
Office Girls Episode 17-18 Baby Recap — 12 Comments

  1. aweeee…only a baby recap lol…that’s okay, i don’t blame you for a baby recap cause the drama needs to wrap up soon. thanks for your work!

  2. shouldn’t they all know kai er’s little tricks already…remember the thing with qi zi’s dress shirt, she already confessed that she purposely did that, shouldn’t they all know that she’s not the type of person to trust lol…don’t fall for her tricks

  3. Yay! Well I’ll settle for a baby recap any day. I actually stopped watching it since I’m annoyed about what’s been going on so at least in this way I still know what’s going on. I’m sad to read about how they’re falling for Kai Er’s tricks again. I hope they’ll wrap up the story leaving all of us satisfied. Part of why I enjoyed Office Girls was because of the moments between Zi Qi and Xing Ren but lately that’s being tainted by Kai Er.

  4. Ms. Koala, you are my Christmas angel! Haven’t even read it yet but just the first few lines of this entry that you were kinda giving in to the request for baby recaps, and since you’ve always said you only write when you want to and not give in to demands from readers… i’m just — thank you thank you thank you… me grateful.

    will read the rest of the recap now. love love love!

  5. I agree with you that baby recaps are enough for these episodes 😉 although they are cute and all but nothing much is happening… thx alot 😀

  6. Hello Ms Koala been flitting all over the place with OG ep 14-18 because I’ve been busy. Just wanted to say I finally watched ep 14’s movie eating popcorn scene.It’s like what you wrote…I could just watch them forever doing that. Man you were not kidding about cooing at them.I had the urge to give them gold stars for being so adorable 🙂

  7. Oh thank you, Ms Koala, for this baby recap, well done! 😉 I still love this drama but I fear that two witches, Kai Er and Zi Qi’s mum, will ruin the Christmas night to our cute couple. I wish to see again their sweet and lovely moments!

  8. Thanks for the recap! I still am loving this drama. Can’t help but stare at Roy… *sigh*

    Anyhow, Viki has this at 20 episodes. Is that correct? Why do I keep thinking they were doing an extension of this? If it is only 20, then they got some wrapping up to do in the next two weeks. I’ll be so sad when this is over. Zi Qi and Xing Ren have become favorite characters of mine.

  9. Yay, thanks for the baby recap! I laughed so hard when Xingren was hitting the person in the dinosaur costume and then Ziqi pops up. It’s scenes like those that make me love OG.

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