
City Hunter Releases Second Trailer and Additional Stills — 21 Comments

  1. Well the drama Plan B managed to have both (rom-com and thriller) so it’s not the first time we see this, it can work ^^

    • actually Plan B didn’t work that well (see the ratings)
      however I liked the trailers and I like the movie City Hunter 1993 – when comedy and thriller and playboy wasn’t a very happy mix
      what I hope is that CH to keep me on the tips of my toes – I was rather bored in first 4 eps of Plan B and when it got better I already gave up on it – no matter my love for both stars Lee Na Young or rain

      in a way this genre is a bit risky -Athena didn’t work well too , but IRIS – was more than hit ( if I think it well even I’m a fan of the genre – I just can’t watch the Korean execution – IRIS was a total bore for me – and somehow I liked Chuno(as dark, edgy and underground) but it wasn’t an obsession as it was in blogosphere)
      on the other hand there are so many light rom-coms this month that Ripley and City Hunter will be just food for the angst/dark- hungry ppl

      • Agreed…I didn’t like Plan B either but Rain’s character was not bad ^^
        We can only wait and see.

  2. I think this trailer is a least a little more coherent than the last. The tonal changes are a little crazy, granted. I hope this doesn’t tank, if just for LMH’s sake. Poor kid needs to find a good drama next time.

  3. I’m still kinda iffy on this drama. sometimes i can’t wait and sometimes i’m not interested. i guess i’ll have to wait till the drama starts airing.

  4. I actually thought this trailer was better than the first though I’m still not feeling the content. Even so, as I am Minho’s bitch, I will still be tuning in even if turns out to be more awful than I’m expecting.

  5. I don’t know what to think about this drama. Dumbfounded?

    I definitely agree that it’s an odd mix… thriller and rom com? I think that it’s important to remember that this remake of City Hunter isn’t going to be like the manga; or so I’ve heard. So maybe there won’t be any comedy at all and it will just be a thriller/ mercenaryesqe… something like a Man called God… which was an okay drama.

    It’s coming to a point where dramas that raise so much hype, many of them don’t end up being that great. Pre broadcast, through their star studded cast they heighten the shows popularity, but the show itself doesn’t end up being that good like Athena or even Personal Taste. I definitely didn’t think that Romance Town would be that good, but it’s kind of cute actually.

    Maybe it’s just my personal bias, but dramas that are actually well executed are the ones that many international fans don’t watch. I know that I keep on bringing up these two dramas as an example, but they’re truly exceptional, Giant and Joseun X files. The cast wasn’t that cute, minus JSW and KSH, but there some were great actors and the overall execution of the drama was good.

  6. The trailer plays like a cheesy romance novel, the kind that tries to conceal its genre by stealing the cover picture from a suspense novel and hanging out on the wrong bookshelf. But, LEE MIN HO looks so hot!! He’s running around in a tank top with a gun! Who cares why he’s doing it?! And finally, he gets to act opposite an age-appropriate actress he seems comfortable with. I ask for no more than that. Okay… maybe a shower scene or too, but that’s all. I swear my life will be complete after that.

    • wohooo!!! i don’t usually watch k-dramas until it’s finished. I don”t want the feeling of anticipation hovering around me, however, with LMH, i”ll do it! LMH makes me go back to being a high school teenie bopper. And for that, I am thankful.

  7. So the drama is gonna try to do some rom-com &then some action/thriller. Really? Honestly I don’t know if they’ll be able to do all that. That’s packing alot in a 1 hour time frame leading up to what 16-20 episodes? Good luck on that.
    I’ll still watch it because I don’t mind something like that. I actually love watching some good ol’fashion fighting/actions mixed with some rom-com but that’s for a movie only cause I don’t know if I can last watching the same thing for a whole drama. A 2 hr movie is perfect enough.
    I get what you mean about the chemistry too. I haven’t “felt” or seen it yet but I’ll wait til the drama actually airs &see if there is some chemistry. I haven’t read the manga so I’m watching this drama as a strictly drama-goer, so i don’t know the back history of the two leads. From the trailer I am assuming that Hara plays the “1st daughter” & PMY is her bodyguard correct?
    I still look forward to watching this drama 🙂
    Thanks for the updates

  8. at least they should make it appear like a product worth selling….both posters and the trailers have been meh so far….on the other hand…the cast is really wonderful…aside from LMHMG there appears to be some good veterans involved

  9. you know what? This trailer actually makes me want to watch it just to see if the WTF vibe i’m getting is there for a reason or not. Like, maybe this is what whoever came up with the trailers/posters were shooting for: the more confused the prospective viewers are, the higher chances to get at least a few to tune in just to shed some light on the mystery? IDK, it may be a precise pre-air campaign. LOL

    I really, really hope it’s not as bad as I’m afraid it is because LMH is so very talented and he should be in good productions.

  10. JAMKAN MAN-YO! Did mine eyes decieve me, or did I see Lee Seung-Mo (Park Sang Min) resurrected in this trailer??
    Dear lord, I don’t care for this drama at all, but if Park Sang Min’s here, I just might change my mind…

    • AHHHHH, Liesel, you have the eyes of a eagle!

      I went back and rewatched it in slow-mo, at the 18 second mark, pause it and you are totally correct. It is SEUNG MO!~ OMG, I dies, Park Sang Min in CH? Oh god, I hope it’s a cameo so I needn’t watch it all just for him.

      Seung Mo-ahhhhh, you never got to see little Jun Mo, oh my poor Seung Mo, it was always you who gave the most and got shafted the worst. Clearly Giant took a piece of my soul with it.

      • CH is definitely tormenting us- the hair, that suit.. THAT GUN! It IS our Seungmo! Oh Seungmo-ah.. What I’d give for you to be well and alive and wearing that suit again, teasing Gangmo… Running in the fields to Miju, laughing… *sob

  11. I found the stills to be really boring and LMH has the same expression. He is so handsome, so I hope that his acting kicks up a notch if he’s gonna pull this one off.

  12. Isn’t that guy.. ugh i dont know his name…the guy who was asked where that girl was to MH?? in romance town too?? with song yuri?? either that or the two look really similar to eachother..


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