Written Preview for Episode 9 of Office Girls
I sound like a broken record on this, but I can’t help it. Office Girls is so fun to watch. I confess it’s the first of the three Sunday night Taiwan dramas I watch, even if I enjoy In Time With You and Ring Ring Bell immensely as well. The three dramas are so different that I treat OG as the refreshing appetizer, ITWY as my satisfying and substantive main course, and RRB as the warm gooey dessert to end the night.
Since I’m not recapping OG but it appears more and more people are watching it, I thought I’d bring the written previews for each coming episode. It’s a great way for me to share some thoughts on the drama, and a forum for OG fans to rant and rave. We will all surely rave about Zi Qi and his adorable jealous ways, right? And rant about that conniving Kai Er and her shirt-wearing ways, right?
Yu Cheng Feng has a new project for the members of the sales department, asking the members to split into groups and raise their performance. Stallone, as usual, heaps all the tedious work on Xing Ren. Zi Qi, who is in the same group as Kai Er, instead starts looking at Xing Ren with a caring gaze. Can Xing Ren successfully pass this test and complete her task?
Xing Ren accepts Yu Cheng Feng’s invitation and the two of them go out for a chat. They are unexpectedly snapped by the media and end up in the tabloids. Zi Qi sees the scandal about Yu Cheng Feng and Ying Ren and he wants to ask her directly what is going on. But before he can do that, a phone call sends him hurrying elsewhere. Will Zi Qi discover another secret?
Zi Qi wavers between the two scales of his heart. On one side is Kai Er, who he initially pursued, and on the other side is the kind and innocent Xing Ren. Zi Qi slowly realizes that Xing Ren’s place in his heart is becoming greater and greater. But Xing Ren’s misunderstanding of Zi Qi continues to snowball out of control. How can Zi Qi gain Xing Ren’s forgiveness? Mama Shen’s self-proclaimed “my family’s Xing Ren and Zi Qi” continue to take one step towards the test of happiness.
Below is the newest preview for episode 9:
Le Le to Zi Qi: Our Xing Ren is currently having a romantic dinner with Master (Designer) Yu. I’m warning you, do not dare go disrupt them!
Xing Ren: What are you doing up here?
Zi Qi: Eh, Master Yu has prepared a meal for today? If I’m not mistaken, I saw that potato you have in your hand in the refrigerator last month.
*Then Lao Yu blithely eats that potato! Hahaha, score one for Lao Yu*
Xing Ren: Hey, Qin Zi Qi, why are you messing with my things? Why did you doodle all over the Master?
Zi Qi: Ms. Shen Xing Ren, what is your relationship to Yu Cheng Feng?
Yep. First drama i go to every Sunday. Then to In Time with you..and Last, Ring Ring Bell.
This is the only thing I look forward to on Sundays. Yay their feelings for each other start to come out even more into the open! I love how even when he’s with Kai Er – all he thinks about is Xing Ren. The manager is also another scene stealer. He’s so funny!
i love this drama. this is the 1st time i’m watching 3 taiwanese dramas (the ones you mentioned for sunday nights) and no korean dramas. it’s weird but also awesome since i’m learning mandarin. thanks for the summary!
“…it appears more and more people are watching it…”
Yup, more and more people are venturing and watching TWdrama nowadays… including me, which I’d like to say my sincere thank you to you because i am influenced and intrigued by your articles on TW dramas.. ~ In the past, I only watched Jerry Yan’s movie.. Now, my horizon is widened…
Thanx K!
I’m loving this show so much! Roy Qiu’s character is so adorable when he’s jealous. I’m not a big fan of the second lead, but his presence helps develops their romance ;). I love RRB! Two episodes in and I cried x) Haven’t had the chance to watch ITWY yet ;).
In Time With You is in a league of its own. And broke 2 in ratings last week. It’s THAT good.
so ITWY is leading in the ratings??
i enjoy this drama so much. i love roy chiu’s character here especially when he only moves his eyes. he’s one of a good actor in taiwan and now he’s one of the top hottest male.
exactly I agree with you….his eyes movements speak a thousand words!!! luv this drama.
thanks for the recap…
THANK YOU so much.I love OG.It trumps all KD for me at this point.In fact it’s the highlight and your written preview is driving slightly nuts
Can I tell you again thanks for reviewing this drama so many weeks ago?Otherwise I wouldn’t even have known about it.
Zi Qi being jealous is a joy to watch.I can’t wait till he hands his heart over to Xing Ren-and she rejects him for being a jerk.
LOL kai er and her shirt-wearing ways are the WORST.
i love that zi qi is basically a man-child but that the series is letting him develop and grow naturally. i’m glad that he’s confident enough in his intellect but humble enough to go along with his father’s plan without trying to mess with it. i hope the scene where his father reminds him to review his previous works foreshadows more career-related development for zi qi, because right now he doesn’t seem like the most useful worker/best CEO-candidate. BUT at the same time i hope this drama doesn’t make him give any cheesy grand speeches, because those always make me cringe.
i also adore the fact that zi qi is so loyal to xing ren even though he hasn’t quite realized his feelings for her. so dreamy.
Yay!!! More people are watching TW dramas!!!
Thanks Koala for spreading the love to others, especially this one that I totally pegged to do really well in TW but not necessarily as well overseas. I hope overseas fans will like it too. I definitely need somewhere to vent my frustrations on Kai Er!!! Urgh… I dislike her more than I did Yoon Ju in LTM. She doesn’t seem that evil but at the same time, totally is.
ZQ is soo cute sometimes. Roy – I love your short hair. I’m so happy about his career direction.
There was a time in the middle when he wasn’t that popular (and then he served?) and Rainie was really popular – anyhow I’m glad to see how he’s matured and I think his acting is better as well. I’ll always remember him as the boy with orange-brown hair 
Btw – I too am not watching any kdramas currently… I started BBJX and while I’m not addicted, I still love it and remember why I used to watch so many of these period dramas. I kept thinking back to RZGG and a ton of over qing dynasty dramas.
Btw – I actually kinda like James’ character here. I really wanted to throw something at his character in The Fierce Wife. His role in PS Man was all right too. I really liked the way that YCF stood up to those other vendors in ep 8.
My fave out of the 3 is still RRB. But OG comes a close second. It’s raining good dramas ^^
I am loving Roy Qiu as Qin Zi Qi. I never knew he could do comedy so well! I’m not 100% convinced about Alice as Xing Ren but together, their chemistry is great! I don’t know if it was just me but in one of the episodes (maybe one or two back) when ZQ was apologising to XR by her room window, I swear if he had just reached in and kissed her, I wouldn’t have been surprised! They don’t seem thaaaat chummy though in real life when I watch the BTS but I guess that’s the beauty of acting.
And Kai Er… Urgh how much do I hate her. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t really like ZQ and is really trying to get close to him because of who he is. I just hope later on she doesn’t somehow twist the facts so that it seemed like XR knew about who he was all along. I wouldn’t put it past her. And what’s in that thumbdrive…
Yay a place to rave about OG! I’m loving this zany show! Roy Qui is so adorable as Qin Zi Qi. I detest Kai Er’s character, especially when she deliberately showed up at Xing Ren’s apt in Zi Qi’s shirt even though nothing happened. Plus she’s causing other misunderstandings as well. At least Zi Qi is slowly realizing who he really likes so hopefully he’ll act on it soon.
I love OG
Zi Qi and Xing Ren have great chemistry. Roy Qiu is adorable <3 I love it when he gets jealous whenever Yu Cheng Feng goes out with Xing Ren! My fav among the 3 is still ITWY, the plot is unique and the relationship between Da Ren and You Qing is so special ^.^
Hi Koala and playmates!
I really do wanna watch this show because I keep reading rave reviews from you guys but I can’t seem to find a download link and English subtitles for this. Well, maybe I can’t find download links to smaller file sizes, the re-encoded ones, so yeah. It would be really nice if you can share where I can download it along with the subs.
I know it’s in streaming sites but I’m not really into watching online. Hihi. I know it’s a lil bit rude to ask for these (maybe) but I just want to get in with the wagon! Thanks in advance! <3
(TWdramas are not really my fandom so I don't know where to search for them.
That Kai Er. I’m impatiently waiting for the day Zi Qi finds out about her true selfish self and dumps her like a stinky broccoli into the trash. No wait. I hope he dumps the oh-so-pretty-and-understanding-and-kindhearted-version of Kai Er first, and then realise that she was actually quite the opposite of what she pretended to be. Take it, Kai Er! Even if you were the perfect picture you painted yourself to be, Zi Qi still likes Xing Ren better.
I don’t watch RRB (at least for now) but always go for ITWY first thing when it is up online RAW (+ the fact that I don’t understand Taiwanese?Mandarin/Chinese). Watching those YQ and DR dancing around the bush just so endearing… I just wait for the moment they will fell head on into that trap that they set up all on their own! Briliant drama!
For OG, I must hold myself waiting to the sub to come in so that I can enjoy it fully in one sit, as I found re-watch it as not as much fun anymore. Not the same with ITWY, where I find it every interesting even watching raw then again with 50% sub then again with 100%
Mrs. Koala, I must agree fully with you that OG is like apetizer, very fun to start with one should not realise on it for nutrition. ITWY is the nutrious main course, provide food for thought!
And THANK YOU for creating a playcorner for OG’s rants and rave!
I feel the same. I only know just a bit of Mandarin(?) so I watch ITWY. I don’t know why but YQ & LDR’s conversations are still interesting although I can only understand around 50% of it. (Lol!) I think it’s because of their gestures & facial expressions. Ariel & Bolin’s acting so effortless. I checked out OG once, looks good as well, Roy Qiu so cute! But for now, I have to admit that ITWY is my addiction. Lol!!! The story of You Qing & Li Da ren, so real, I can relate. I love the contemplative mood & food for thoughts ITWY gives me.
OG is one of the best TWdrama in a while. It’s not as OTT and the heroine especially, doesn’t act all ‘cutesy’ – which I like.
I love all the weird funny bits like the bit when Yu cheng feng gave zi qi his card with the manager next to zi qi and both zi qi and the manager were like in awe. And they both sniffed the card. lol
Roy is so funny. And hot
i am definitely loving Office Girls and In Time With You. i am waiting for Zi Qi and Xing Ren to confess their feelings for each other in office girls. the kiss scenes will definitely make the ratings skyrocket =D
I’m already watching In Time with You and I love it. It’s fantastic. Thanks to you I checked that and Ring Ring (which I like as well). Office Girls I haven’t checked out at all, but since you recommend it I shall give it a shot since you haven’t led me astray with Taiwan drama recommendations since I’ve been stalk…er, reading your blog. ^__^
I watched the 1st episode yesterday and found it hilarious.
I love that he is not a rich idiot. He’s simply arrogant, spoilt, and entitled. He’ll grow out of it.
What secret is to be found by Zi Qing? I can’t wait for episode 9!!!!
Its all about “In Time With You” for me..I watch raw then wait for the subs. The drama is so good and real, it leaves breathless every time. Kudos for Ariel and Bolin they are doing a brilliant job. Maybe I’m early for this, but hands down Ariel should be nominated for Best Actress this year, I know we have many other actresses going around, but the quality and the talent that Ariel brings to this role is uncanny.
I agree, she’s just perfectly awesome as You Qing!
Me too! Ariel lin is the best TW actress. I super in love with “in time with you” also.
Roy Qiu’s facial expressions are great and his eyes – very expressive. He’s one of a few actors who can convey emotion with this eyes.
I like the episodes where ZQ visited XR in her mother’s house. I want more scenes with the mother. Hopefully, we’re getting some in epi-9.
Thanks for the preview recaps.
I totally agree with you all. I’m currently watching ITWY and Office Girls (no Kdramas right now)…and I must say I’m loving both of them! The two dramas are very different from each other; ITWY is more serious, while Office Girls takes a more comical approach, yet I really like both of them. I’m always looking forward to Sundays now! hahaha it’s the best day of the week! I haven’t watched RRB yet because I have to study, but will def watch it later on! Thanks Koala for posting an update on Office Girls
Without any Chinese, except for “thanks”, “why” and “sorry”, I’ve been watching both “Office Girls” and “In Time with You” raw, and then once again when the subs come out, of course. I love the expressive face, especially the smiling eyes of Roy, and he’s such a charmer I can watch the videos without understanding a word of it. But this young man is going into trouble over his mindless, careless pursuit of Kai-er, whom seems to be a scheming, manipulative, hypocritical sl*t. I just hope XR will turn him down flat when he finally confesses to her; he should stew in his own juice for a bit for being so foolish to fall for the superficial charms of an older (?) woman, and not appreciating the kindness and sincerity of someone who’s always at his side, feeding him, washing his clothes, by hand, mind you, and maybe even lending him money to take out Kai-er. I know ZQ did try to borrow some money but didn’t remember much whether XR gave it to him or not. I wish he would find out soon that Kai-er is responsible for the scurrilous online stories about XR and Master Yu, and that she has already taken a peek at his ID card and known his identity long, long ago. I don’t think Kai-er has real feelings for ZQ, apart for his being the successor. This girl seems determined to succeed at all costs due to her impoverished childhood. I wonder whether ZQ is swayed by her pitiful account of her mother’s and her plight as I could only guess when watching Ep. 9 in the raw.
Regarding, ITWY, I could still not understand why Da Ren couldn’t articulate his feelings for You Qing. It seems rather lame to think that it’s better not to love at all rather than lose it later. Is he such an emotional coward, or a Mama’s boy to be thinking like that. YQ, as a woman, can’t express her feelings towards her best friend even if she finally finds out she really loves him. It’s the man’s prerogative to make the first and decisive move, I think. I’m still an Asian traditionalist in thinking it’s very graceless for a woman to confess first, even in this age of equality. And Da Ren isn’t being fair to Maggie at all, when he clearly is thinking of YQ most of the time he’s with the younger girl. Maggie is also not free from blame as she’s the one who shamelessly and relentlessly pursues the poor clueless Da Ren, who seems caught between two women — one whom he has loved for 15 years but to whom he hasn’t the courage to reveal his feelings, and the other younger woman, who is headlong in love with him and to whom too he daren’t show his real anemic feelings. Da Ren can even be said to be stringing Maggie along and if something big doesn’t happen he sure is going to drift into a loveless marriage with the poor young girl, and leaving YQ devastated. So, with the arrival of the ex-boyfriend, the “jerk”, on the scene, maybe there would be a quickening of the plot and finally Da Ren would be forced to reveal his feelings to YQ, knowing he can really lose her to her ex-boyfriend this time as she’s now in the mood to get married before him and pretty piqued with his relationship with the rather hapless Maggie.
Thanks, Ms. Koala, for providing space to rant about my current favourite Taiwanese dramas. Though I’m a hardcore Korean drama addict, “Autumn Concerto” introduced me to Taiwanese drama, which I find rather engrossing.
Is anyone know where can I watch raw of ITWY? Is it one week one time? Because I nomally Kdrama fan so I no idea which side can read recaps, if anyone can let me know? thanks^^
This is first time write comment, because of my poor english I just read quietly. But now I really want ITWY recaps…