
Thousand Day Promise Holds Press Conference and Releases Long Trailer — 12 Comments

  1. I’d be fighting over Lee Sang Woo, myself. That man has a seriously developed body…but maybe they will both take their clothes off…that will be a bonus for me.

  2. OMG I knew KRW was going to be in the drama but i totally missed out on the part of Lee Sang Woo. I first saw him in the daytime daily drama Don’t hesitate (which drove me batty have the time but i stuck to it because of LSW!) Ok totally on my to watch list NOW.
    My only other k-drama is The musical and A thousand kisses. So this one is totally going on my list!!

  3. Woah. That was one of the most dramatic trailers ever. The first 30 seconds looked amazing but then the wailing and shouting started. Idk, hopefully it’s just the way they put all the dramatic scenes together in the trailer and the show won’t actually be like that. From the earlier previews the tone of the show looked a little more serene and quietly tragic. I’m officially confused.

    Anyway, I’ll just wait to watch it and find out. The cast looks great. Park Yoochun’s little brother looks pretty good in that trailer! He’s such a cutie.

  4. holy cow…this has Lee Mi Sook, Kim Hae Sook (damn nice hair cut), Moon Jung Hee and Ding Dong??? I WANT!!!!!!…yes the trailer is dramatic (which I think may only be because the trailer is showing all the dramatic parts ) but I think in a good way and it has got me intrigued rather than turned off… least all the hair pulling and screaming is not over birth secrets and the like…plus I really need a good melodrama right now…also the acting look fantastic on all fronts

  5. WOW after watching that trailer my ears hurt and my head is going around in circle. Srly, that trailer is the most dramatic trailer I have seen all year long. I knew this was a melodrama and I knew I needed to get my and tissues ready, but after watching that trailer, I can honestly say/write i’m scared of watching this drama…way way TOO MUCH!!!!!..DRAMA!!

  6. I love how the ladies look bright and cheerful together, but the men are like “I’m not quite sure where I’m suppose to put my hand”

  7. These trailers/teasers are REALLY making the drama look atrocious. Each time a new one is released, I find my interest decreasing…

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