
Man of Honor Episode 7 Recap — 12 Comments

  1. Thanks for all the MoH recaps! The initial first episode was sort of hard to watch, but I really like the atmosphere of the drama so far. This drama also is a nice progression for PMY. Even though City Hunter, the drama, was good, I felt that PMY didn’t get to do much in it. I want In Woo and Young-kwang to be friends so bad! I guess not for another 10-15 episodes.

  2. yay!!! i just love this show so much…thanks madam K for the recap…i can now watch the raw vids…hehehe now off to read your recap….va va voooooom………………. 🙂

  3. Thanks for another great recap of MoH, and always loved reading your thoughts after each episode! The building block of each episode is laying out to be a good foundation of this drama! Now, I am off to watch the raw episode 7. Thank you! ^^

  4. Yup so im eating my words right now…this drama rocks!!!…its a zillion times better than baker king.

    I love the drama conflict and all these plot threads that are being revealed a little at a time, and im loving the relationship between our leads and minor characters.

    Thankyou so much for the recap

  5. poor Jae in.. she really want a family.. or a mother.. its difficult to be alone without family, I will be very jealous if that happen to me, but Jae in is a very positive person, I admire her character. I really really hate In woo dad’s, how can he did this to his best friend and his family, Im sure the reason why Young Kwang dad had so many debt and still live in poverty although In woo dad gave him a lot of money is to pay Jae in mom hospital bills and give money to Jae in in secretly.

  6. Thanks koala for the recap. MoH it’s a weird drama. The story is so messed up but the delivery is charming. The story isn’t really original, heck In Woo – Jae In reminds me a lot of PTB. And so other part of the stories that looks like roughly scraped from other kdramas.

    Even so, I’m still intrigued of how everything will unfold. I hope Jae In mom is the one who will drop the bomb and give us some makjang goodness.

  7. Thank you so much for this ockoala unni! At last I finally had the time to really read this! I’m in a place where they keep on asking for papers when I’m not even taking up journalism, jeez! And then there’s work… time for kdramas really is getting thinner and thinner. Still halfway of ep6…I’m just so glad for your MoH recaps! Kamsamnida!

    Wow, In Woo is such a brash! The nerve! But yeah, I do feel sorry for him (at times whenever he has those tics, but sometimes, nah…but when you said that maybe it would be a good thing that he would have a friend in Jae In, yes, I guess that would be nice. He’s just nasty on the outside but really broken inside). I can’t wait to see the part of Jae In’s imagined scenes. It would be so cute to see Mom doting on her… Really feel so sorry for Jae In. I really hope she be with her real mom soon, but I’m guess I’ll see that on the last ep. I couldn’t crack Young Do. Is he a supernatural being? But he has worked at the company for how many, five? Does a supernatural work that long? He looks powerful though. I mean physically, on the 6th ep, I think, after In Woo’s press conference, they met at the hall and showed his skills in martial arts, and the way he talks, it’s always not natural, or maybe he’s just weird. I don’t know. In Chul and Kyung Joo…I don’t know anything about these two either. Yes, it’s a messy tangle of web. Now, I’ll move on to the ep 8 recap! Thank you again!!!

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