
White Vengeance with Leon Lai, Feng Shao Feng, and Crystal Liu Readies for Premiere with Kick-ass Trailer — 10 Comments

  1. leon lai as liu bang? you’ve got to be kidding……

    btw, there’s no feng shaofeng in the english promo video. they have leon lai, zhang hanyu, liu yifei, anthony wong and jordan chan, but no feng shaofeng.

    • I recall FSF being cast after the preview video came out last April. My memory may be wrong, but I think he was the last main lead cast.

      • thanks for the clarification. a little strange that they’d put out the promo video without one of their leads. feng shaofeng’s hairstyle is wrong anyway.

  2. This looks so much more amazing that I would ever expected. I like Leon as an actor, somehow he will make it work every time and surprise me in a good way.

    even LYF is looking GOOD, as in in character good, she maybe, for once perfectly cast in a role she can nail in movie.

    I’m not interested in FSF still, I like the mane and the costume, but he’s not channeling enough ruthless fire as a XiangYu.

    (but my guts is still screaming I’ll like the other Chu-Han Contention movie more)

  3. There’s no big name actress to play Empress Lu? Wasn’t she famous for being a big part of the schemes behind Liu Bang’s eventual victory?

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