
Zenkai Girl Episode 10 Recap — 5 Comments

  1. This episode made me crazy too. But, Piitaro and Hinata = cutest kids on the planet. I want a show just about those two. With their acting chops, I’m sure they could pull it off! Way too much cuteness!

  2. Thank goodness the kids were so adorable in this episode, ’cause that’s about the only thing that saved it. Although I think plenty of people are just as stupid as Shota and Wakaba in real life, though perhaps in different ways and with smaller stakes.

    Seriously, Hinata and Piitaro are just too adorable for words. I hope they really do grow up to marry each other, because that would be the squee-est thing ever in the history of the world.

    • I would love an AU version of this drama where grown up Piitaro and Hinata are played by Ryo and Gakki!

      Wouldn’t that be super kawaii? Anyways, yeah, this episode blows. But the drama is still love for me, because of all the FEELINGS.

  3. Ah Shoto how you think you can force yourself to love someone. Sure you might like her but you don’t LOVE her! I give you an A for effort but sadly it doesn’t work and you end up hurting even more.

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