
Video Preview and Translation for Office Girls Episode 13 — 9 Comments

  1. Yup. The angst is coming.
    I didn’t expect that OG will go into this direction, opening up a new plot with Shen Mama. I would be so upset if she ends up dying or something. Guh!
    I’ve been crossing my fingers that ep 11 is the last of KE alas it looks like that’s not going to be the case. Why they have to use the route of evil second lead?
    And… Xing Ren is leaving?
    And.. that last bit from the preview?
    It’s going to be another frustrating week waiting for the next episode.
    We’re up to episode 12 and still no kissing? Is this really a SETTV drama?

  2. Eeks I know. I was watching it this morning ( at some god awful hour) and when Mama Shen went from smiling to ‘not smiling’ I was horrified. Absolutely ‘no way that is not the way it’s going is it?’

    Other than that could I squeal any louder at all the sweetness that was ep 12? Zi Ri has been spotting this seriously intent looks and Xing Ren has this secret smile 🙂

    Loved loved ep 12.

  3. I always expected something to happen to Xing Ren mom, because I always thought it would be a little weird to have zi qi, xing ren, and xing ren mom to live together. I hope she dont die, but if she does, it would be a great angst to bring xingren and zi qi even closer together.

    thanks ockoala for the preview.

  4. i think it would make the scene with stallone singing to le le more humorous if she had water balloons prepared to toss down at him or a bucket of water lol

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