
UEE and Song Joong Ki Receive the 2011 Barbie and Ken Award — 21 Comments

  1. LOL. Every third word was about Song Joong Ki? Wow, you have some crazy dongsaengs. ;P

    I also posted about SJK at the Barbie & Ken Awards last week and the funny thing is, I didn’t think much of it besides the fact that he’s hot and whiter than me. I swear to God that Penny-Pinching Romance did something to me mentally because now I find myself spazzing out about anything related to him. SQUEEEE! Which is so weird, but not unlike me.

    Maybe I’m becoming a greedy dodo by declaring more than one K-actor MINE, but I seriously can’t help it. You’d probably want to MINE him as well if you saw the movie too. ^^

    • My bro was looking over my shoulder while typing this and he started reading the last bit that I wrote and declared, “What do you mean you’re becoming a greedy dodo? You’re already greedy!”

      He knows me too well…. LOL.

  2. Love the dress! not the shoes. I’m a UEE fan, not afraid to say it. She turns out to be an ok actress. I think she has finally found her niche. I think she should just focus on acting because she gets so much flak when she performs on stage. Why torture yourself!

  3. It’s funny you have this post up now…but it’s been a crazy weekend for Ojakgyo brothers fans… I love UEE but I LOVE Joo Won…*runs of to watch ep 37 for the fourth time*

  4. I’m not a Uee fan but she looks good in the pic until I scrolled to her feet
    the shoes do her no justice some shoes look better on small feet

  5. Neeeeeehhhhhhhh Song Joong-Ki oppa is so cute as always…..

    oh wait….. there’s something missing about UEE…

    ahhhhmmmm… a WINGS!!!!!! (BIRDIE BUDDY)


    Kim Bum has it in PADAM PADAM though…..


  6. Ahh, what a Barbie and Ken indeed…

    Plus Joo Won, these 3 Sungkyunkwan Uni students are gorgeous, swoon-worthy, young *cough-cough*, as well as talented… Enough points to make someone to gleefully commit a scandal… 😀

  7. I’m dying for the Song Joong Ki and Park Bo Young teen wolf movie which has yet to start filming.

    So am I, though it’s unclear yet whether ‘wolf boy’ = ‘raised by wolves’ or ‘werewolf’. But in his fan meetings in Japan, he said he’s on a diet for the film, and in his most recent pics (not the Mattel event, but another event today with Hyundai Motors), he’s starting to look gaunt. Which makes me hope for the ‘raised by wolves’ scenario.

  8. I have heard of Uee and first time i see her dress up and looks pretty though her eyes abit big ..

    I noticed some actress either have their eyes done extreme big and nose almost to pinnochio…….kinda not natural….

  9. UEE is very beautiful here. I’m starting to like her more and more with each show I see her in. I’m a bit surprised that Song Joong Ki received the award, he’s still kind of unknown to me.

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