
Official Stills of Jung Yong Hwa and Park Shin Hye in Heartstrings — 20 Comments

  1. Ooh, it is the first time I’ve ever commented on this blog. I love your blog and your recaps sustain me until the dramas are subbed into English. You are also so fast, it is amazing. LOL. I am also excited about Heartstrings since I liked both actors in You’re beautiful.

    your fan from Canada ;D

  2. I am looking forward so badly for this. I love both of them! I agree they look very good as a college students. Are you planning to recap this too?

  3. Last Pic reminds me when he played “Tea Guy/Towel Guy” from YAB days…..

    But i’ll be tuning in for this Drama!!!.. 😀

    • What does towel guy mean? Because I’ve heard Song Seun Hoon (?) being called towel guy too. I only get Kang Shin Woo’s towel reference, but SSH… not so much.

  4. I have this feeling (especially from last pic) that Jung hwa will make an awesome jerk-turned-loverboy hero..

  5. I’m a little unsure whether I’ll like this because I’m a hard-core Go Mi-namXTae-kyung shipper…but I’ll give it a go because it looks really cute.

  6. Even with all the dramas in May I’m really looking forward to this one. I loved Park Shin Hye and Jung Yung Hwa in You’re Beautiful! For the longest while I rooted for them (Shin woo’s silted acting and all…) Even though I new it was futile. At least he gets the girl this time :p

  7. So she’s classical music and he’s a rockstar in a band??? That is way cool.. :)) I am so excited for this!!

  8. I’m so excited for this show.. even more for the second pairing. Always have soft spot for So Yi Hyun and they’ve released her stills and she looks gorgeous as ever 🙂
    I’ve also have soft spot for Yong Hwa

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