
Poseidon Holds Press Conference and Releases Five-minute Trailer — 18 Comments

  1. It reminds me that Park Shin Hoo wished ratings of 30% but so far his drama got almost 25% (that aren’t bad ratings) and they are leading their time slot… 🙂 but poseidon cast aim to 40% Holy! Good luck to them….

    • I like it as well. I love when men take fashion risks and the fit is just exquisite. The standard penguin suit is always mouthwatering and sexy but it gets super boring after a while.

      I think Shi young looks breezy and chic, although I do agree that the color doesn’t flatter her skin tone. I’m not crazy about cutouts but the nude color of the top tones down the conspicuousness of the cutout. The cutout shapes also mimic the armhole, creating a pleasing symmetry, and the black trim gives it an almost sporty feel when viewed from the side.

      • I hope so!! I especially loved that scene at the end of the last season when Castle confessed!! Eeek!! Even if we did have to wait a while for the next season but it’s finally here!! Also, I hope Beckett isn’t too injured but I guess she wouldnt be or else what would be the story.

        Anyway back on poseiden, I totally can’t wait for it to start because I really do adore choi si won and Lee shi young and I can’t wait to see them together!! ESP with LSY acting the lead for once + being badass!! Gah, I need someone to build a time machine!! I can’t wait!!

  2. ratings in the 40’s is ambitious indeed..they’d be lucky to get half their number considering that they’re up against two strong sageuks

  3. I am oddly attracted to the shiny suit – perhaps because Kim Hyun Joong wore it in black for one of his liner pics in his mini-solo album and practically sizzled off the page.
    Si won is looking especially hot and happy in the above pics – the whole gang looks pleased to be there.
    Have to agree with your critique of the leading lady’s ensemble – looks like she dressed herself and should have used a stylist. Oh, well. The important thing is that she can kick ass. 🙂

  4. I am dying to watch this drama!!!!!!! I totally Love CSW and I am praying for Lady Koala to love this drama too so we can get recaps… I will be happy with baby recaps to be honest!!! 🙂

  5. I bet you were wondering how long it would take me to comment on that photo! As much as I lub the man, HJS’s suit is not a good thing. It’s out of place here and the cut is wrong for him. I know he does love the fashion risk, but ooftah! OTOH, I love his hair. 😎 I was afraid we’d get another helmet look with the short hair, but nope. If I can’t have a mane of glory, at least I get some curls.

  6. Judging from the trailer, this is certainly a drama that’s worth watching out for. But while the Poseidon press conference pics are interesting, they don’t hold a candle to the montage of LTM header pics 🙂 I was kinda distracted by that – but in a good way… LOL

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