Padam Padam with Jung Woo Sung and Han Ji Min Releases Brilliant Five-minute Trailer
I am officially slavering like a dog over a new bacon flavored bone for the upcoming jTBC cable drama Padam Padam: The Sound of His and Her Heartbeat. Forget my Jung Woo Sung being the lead, or cute with newfounded cheekbones Kim Bum playing an angel of sorts, or even suddenly full of attitude and strangely alluring Han Ji Min – I want this sucker because the story looks fascinating. Wow, it’s been so long since good writing and a genuinely creative script hooked me.
No wonder folks bemoan the death of drama writing, since we are fed pap most of the time that we accept because it’s got good looking people in it. Nothing wrong with that, but I do feel my brain is much happier when I watch smartly written things. Noh Hee Kyung has gone outside even her own box and Padam Padam feels electrifying and riveting. Is Yang Kang Chil dead? Alive? Has his own guardian angel? And a new love who loves dogs? What the hell is going on? I don’t know, but I’m dying to find out.
Long trailer for Padam Padam:
This is a damn fine five-minute trailer. This drama looks beyond gorgeously filmed, and trailer is edited just marvelously. I’m loving all the characters and actors thus far, and find that the chemistry is already there even from the little we see. Also, can I just say a “wow” for this drama showing a prison bathroom scene with naked Jung Woo Sung and Kim Bum. OMO. Get my mind out of the gutter!
You have fantastic timing…I JUST saw this and was spazzing like crazy!…….so now Kim Bum is a real angel afterall……I’m DYING to know what’s going in this drama and with his life and death experience…also KIM BUM….GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!……I JUST ABOUT DIED seeing him shirtless…so seriously swoonworthy!!!!1
ok now that I’m done having that spazz attack, I’d like to add that trailer looks really gorgeous and that Jung Woo Sung and Han Ji Min look ridiculously beutiful together….also the whole thing is giving me very 49 days-like vibes….in terms of the story that is…..the whole near death experience, second chance, angel of death scenario…though I loved 49 days, i’ll be expecting way more here since this is the writer Goodbye Solo and More Beautiful than a flower…seriously nothing like any of those other NHK dramas though
WOW! i’m so blown away!
i wasn’t planning on watching this drama but now.. :O
like D^ said, totally spazzing right now!!!
someone please find me an English Subbed version of this! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Koala!
K-drama is killing me today …. GOD … i am dead now

This morning… Kissing scene from “Flower Boy Ramyun Shop” … that was damn HOTTTT … Jung Il-woo … you gave me heartattack …
Now with this bathroom scene with naked Jung Woo Sung and Kim Bum … Angle KIM BUM ..take me to heaven …
I have been waiting for this drama for months and months and am so glad it’s only about a week away! (Well longer, including wait time for subs, but whatever).
So psyched for the BROMANCE!!
You know the kdrama gods love me a lot… A HOT Shower Scene with TWO HOTTIE Guys…. XD wooohoooo…. However, it is too bad that I am busy with real life… =(
Gah… I’m in love. With it all. Especially Kim Bum’s new found cheekbones.
I need to second the above comment – I had very little interest in this drama before watching this trailer and now I can’t wait to see it. It is gorgeous and the acting and writing look first rate. I have always liked Jung Woo Sung but could not slog my way through Athena so I really hope this drama works for me. Thank you Koala for posting it.
Wow…that trailer is amazing. I apologize for doubting you LOL.
Not only does this look stunning, the plot is quite intriguing! I am pretty excited for this drama. Also my mind is most likely going to be stuck in the gutter now for quite sometime, I mean that shower scene is seriously hot. I officially have fallen a little in love-lust with both male leads. And those new found cheek bone of Kim Bum’s give him such an older look, and combined with the hair (I don’t know why but I am loving Bummie’s long locks!) have seriously made quite the difference in his appearance. Jung Woo Sung I love you unconditionally but seriously Bummie is taking over pretty rapidly!!!
Epic – it’s the only word that comes to mind. But, based on everything I’ve seen, this show is going to make me want it to be a movie, so that I can trip, leap, crash, burn and then finally soar with these characters in one go, rather than having to wait week after agonizing week…
wow…i didn’t expect this to be that good… but it looks amazingly good….
with this kind of editing, it can be a movie trailer too
HJM looks lovely and KB is hot+cute! thanks ockoala for this.
this looks and feels like a movie (and a damn fine one may i add) and that is the greatest compliment i think anyone can give a drama…
I didn’t check out the trailer, I trust its awesome per you! I’m trying to shy away fr anything about PadamPadam coz I’m watching this no matter what, writer Noh is a favorite…
my only glitch is PD decent?! I felt PD Pyo absolutely wasted her script with World’s Within and it would pain me if this happen again.
PD is Kim Kyu Tae, he was the second PD on WW, and directed IRIS as well. I’m fingers crossed he’ll understand her work and restrain himself with the excess. She’s the opposite of bling.
yeah I saw him attached to PDing WW :/ but still I fault PD Pyo (it’s his touches all through WW that’s so jaunting against Noh’s material). Iris is a totally different genre so I’ll leave it at that..
but I’m seriously worried with him being PD of A Love to Kill…. we’ll see.
Hum. WOAW.
*picks up her jaw from the floor..*
This is simply gorgeous.
I love HJM and KB already, but JWS has never, ever, managed to impress me with anything. However, after watching this trailer – I’m sold.
This looks very very good..I love the trailer and damn Kim Bum has really grown out of his baby faced stage, he looks just jaw dropping HOT…I’m on board with this Bromance!!!…
Cable dramas are kicking ass right now…!!..
thanks sis, i am so anxiously waiting for this drama.
I haven’t watched the trailer yet but you had me at naked…. *runs to watch*
Man, I’m soooo excited for this drama! Seeing the longer trailer plus additional stills from dramabeans. Just wow.