
Black & White Episode 7 Recap — 12 Comments

  1. this is the most, wonderful-est, awesom-est taiwanese drama I have ever watched. Even got my mom hooked. and this drama isn’t even her cup of tea! [she actually likes romantic comedies] but once she started on this drama, she demanded I stay up with her to watch and we finished it in 3 nights

  2. Yey you found a time-space-warp machine to continue recapping B&W!

    You’re the awesomest, time-travelling koala. 🙂

    You should lend your powers to YX because he shouldn’t have used an apology as a front for more lies!

  3. Thank you so much Ms. Koala. I’ve been waiting for you to continue recapping this show because I enjoyed so much reading ur recap than watching it subbed. Thank you and Godbless =)

  4. Pi Zi! Ying Xiong! ~cuddles~

    This is one drama where I care way less about what guy is with what girl and just hope that the two guys spend as much time together as possible. I love the characterizations in this drama, and I find it so fascinating that the more we get to know PZ and YX the more we see that PZ is actually the more reserved, quiet, cautious one, while YX is the one with the explosive temper and hotheaded personality who rushes headlong into very tenuous situations. There’s much more to them than is immediately apparent on the surface, and I’m eating it up. ^_^

  5. Thanks Lady K!!! I liked this ep. Though for a second, I really did think that Chen Ling and Pi Zi were going to hit it off. Ahhh oh well, I like Xi Ying. But shes more complicated, with the fact tha shes all in love with the other popo.

  6. Thanks for the recaps Lady K, you’re awesome! I started watching this drama per your recommendation and might I say you have fabulous taste! I’m already on episode 9 but with subtitles not everything is translated with the correct nuance so reading your recaps really helps.

    I can’t wait to see where they go..its so refreshing to not have any foreshadowing or plots that are made up on the fly. I look forward to each and every episode but at the same time I don’t want this story to end.

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