast putting them together!

    and side note, i recommend that you watch return of iljimae of jung il-woo, i love him as the scheduler but him being iljimae you will see the other side of him!

  7. Whew! This bromance is just screaming for a fanfic… Tee-hee. But Kimbum’s most memorable role for me was his East of Eden stint (the first few episodes as SSH’s younger version). Man, was he riveting there. I was currently watching BOF (him as Yi Jeong) at the same time then, and I thought “are they the same person??”

    • Truly agree! Kimbum’s most memorable role for me was his East of Eden stint (the first few episodes as SSH’s younger version)!

  8. For some reason, this post got me to thinking about the so-called “new” generation of Hallyu stars. Maybe it was the Lee MinHo, Kim Bum F2 connection that got me to thinking about Kim Hyun Joong and how he has recently been compared to being the new Bae Young Joon. Anyway, for some reason, Kim Bum reminds me of the next Song Seung Heon. Something about the way they look, their small faces, and their overall image.

  9. Having a relations with your same sex isn’t bad. If they is something between them, then i would really be alright. Anyways, I, fan of Lee Minho, Jung Ill Woo and Kim Bum will not be affected in relationship that they for each other, even they are gay or not, I don’t mind, for as long they always make me inlove everytime they have their movie here in the philippines. ..

  10. i know this article is old, but lately i have been enjoying jung il woo’s acting a lot and while searching through the world wide web and spotting tons of cute pics of him, i can’t help but ask myself, if he isn’t gay. he looks quite feminine (which he can’t help, but it’s not just the face, but more the way he dresses and how he uses “accessories”). also, in interviews he doesn’t talk very manly – especially when he laughs.

    so, what do you think? still adore him though 😉

  11. I just found this after seeing the reference to the bromance with Jung Il Woo and Lee Min Ho and now it’s even Kim Bum?
    I think I’m dying of hot boy happiness.

  12. I love Jung Il Woo out of the 3. FOR me he’s really an actor,he ,he’s good in comedy,he’s very good in heavy drama ,in being a hero with fights scenes,in being a charming teenage guy…he can play it all very well. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND RETURN OF ILJIMAE..the best! Of course, 49days,Ramyun Shop,Moon embraces the sun and his latest drama Golden Rainbow. My God he’s performance is superb!!! I REALLY LIKE HIM..he’s talented as well and good in singing especially when he sang the OST for 49days, 2 songs from 49days drama. GOSH, so sad songs ,so heartbreaking! Love Jung Il Woo!!!

  13. I like you kim bummmmmm and your so cute you the best actor who cries emotionaly and i love you soooooooo much

  14. LMH just drives me nuts with that smile…I’d lurve to meet him personally. Kim bummie is so cute n that smile(*-*)…is for days. JIW is so adorable n funny.

  15. Long live the friendship! ^^ I love Jung Il woo and I’m glad he met friends that would support him. You know how messed up ent. industry can be.

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