Han Hyo Joo Goes Fit and Fabulous for Head Sports
I am a weak Koala when it comes to Han Hyo Joo. She hasn’t done a single drama I’ve loved (thought Brilliant Legacy came close), her performances range from perfunctory to poke-my-eyes-out bad, and yet I love this girl. I think it’s her girl-next-door looks and bright personality that make me love her in real life, and all that love transfers into goodwill for her projects, even if you cannot pay me to continue watching Dong Yi. Han Hyo Joo’s Spring/Summer ad campaign for Head sports is out, and it’s inspired me to up my exercise regimen if I ever hope to look as good as she does in sporting attire.
What are you waiting for? Strap on those running shoes and head out the door. I’m going to have to build up my stamina for those upcoming May K-dramas.
ohh I liked dong yi so much. Her couple with JJH was so cute! Watched DY because of them ^^ and also my hot BSB!
But ockoala, why you didn’t like Dy?
I tried watching Dong Yi, the storyline was interesting but I can’t stand her character solely because she apologizes way too much. I really dislike characters that apologize a gazillion time when it’s not even their fault. It just make them seem weak.
Well blow me down all hot and ready to sweat, I’m loving the blue and white jacket get up 😉 Ok I’m running the treadmill in my dreams I woke up all sweaty, anyway everyone I know is heading for the beach to work up some tan and I’m just practically sulking in tragic thoughts of not joining mah peeps…. waaaaahhhhh yeah let me wail like a brat for a while…. I hope your up for a summer beach collection one of these days….yummy 😉
Yikes! I would not have recognized her as the lead in Dong Yi, what a difference some work-out wear makes. I would buy this stuff in a heartbeat, if I thought it would make me look half-as-good as she does.
i like han hyo joo