
Baby Recap for Lie to Me Episode 11 — 127 Comments

  1. yey! that will keep me satisfied to sleep! thanks koala-unni! ^^ I thought Ki Joon is already proposing, tsk tsk.. Grrrr YJ again at the scene. I thought somebody already shipped her to Mars?or Pluto???

  2. Thanks u Koala.You are simply the best..I love it…feed into my hunger of LTM with full satisfaction…The love birds is just so adorable…my heart melts every time they are together..

  3. awww. love Ki Joon. i’ve been stalking your blog since friday looking for spoilers and i can’t sleep thinking bout ep 11 and 12. thanks so much koala 🙂 ur so great. thank u for continuing to believe in Lie to Me. Without you how can we survive… ahhhhhhh,…. ^_^

  4. oh my god i love this episode a lot.. it’s cute when KJ lipsync toward AJ… and how KJ do stupid and romatic things to AJ… OMG right now aim more more loving LTM.. and in the end i love how YJ look at them both…i watch it even i don’t understand the language but i just see how they interact..oohh so cuteee…

    can’t hardly wait for episode 12…and koala i will wait ur full recap tomorrow morning coz in Jakarta-Indonesia right now 11 pm….

  5. Thanks for all the hard work koala dear, I really appreciate this! Now get some beauty rest, you deserve it… 🙂

  6. SQUEEEEE!!!!! Thanks for the baby recaps! I am so happy with the development of their relationship. And that they are finally showing their true and honest feelings towards each other.

  7. ooh… thanks koala… I caught it live (spent the most part with a silly grin on my face)but totally lost as to what the wonderful couple was talking about!! Pretty satisfying epi after the long dry wait over the w/end. I totally lurve this baby recap of yours… need to be satisfied so I can go to bed and wake up to read your full recap!!

  8. I can’t concentrate at work lol, Koala ur the best ! thank u for the baby recap. totally forgotten all KJ’s faults he’s forgiven LOL am totally on the moon swooning this love affair. and I refuse to think about YJ for the moment, nor his aunt.

  9. i check in almost midnight here koala, i know how fast you can get…thanks so much, ill be able to sleep really good tonight, thanks for sharing to us

  10. paging dangermousie! You know those alligators we left sitting around someplace? Yeah, we’ll be needing them for Yoon Joo. They should be nice and hungry for some more second leading lady by now.

  11. Many thanks! Look forward to watch this very sweet ep. But I don’t want YJ and the aunt who may give us another heart broken ending on Tuesday which will keep us all anxiously for another week. Best is for YJ to leave in ep12.

  12. btw lurv, lurv ur banner. So cute, his expression priceless. . made me deliriously happy and her quote: I’m with him ! Thanks again for all ur hardworks and care for others here. : )

  13. I didn’t know this site exists until today!! woaaah …. I love it .. thank you soooooo much … it’s on my favorite bookmark now! woaah… can’t wait to watch the eps but this is so good … nearly .. nearly as good as watching it ^__^

  14. i so love LTM! AJ and KJ is such a cute couple! why wont YJ just return to Paris and leave the lovebirds alone. cant wait for episode 12! thanks for the baby recaps, ms. koala…

  15. the look on Yoon Joo face at the end…hehehe well that and the whole date, dress and everything is worth the angst that is approaching… i bet the next ep is going to be oh so silly angsty. think this time every single actor in the show will cry at some point.

  16. really love your recaps and commentaries, ms. koala! will definitely be on standby for your full review — and ep 12, of course! good thing i have schedules for tomorrow. that will momentarily keep my mind off Lie to Me, at least til i go online again. ^_^

  17. Finally !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I can’t stand waiting for Yoon Joo face after seeing Ah Jung and Ki Joon together.
    Yoon Joo your time is over You’ll be dead……

  18. Ah~! Thank you, your gracious highness…
    I start my morning in happiness!

    Yoon Joo, ha! In your face.
    I hope Sang Hee arrives in Jeju and ends up consoling Yoon Joo. Hope these two will get something started…

  19. thanks you!!!!!!!!! can’t wait for the complete recap – and where’s the episode?! Well, in a few hours we’ll get it. 😀

    TAKE IT SLOW???????!!!!!!! Where does that line come from? Are we in an american rom-com now? NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Please, DON’T take it slow btu GET A ROOM ALREADY!!! Ah-jung, this is not the time to be embarrassed! We’ll KNOW that the storm is coming so go ahead and enjoy your love while you can!!!

  20. Love you, Koala! Thanks a million. No matter how hard I tried, I just could not connect live to watch Ep 11. So, with your recap, I can sleep happy! G’nite!

  21. Thanks sooooo much koala. ur da best!
    I do luv this epi.. so sweet and adorable..
    I do like the jazzy song that KJ is singing along/lip sync..
    Can someone give me the name???

  22. Thanks Koala are the BEST, ALL ADORE this episode, feu waoo BEAUTIFUL, they make the best partner, dying to read your complete abstract.

  23. episodes are up in viki

    Love the baby recap, waiting for the detailed recap before episodes are out out with sub

    you know, even when episodes are out with sub, still love your take on the episode.


    • me neither, I think YJ will start her evil side again ( see from the preview ) unfortunately seems our AJ takes her word seriously.

      poor KJ…. just buy YJ a one-way ticket to somewhere …

  25. Tank u tank u tank u very much 4 recapping this awesome episode.
    Its so exciting tat they finally are confessing properly to each other 😀 :D.but since its just the 10th episode,they ll introduce some big big problems i guess 🙁 🙁

  26. Can somebody get me the number of the writer? First I want to treat the writer to a good meal and massage for all the wonderful AJ-KJ scenes… then I will demand the writer to ship off YJ somewhere and never make her return. YJ should get the butt out of this story!

    I so like this recap. Thanks! 🙂

  27. Thank you for the recap.
    Somersault huh?
    I was a puddle of squealing goo throughout the episode.The last scene….omg…the boy is head over heels.Finally!

    Thank god.I swear I was so trying not to be noisy watching the raw episode.I am so happy.Happy happy happy 🙂

  28. hahah Thanks so much Koala love!! I so called it. I so called it that Yoon Joo is going to witness an intimate moment with KJ and AJ. Bahahah, im so happy!! Im about to watch this without sub!! ahahah And then with sub, and then again until Tomorrow!! EP 12, keep it up!! And How dare Yoon Joo try to pull that “Dad, can you help Ki joon” card. WITCH!

  29. Shit, now im all nervous. I hope Ah Jung really keeps her faith in Ki Joon. And from what ppl are saying, it seems like YJ says something to Ah Jung in ep 12 to upset her. That #$%^&*. How dare she. Whyisn’tshewiththefishes!!!! GAH!!! im so happy, yet im freaking out because I know theres going to be more…More! Another issue. Yuuuuck!! Why cant they fight someone instead? Use their power of love to fight bad guys from interrupting their jeju trip?

  30. Thanks for the baby recap! It’s just what I needed to get through the day without going completely crazy not knowing what happened in Ep 11 due to my limited Korean. You are awesome!

  31. Thanks for the weecap! I can now concentrate on work… Well, maybe. If I can get these visions of KJ and AJ out of my head. 🙂

  32. epi 12 preview that
    AJ and KJ are suffering again
    Why Why
    Pls pls SBS can we see AJ AND KJ SMILING FACES
    rather than they suffer for nothing

  33. oh dear! oh dear! now I’m really palpitating hard I hope I don’t get heart attack w/ this drama. why is that woman still coming out?(YJ) even in jeju. I can’t wait for tomorrow’s epi. the last scene was sooo romantic!!! I feel like 20’s again (I’m 62). thanks for the baby recap Ms koala……….


      • i’m turning 54 and so happy to know i’m not alone in my age bracket who’s watching this.

      • I’m so glad that others are here! I was feeling lonely thinking I was the only older one that has a bad case of addiction to these dramas! We need an O40 (Over 40) Club. 🙂 So do tell ladies… Will you admit to a crush on a much younger man? lol Me? You betcha.

      • whew…and I thought I am alone with my addiction. I am 41 and totally giggling like a teenager over LTM.

        Crushing over younger guys – embarrassingly so. Hangs head.

        It does not help when your teenage son keep asking you to watch kpop with him and teaching you the dance moves and having teenage daughter keep telling you who the hot guys are.

      • Serendipity, my teenage daughter would say all the boys from BOF and YAB are the hottest things on the planet. Truth be told, if I was a teenager, I’d have to agree with her. ICOMYM indeed!

      • omg…ahjumma… you’re Daebak!! ^^
        I thought I’m the only old lady here (I’m ‘just’ 32) even Ms.Koala is having 2 chlds…I don’t think that she’s as old like me 🙂

        welcome to K-drama craziness…

    • I’m 57 and discovered Kdramas within the last year. I’m so happy to know there are others like us (with our wisdom and maturity – haha) who love them also. Lie to Me is my favorite right now – and you’re right, Elma, it makes me feel so young!

  34. Thank you so much!! You pretty much made my day!!!

    I love them so much!! It’s kinda ridiculous but I can’t help it!! They are so perfect together!! I keep getting shivers! <3

  35. I just need a place to rant … what’s up with Ah-Jung’s bad hairstyle and her make up lol? The make up artist deserve to be kicked where it hurts. What’s the point of wearing a beautiful pair of earrings and not showing them. The hair was not styled well. From the very beginning, even her clothing has always resembled – ahjuma. The gown at the end … a beautiful one but it was dragging on the floor. She would look so much elegant with a shorter one. If they were trying to transform her from an ugly duckling to a swan, then they have failed so miserably. So frustrating. The cinematography is also so bad lol. They got the actors right but … mess it up big time with the director, make artists and costume directors or whatever. It is hard not to look pass it all.

  36. they are so wearing couple outfits in this episode! reminds me of my playful kiss obsession and really how cute is KJ fretting over AJ?



      • I think Over the Rainbow is a bit overdone. Let’s hear it for Kelly Chen’s (I think) A Lover’s Concerto… just as wonderful…

    • Rainbow,

      Can you stop posting your comments in all caps. It gives me a headache because it’s like you are yelling at me. Thanks.

  38. kyahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!sooo excited for both LTM and DTLY recaps…wa!!!both dramas caused me a pacemaker!!!!having extreme palpitations already!!!thanx ockoala!!

  39. suddenly i want this episode to be the last one!! the ending was perfect it felt real and honest very sweet 🙂
    bringing in villans adding other ppl’s stories it seems unecessary this drama is so strange they take you to the highest level of happiness and suddenly drag you to the deepest hell
    i did’nt want to see a preview for the first time in this show somehow taints the pleasure 🙁

  40. I dont understand how Sang Hee could have went from “JJANG” to “SHUT THE HELL UP!” *ANGRY Face* I mean, he was so cool, so smooth and now I saw the preview for ep 12 and hes there whining like a baby. My gosh!! Gets me sooooo sooooo angry! Him and Yoon Joo really need to board the plane and fast. bermuda and the fishes are waiting!!

    • Well I’m hoping that will happen. I saw a spoiler picture KJ is in the airport I really like to see him escorting YJ and SH out of his and AJ’s life. they can comeback if they’ve already accepted the fact that they are together and happy!

  41. just saw this bts video of KJH fanning YEH because it was hot and rehearsing the ice cream song together…they’re adorable! how freaking awesome are they together?

  42. Haha, so if you super-slo-mo the part where Ah Jung is at the meeting and first cancels Jae Bum’s call, you can see that Ki Joon is still her home screen… TOO CUTE!!!

  43. This drama sort of lost me in this episode with all the foreign languages. It’s almost like a test film for any potential overseas casting agent to see them speaking in other languages. I know everyone wants to make it in the international market but it just doesn’t really fit in with the drama so much in terms of the story line between the two main leads. I’m kind of emotionally checking out of this drama now… simply my opinion…

  44. thanks for the bbcap…i do believe I loved this ep the most…only because it was mostly AhJung and KiJoon…
    i loved the last part…omo…what a beautiful scene and not only that, we finally get to hear their sincere thoughts and feelings about each other! finally!!!

    and yes, we have to worry about tomorrow’s ep since we know that there will be people who will try to rip them apart and separate our couple!

  45. What would I have done if you are not here koala… you feed my addiction and now I am in heaven… I will patiently wait for the “detailed” recap tomorrow… Jung-ie and Joon-ie you fit into a “T” and I wish you will be real life sweeties… and if that happens… I will be saving for plane ticket to Korea just to see you two for real… OMO, OMO, OMO

  46. sorry for the caps, i always put the caps on because it is more easy for me to looks up typing errors and easier to read. also,i did not double check words.sorry , i didn’t know u felt yelling.

    • No need to apologize. In the blogging world, all caps is considering “yelling” in cyberspace. Just an FYI on netiquette for your reference. I like to read everyone’s comments but all caps is akin to someone talking really really loud at a quiet party.

      • Hmm but Americans talk loud, anyway your fault you hype people soooo!!!! All caps seems to be HEY I’M A HAPPY BLOKE, and I’m not sure about the quiet part cause I had the impression that extreme emotions are warmly allowed in here, and get to be a woman in here, EMOTIONAL. Are people watchin????

  47. I know it is satisfying that yoonjoo witnessed the whole lovey dovey scene but at the same time I always hate it when this happens in kdramas. It’s like, it’s such a beautiful scene and then all of a sudden the third party comes into the picture, like I don’t want the third party in the picture, I just want our couple to be alone y’know? This constantly happened in 49 days whenever kang and jihyun are having a cute moment and then camera pulls back and shows minho looking on creepily, like ew.

  48. thanks koala….episode 11 so sweet…KJ transforms like a teenager boy teasing n chasing AJ like crazy….I can’t stop laughing hahaha………..

  49. Thank you Koala!!! OMG! I saw the preview, I love the preview but I’m kinda worried about what SH and YJ I dont understand a thing but I hope they are not plotting anything bad for our two love birds. And the worried face of KJ and his background were fireworks. I really hope that episode 12 will make us happy like episode 11. AJ stick with KJ. KJ fight for your love this time. I hope Auntie will not turn into a grinch.

    • Oh and one more thing I love the ending of episode 11, I know it’s little bit dramatic of me but I cried in the end. There has so much love!!!! and the songs over the rainbow and lover’s concerto…. really love it!!!!

  50. Thank you so much ockoala unni!!! Couldn’t start studying without reading this! Oh I so love our OTP! I’m so glad their relationship is into this stage now – the real dating stage. Yoon Joo, can you please take a hint and stop being pathetic! Let KJ be happy will you?

  51. I am so glad she said lets take it slow. Feels like real life, and he is not kissing her insane again , though i prefer the later.

  52. Boo! I want some tongue action, PDnim. That measly peck on the lips was a big disappointment. *rushes off and replays the cola kiss again*. You are like our own personal superhero, mother koala!! Cant thank you enough for all the LTM stuff!! Kumapta!!

  53. Thank you so much for the recap of episode 11 of LTM.
    I watched it raw at youtube, but the problem was it ended at part 4/5.
    I went to but I cannot watch it.
    Please, can someone tell me where I can watch LTM episode 11 completely???
    thank you very much for the help.

  54. I went to, too bad, episode 11 is not available to be watched at my region……I guess I really need to wait……..I hope by tonight I can watch it at Epdrama. Cross my fingers.

  55. Now to the recap!! OMG Miss Koala Unni, you do not let me digest this one and now another!!! Ottoke?? LOL

  56. i like the banner..thanks for the lovely recap..i haven’t watch it yet, i will watch it when i get home… thanks again

  57. eat your heart out YJ!
    oh my! the dinner is very lovely and KJ is just so sweet and lovable by giving AJ a dinner like that it only shows how sincere he is to AJ. love that scene! you can feel the sincerity, love and respect of KJ to have a relationship with AJ! so romantic!

  58. O.O!!!!
    I cannot wait to rush home y’all.
    I’ve been working like a dog for the past four nights, one more to go.
    Stupid adobe flash and computer being watched by the man!!! gRRrrrrrrrrrrrr
    oh, salvation, hunnymoon episode, please come soon!
    Thanks Koala for at least making my night bettter.

  59. hi koala, thanks for the recap. I just watched ep11 and boy, itss sweeettt..KJ and AJ really look good together.

    I just love this episode, though i believe i would have enjoyed it even more if the subs were better. I was able to find only one version of ep11 with subs on youtube :(. Anyway, i’ll just watch it again.

    Nice banner/header! Will be looking forward to reading more of your LTM recaps/updates. Thanks again! 🙂

  60. I will be so happy if they will end up together in real life… I just love them both. More project to come with the two of them

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