
Drunken to Love You Episode 18 Recap — 26 Comments

  1. That was an awesome ride! thanks koala!!!

    without your recaps and enthusiasm, I would not have discovered joseph chang and get to love rainie yang.

    Love it!!!

  2. The montage of their honeymoon is the sweetest couple time montage I have seen…so lovingly shot!!

    The OTP is so comfortable together they are like a real couple! Kudos to the great chemistry!

  3. Thanks koala for recapping till the end. I really am in love with this drama that I downloaded it to watch it again and again. 🙂

  4. Thank you for recapping till the very last 🙂
    I am crazy about this drama .. mainly cause of the 2 leads..

    The chemistry is over the top .. and bts .. was just wonderful to watch..
    Now what should I do to fill up this void of not seeing our OTP every week..?? 🙂

  5. thks for the recap as i had stopped watching this show since cup 12….really cant stand the dragging…but guess will just watch the finale as it looks sweet 🙂

  6. This has been such a joy to watch because of the leads (awesome chemistry) and your re-caps. Thank you! If it hadn’t been for you, I wouldn’t have checked it out in the first place. ^__^

    I’ve been holding out for the last two chapters to watch 17 & 18 together. Must admit it’s rather torturing having to do that, but I’ll enjoy the 2 hours it’ll bring me.

  7. Thanks for the re-cap all these times, it was time again to say goodbye (for now) after LTM with you, captain K! I don’t normally watch the BTS, but for some reason tonight I did – and if I may suggest everyone to do the same.
    Though I understood 85% but just to look at them two interact with each other, anyone could’ve guessed the chemistry between them. I particularly love it when Rainie goes really red when they’re all teasing her saying that she wanted to take another kiss scene with Joseph (… myself including ^__^) and Joseph teased her soo much, it was adorable .. donno if I could wish for these two to date for real, whatever it is, I am really hoping Rainie wasn’t the reason Joseph broken up with his g/f ! Thks again and Rainie & Josephn hwaiting!!!!!!

  8. Thanks for the recaps, Koala 🙂
    Just finished Sunny Happiness ( I know I’m slow) , watching all the BTS for now. Yun Jie and Yong Yong look soo cute together. I love DTLY, but not as much a Sunny Happiness 🙂 Ooops, I know this post is about DTLY, but I just got over excited when I saw the word Sunny Happiness 😀

  9. ockoala, i want to thank you for your recaps for this drama and other
    tw-dramas. I discovered tw-dramas after i loved kdramas. However, i found thier quality to be substantially lower than thier kdrama counterpart. But, the first call of dramas is to entertain, so i learned to always filter all the craziness and sit back and enjoy the drama for its awesomeness or laugh at its sheer stupidity. Good tw-dramas are hard to find, so i thank you for sharing sunny happiness (which i enjoyed) and dtly. if not for your recaps and ravings, i would have missed out on that piece of entertainment.
    in addition, my drama watching span many countries and continents. from african to asian to european to american and latin american drama. I tend to critique dramas with differing cultural lenses and try to find enjoyment in them if possible. I have enjoyed totally horrible dramas and loathed some well constructed dramas and i am not apologetic for my taste. all this to say, that it is a dirty thing to do when one question another person’s taste in drama. People need to remember that it is “different strokes for different folks”. So what drama you decide to recap, rant, or rave about will always be entirely up to you. I enjoy your site and your writing, and want to thank you for helping give tw-dramas another look after i was disappointed with some that i watched.

  10. Well said, Capt K! DTLY has been pleasant to watch – I didn’t take to the plot but like the OTP a lot. Even so, for me, it can’t hold a candle to LTM and HGJ-GAJ’s phenomenal chemistry.

  11. thanks for the recap Ms. K as i really love this drama because of the two leads amazing chemistry. OMG!!! they have a sizzling chemistry on and off screen.

  12. Thank you so much for recapping this series.
    I’ve discovered the world of TW dramas through DTLY; I must say, TW dramas IMO are very well done in terms of acting and production.
    Rainie, why you so cute. ;_;
    Joseph, thank you~
    SJX -LXR couple forever ;)!

  13. Well it was a good run and i enjoyed it. At least i have “Love Keeps Going” with Mike He. Does anyone know what’s going to replace this drama time slot?

  14. Thanks for all your hard work. I’m delurking just for the finale recap. I mirror your sentiments about this drama. Had it not been for this OTP, I would have given up.

  15. My favorite line of Taiwan slang is still “I am not your veggie/dish!” (I’m not your type.) I learned that phrase from Down With Love last year… and it still cracks me up.

  16. I viewed DTLY for 5 times already and every time I watched Xiao Ru and Jie Xiu act< it's like watching a real life couple genuinely in love with each other. I don't think that we should compare it with other TW dramas since every drama?story has its a unique factor that sets it apart from the others. Currently, we are watching DTLY here in the Philippines with much gusto!

  17. This is a cute drama…. but still my favorites are Autumn’s Concerto/Sunny Happiness – tied as first….

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