
Man of Honor Episode 8 Recap — 25 Comments

  1. wow!!! you’re wonderfully fast madam K…thank you!!! am so invested with this drama that I couldn’t wait for subs anymore… your recap is such a great help to a non-Korean like me… 🙂

  2. This drama is so addictive! Every time I read Thursday’s recap of MoH, I want to watch the next episode! This drama is great to keep the suspense alive in every single episode, and I am loving that!

    Thank you for another great recap!! ^^ I can’t wait to watch it!

  3. Tks for the recaps! Seems like the OTP have great chemistry. I always like Park Min Yoong and as for PIE, he’s captivated me since What’s Up Fox with his really touching performance.

  4. I bet Jae In will introduce herself as In woo’s nurse that In Chul recommended. I doubt she will tell her name that would mean its checkmate, what will be left for the 16 episodes?

  5. i can’t wait for the next episode.. id love to watch though it maybe still a raw version.. anyway you’re here to give us recap.. its very helpful.. thanks for a lot.. well done koala..

  6. yay! thanks for the recaps sis koala! i love all the developments in this episode and yes, in chul freaks me out. i dunno know what to make out of him and ummm does he have a relationship with kyung joo?

    • i really hope so, i was like OMG when she burst @ d door. Imagine if she introduce her real name, d evil daddy wud go beserk… I truly wonder what will happen next..
      Bfr this i was wondering if evil dady knows d identity of his secretary. It’s answered in this ep, poor Kyung-joo, she must be seething inside..
      For In-woo, it’s kinda sweet that he seems protective of Jae-in cos he knows how evil daddy is. I find it interesting that he’s able to figure it out this early. I’m wondering where’s d baseball Young-kwang gv Jae-in. It shud make a appearance soon just to clear d air, rite.. At least fr Young-kwang.
      Question: do you think Young-do knows Jae-in’s real identity?
      Thanks fr d recap, Captain.. I watch this raw n yr recap helps explain further. I dont really know what to make of the bit preview

  7. Thanks Captain for another super recap! 😀 I too can’t wait for the next episode…My guess is In Woo’s dad will get a phone call to interrupt Jae In’s introduction.

    Does Young Kwan know his sister works for InWoo’s dad?
    I thought it was a secret. But when Kyung Joo met with Young Kwan after the interview, it does not appear Young Kwan was surprised to see his sister, wasn’t he?

    Do you think Young Do know Jae In’s true identity?
    I’m guessing he knew since he did not reveal to In Woo’s dad Jae In’s name.

    This is turning out to be a real fun drama to watch. Thanks again! 😀

    • Yes, I think Young Kwan know his sister works for InWoo’s dad
      Yes, I think Young Do knows Jae In’s true identity.
      Yes, I think she will be the dark horse who wins this corporate rat race in the end. She will be the one to take the reins of her father’s company back from the bad guys. She will be the one to crush In Woo’s dad, not Young Kwan.
      I am only guessing this because she is closer to BK’s Tak-gu character than Young Kwan is. The orphaned-by-the-bad-guys-poor-underdog-who-will-win because she is pure of heart and noble in motives.

  8. Guys ! I haven’t watched this week episodes yet I know they are getting better and better. Just check the drama’s rating . It’s going up compared to last week.

  9. Oh dear…by the way, thanks again dear ockoala unni!!! Yes, couldn’t figure out In Chul as well. If he vows revenge against the devil of MoH, maybe it’s for the money, or not… because if it is, then Jae In is actually a threat to him too. But I do feel that In Chul has a heart for her now, after seeing how pure-hearted Jae In is (not leaving him, saving him and even wrote as his guardian). But evil is evil so I really don’t know how his mind works…if he really is evil too, I don’t know.

    Wow, why is it that I’m having a soft spot for In Woo? Yes, as you said, he will be Jae In’s guardian for now on. Only him and In Chul (and Kyung Joo) are in the know, and apparently, we will see our OTP clueless (on Jae In’s true identity) as the episodes drag on, because In Woo will never say her true identity with him being pissed off whenever he sees Jae In with Young Kwang and finds out that they believe they are siblings. Oh dear, I can see that now. But I’m really glad In Woo is already clued in this early. If he believes In Chul is a threat, he would be the one to protect Jae In from him. Yup, we need In Woo because I think In Chul is really no angel or a reformed devil…Oh, this is all messed up. Where is Jae In going to stay after being kicked out? For now, I think at In Woo’s, but In Woo wouldn’t want her to stay there for long because of her safety, so he might “give” her back to her oppa (even if he’d hate that but would do it anyway for Jae In’s safety, and then we’ll go love him too, shaiks!)…I don’t think there would be a slip on the next episode. I’m hoping alove is right, “I am In Woo’s new nurse!” . Yup, that would be the most pleasant thing to hear for all of us watching…

  10. Thanks for the recap. I am prolly going to be late to all of these parties because I rely on the the subs. Well, this time, I am late because I had to finish Baker King. OK, I didn’t have to finish it in three or four days, but I did.

    I am happy to say I really really enjoyed BK. Mostly because my expectation was extremely low for it after reading vague things about it being insufferably manipulative. You know what I liked about it? It was perfectly, predictably, powerfully manipulative.

    I had to hit the next button, had to. I couldn’t stop.

    And, I might add, I loved the poor little rich boy in BK more than anyone. Hated him at first, of course, but man, did I fall in love with his suffering, sad teary face. That is why I am thinking here…maybe the OTP is not who we think. Yes, of course, PIE and P-MIE – they are cute. I’m totally loving the cute. The problem is, they are so cute. It’s just wrong. They deserve to be with each other after living such difficult lives but losing despite their best efforts…Which is exactly why I hope they do NOT end up together. PIE doesn’t need her to be a better person, whereas little sad rich boy with the bad hair, he needs her. How can you take away the only person who (will eventually over the next few episodes)
    come to understand him? To be concerned about him? His father beats him! He got kidnapped! He has a panic disorder!

    Don’t worry about PIE… He can find someone to love him. He’s PIE!
    (And didn’t he look good in his dark slim suit with the collar up? Oh my, he is easy on the eyes.)

    To summarize, I watched BK. I know what this writing team can do with my emotions and my loyalties and my expectations. I know I will be sobbing because of the boys becoming closer and rivals at the same time. I cannot wait! They even found a character to give evil red-tinted hair to! Little sis has been given the mark of the devil. She will be the thorn in Nurse P-MIE’s side…

    • KoBKTG is so addictive! It was one the first dramas I marathoned. Like you, I just couldn’t stop reaching for the next episode. I too, fell hard for Ma Joon. And I just know that I’ll fall for In Woo.
      I’ve always been a sucker for that type of tortured, morally ambiguous characters. They’re not bad just because. They’re like that because of their circumstances and/or bad decisions. It would be so easy for them just to stop, but is that “me against the world” mentality that I find so intriguing, and makes me want to reach inside my computer screen to hug them every time they’re throwing a tantrum. I know, I know… I have to stop falling for the bad guy. I KNOW…
      Other resent examples: Yeo Woon in WBDS, Shin Myun in The Princess’ Man and Go Seok Bin in My Love by my Side.

  11. Thanks so much for the recap, Ms. Koala!
    I noticed the loan shark at the roof too, so intrigued! I need to learn about In Chul’s back story! He has to have one. I don’t think he’s motive is only greed, there’s something else.

    Really Young Kwang’s omma?? You kicked Jae In out and you didn’t know she was going to leave? Aish!

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