
Ouran High School Host Club Episode 5 Recap — 43 Comments

  1. OOOOOOOOOHHH Yesss!!! I’ve been waiting for your recap for an entire week. I also made all kind of sounds and noises while watching this episode… I made me giggles. Thanks Koala, for your great work.

  2. I was ridiculously excited when I realized that this episode was coming up (it’s one of my favorites from the anime). It really does highlight the growing OTP and shows more of Kyouya’s human side. He tugs at the heartstrings a bit, doesn’t he (just wait!)? His bromance with Tamaki is one of the best parts of Ouran.

    …and yeah, I definitely screamed during the Kyouya bed scene. It played out marvelously well in live action. *dreamy smile*

    • I was screaming. Literally screaming when he dimmed the lights and walked over and just grabbed her. I normally hate manhandling in dramas, but this coming from Kyoya left me speechless. I knew what he was up to, but damn was it insanely hot to watch.

      • Wheee, glad I wasn’t the only one! I kept replaying it, too. *blush* Manhandling is never okay, but at least Kyouya’s had a purpose. He wasn’t saying, “Me man, heed me!” Caveman definitely isn’t his style.


    Koala, you have GREAT taste in screencaps. Just saying.

    (Dang, I should’ve asked for Kyoya last time we talked)

  4. Wwwaaaaahhhhh!!!! Kyoya is so hhhooottt!!! and ssseeexxxyyy!!!! why can’t ther be 1 more Kyoya!!! Koala already owns him….

  5. Kyoya is hot!!! LOL I love him too!!

    I’ve seen the anime but I didn’t really pay much attention on Kyoya. I never really liked any of the boys because all of them acts childish. But for the drama, I’m totally in love with Kyoya. XD

    Thanks for the recap Koala!! ^^

  6. Thank you for the recap. I love this drama too. I can’t wait for later episodes to delve deeper into Tamaki’s past. BTW, I shipped Haruhi and Kyoya from the start.

  7. Thank you for the recap! That was the best episode ever! I was flipping out like a mad person and now I have severe second-lead syndrome. Even though I love Yusuke to pieces, gahh Kyoya!!!!

  8. Thanks for the recap.

    What I love about this show, and so many shows with over the top characters, is that when this show is done well, the characters may be cartoons, but their feelings are genuine, and they are as capable of breaking your heart as any character on a good melo.

  9. WHY did I have to read this right before the first class of the day starts?! Crap. Now I have to wait until later before I can watch this. ~le sigh~

    Koala-unni, with all due respect I am on your ship, too. Tamaki is much too annoyingly over the top for me to really love him, while Kyoya is just my type. But don’t worry, I won’t encroach on your territory. ^_~

  10. This is the episode I’ve been waiting for this episode!! And the one of anime final episode.. Even I end up not watching the whole drama I’ll definitely watch those two and the ending 🙂
    Hope they do the manga ending and not he anime…

  11. Haha I love this recap !! I knew you’d love this ep when I watched it a couple of days ago seeing as your a kyoya fan girl !! Me and my friend watched this episode together and we were squeezing so much !! xD

  12. I never watched the anime, but I was OBSESSED with the manga. In the comic I was all about Tamaki. In real life I love cocky overly goofy guys, so Tamaki was my ~dream~ guy. But after tonight? Helllllooooooo Kyoya. Stoic guys who become human because of a girl but then can’t do anything about it because said girl is in love with stoic guy’s best friend who is also in love with girl? Yes please!

    Just had to look up Kyoya’s real age. He’s 25…?!?! What. He’s got such a baby face I thought for SURE he was 19 at best. And then I was going to feel sad, and like a creeper.

    • Stoic guys who become human because of a girl but then can’t do anything about it because said girl is in love with stoic guy’s best friend who is also in love with girl

      That’s exactly what turns my insides into butter with respect to Kyoya. He actually needs Haruhi as much as Tamaki does. Which kills me already. *wails for my Kyoya*

      Shunsuke is TOTALLY legal. Of age, legal, a man, whatever. I think he’s the same age as my Pi.

      *throws confetti and goes back to legally oogling*

  13. I’m just wondering here-but it normal for rich guys in Japan to get their eyebrows super waxed like a couple of the leads in Ouran High? I know wearing makeup for guys is a bit more common, just wondering about the eyebrows since this is the first Japanese drama I’ve ever watched.

  14. damn, what is it with 2nd gut syndrome?? Kyoya is just so hott!! He is exactly my type, I too like nerdy bad boys with an agenda, they are just to sexy!! And that bed scene, you really did his abs justice, thank you for the fan service kyoya!! XD

  15. Thanks Koala for the recap. I have been waiting for your recap mostly because i wanna read your reaction to the episodes. Its always fun to read your enjoyment for Ouran. I felt like a high school girl when i saw this episode as I was actually covering my eyes for that scene between Kyoya and Haruhi! I also found myself squealing with delight throughout the episode!

  16. I read your recap of Ep 5 and decided to do a marathon viewing…just loved it…it’s my first experience with this type…it was great fun…can’t wait for the next episode…thanks

  17. TAKE ME KYOYA … 😀

    Anyway, this ep tops all, and not just because of the tension and hotness but it feels like the groundwork is done and the story is finally getting life. Like you said, taking how dramas usually go, Kyoya will most likely end up alone (aww) but before that I expect Tamaki and Kyoya’s fist fights and what not

    also I’d like to remind them self-defense for girls is possible

  18. Yeah Kyouya actually care for Tamaki more than it seems because Tamaki is more influential in his life than Haruhi:D but he never loses his realist self cuz he is Kyouya:D LOL love him:D hope they will do the episode about the Kyouya and Tamaki’s relation background with conveying the same effect as in the anime:D

  19. OK, I never really liked Kyouya all that much in the manga or the anime to be honest, but here… <3
    Kyouya is so cool here! 😀
    And I do think they have upped his role a bit as well.

  20. finally yusuke-chan has a chance to shine as main lead! I always liked him in every role, even in atashinchi whatever and especially in Hana Kimi. His face is so charismatic. *g*
    Thanks for the recap.
    Those too are really OTP.
    And I can read your enthusiasm now, it was fun to read. ^^

  21. Ohhhhhh, this episode. I remember it inspiring a lot of interesting conversations about how the story was treating Haruhi’s agency versus the boys’, and whether or not Kyouya’s method–pretend to harass her so she gets that she’s a weak female!–was, you know, a really dick thing to do or not. (I think it was. Seriously, Kyouya, wtf, man.)

    I don’t know, I felt that the lesson that was driven home, that Haruhi is inherently weaker than the boys by virtue of her sex, and that she should not attempt to solve her problems on her own but that she should call in the boys to help her was…well, problematic. I would have been okay with it had Kyouya said, “Hey, you look like a wimpy boy. You’re obviously not strong enough to take those guys on in a fight. Maybe you should have called in back-up.” But no, the gist of what was said was, “You are weak because you are a woman and therefore require rescuing.” Weakness is not contingent upon sex; Haruhi should not have been discouraged from solving her own problems because she believes that her sex makes her weak. I must confess, though, that I don’t exactly remember what was said in the manga or the anime, so please do correct me if I’m wrong.

    Furthermore, the entire attitude that the boys espouse, that it was Haruhi’s fault for getting thrown over a ledge because she dared to stand up for herself, smacked of victim-blaming. I know there’s context and I know they boys were just worried for her, but this part in what is otherwise a very girl-positive series really rubbed me wrong.

    • Great points, noozie.

      I think Kyoya KNEW it was a dick move to pull, and he wasn’t trying to be diplomatic or PC or any of that with Haruhi. He wanted her to get the point across that she ought to ask for help when coming across situations she (as someone physically weaker than most men – be it because she’s a woman or a really wimpy guy) cannot handle.

      I think the problem is that the drama/manga/anime doesn’t try to differentiate the point you made above, because it’s probably too sophisticated to make such a distinction when the story is pretty broad strokes to begin with. I’m okay with Kyoya’s move either way, because the intended target Haruhi understand what he was trying to get across. She didn’t suddenly turn missish or buy into the women need big strong men to protect them bullshit. She simply acknowledged that her was of thinking was too rigid and accepted that going forward, there might be instances where she needs the boys help, and she’ll ask for it.

      My 2 cents. I don’t think Haruhi will ever ever believe her sex makes her weaker then a man. I think she accepted that she was overcompensating, and would be more reasonable going forward.

    • The way I saw it was that the boys all saw her as a friend and would likely immediately ask her for help. But Haruhi not asking for help when help was so close by and her insistence of doing things on her own and refusal to show any sort of vulnerability in front of them seem to indicate that she doesn’t view them the same way. They were worried abt her, but she didn’t even realize they were worried about her until much later. If she really saw them as her friends, she would have said something to the effect of “I’m sorry I worried you” – which is a line I see a lot in manga. I was watching Biscuit Teacher and Star Candy the other way, when Gong Yoo’s character went and wallopped his best friend because his friend was in a bad situation (in huge debt- may have to sell his organs? watched the bootlegs with bad subs) and didn’t ask for help even though GY’s character was rich. Omg, i cried like a baby watching that scene!

      I think the whole “but you’re a girl. you’re physically weaker” issue was brought up to teach Haruhi not to believe in her own invincibility. (it’s true that girls, by nature of their sex, tend to be slightly more vulnerable to certain things and, while they are capable of doing everything a guy can do, they should also be more careful and vigilant).

      In the end, the guys also misunderstood her too. It wasn’t simple bravado, recklessness, or some principle of equality and independence that made Haruhi go off to confront those jerks on her own. It was just the way she had grown up – all alone and having to deal with things on her own and not having to depend on anyone. I really liked this episode because it had shed a lot of light on Haruhi, the relationship between between Haruhi and the rest of the gang, and how it’s all developing.

    • I agree, mostly, with you. Kyoya knew it was a dick move, and his words did come across the screen as “you’re a woman and inherently weaker than a man” but I also feel like this was the screenwriter’s fault (I also can’t remember how this goes down in the manga). As in, I don’t think that anti-lady message was intended, but it just wasn’t polished enough before it was filmed.

      But I also wonder if anyone would bat a second eye at that anti-lady message in Japan in the first place. It’s been a few years since I’ve studied Japanese culture, but I do know there is a national survey done every couple of years and one of the questions (for men) is: “do you want to marry a woman who has a four year college degree?” The last time I saw the data was….2008?…but the response was insane. I can’t remember the exact percentage, but well more than half of men who responded said they didn’t want to marry a woman who might be smarter than them. They were even intimidated by a woman who had a two year college degree.

    • Yeah, I’ve always been bugged by this episode – both by the boys’ reactions and Kyouya’s pretend-harassment. There’s a big difference in message between “You shouldn’t have tried to take them on, because you were alone and there were three of them” and “You shouldn’t have tried to take them on, because you’re a girl and they’re men.” And the show tilts unpleasantly towards the latter. I don’t buy that it was too fine a distinction for the writer(s) to make – if Tamaki (or whoever) had said something to the effect of – ‘it was dangerous to try and take on a group like that – you could’ve come for help’ or even ‘if you’re going to insist on doing things yourself, you should probably take a self defence course,’ – that would be fair enough, and would’ve avoided the whole strong!man weak!woman thing. (Also, the way that whole situation played out, I’m not convinced that it would have even been a good idea for her to leave the scene – considering that the situation could have escalated for the girls, and it’s not at all clear how far away the rest of the host club was. It’s not like she was the only person to be concerned about here…) Furthermore, I also don’t really see why she should have to apologize for the whole “You made us so worried!” thing.
      About Kyouya – not sure I have much to add (other than to second the ‘really, dude?’) except that I think the fact that he’s kinda into Haruhi at this point in the drama version makes the whole thing seem skeevier…

      (Erg, I hope this doesn’t end up posting like three times, it keeps giving me errors…)

  22. koala ~ thanks for the recaps . . . this has been my favorite scene in the manga . . . and choosing between the two scenes that you have mentioned above – i would choose a topless Kyoya (Tamaki and Haruhi are sweet together though ^o^) . . . hmmmm, is it OK for me choosing him? . . . huh? 😉

  23. Kyoya’s so hot in this!

    The Kyoya diving after Haruhi and Tamaki wasn’t in the anime or manga! But what a great scene of Kyoya getting emotional. However, I hope they don’t end up creating a love triangle. A hint of it is enough spice! I hope they delve into the Tamaki/Kyoya bromance. Their bromantic scenes in the manga make me tear up!

  24. Actually , the two main characters indeed Tamaki and Haruhi, but the three main characters aren’t Tamaki, Haruhi, and Kyoya, whole host club is, just saying because i read the manga and it isn’t just kyoya 🙂 but he is definitely tamaki’s bestfriend

  25. Thanks for this recap! It’s totally the best episode so far.

    I really love this drama, its episodes are short, sweet, hilarious and full of heart. Perfect pick me up 😀 Thanks koala!

  26. OHSHC continues to please me, I’m glad that they aren’t trying to mask the Tamaki-Kyoya bromance since it really is a significant part of the story, they need each other just to balance each other out otherwise they would be all ridiculousness and no cute

    and I love how the actors are all nailing their characters…great job

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