
Nostalgic Over Zenkai Girl and Bringing More Cute Goodies — 22 Comments

  1. That video was adorable. I miss this show! I thought I was shy but Ryo beats me out. How can you not speak to your coworkers for 3 months?

  2. ‘I dies of the cute’ yes, you and me both.

    this guy is just sooooo adorable. i think its amazing how he has been in the business for so long, practically growing up performing and still be so shy around beautiful girls. i mean its not like he’s not surrounded by them all the time, right? but its just too cute. love it!

  3. OMG! He has the most beautiful smiling face. Love hearing him talking in Osaka dialect. So much softer and sincere. Hope to see him in another dorama soon. Or is he in something this winter season? Anyhow, thank you, Mrs. Koala 😀

  4. I’m so glad I watched this show….well, almost…stopped mid-way at episode 9 as it got kinda draggy but this reminds me that i should forge on and finish it!! I remember when (due to your rec) I started watching this show….i was like, “oy!! he’s the lead?!” but am so glad i gave this dorama a chance…Ryo made me swoon!! heh…Actually, come to think of it all the lead actors of the shows (OG, ITWY, ZG, and OHSHC–>Daito Shunuke in this one, he’s plain perfection!!) you’ve been recommending have been making me swoon, sigh, and squeal a lot!! 😀 Take a bow, madam!!

  5. Aww he reminds me of myself. I’m also really shy around ppl I’ve just met. And I like can’t talk around handsome guys. Nothing comes out lol

  6. Ryo seems so shy in person! So adorable. Best part about Ryo is when he smiles, I love how the sides of his eyes have that wrinkle. Thank you for sharing this BTS vid, I didn’t know I would love this OTP more. The way Ryo was very nervous about calling Aragaki Yui by her nickname is just too cute. And he did call her “Gakki”! and she called him back as “Nikki”.. <33

  7. he is too cute beyond words!!!!
    this drama is amazing…i’ve watch this drama several times and it never fail to put a smile on my face..
    his smile should be illegal… (fainted)..

  8. and i wonder how he can be in this entertainment industry sooo longg…
    if im not mistaken…since his childhood..
    he must have really enjoying himself entertain people

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