
Sealed with a Kiss Cast Reunite to Film Mini-Movie — 10 Comments

  1. Hawick shave his head, because recently he had just filmed a drama which setting is in dynasty era. So we can’t see his cool face again 🙁 and because of his bald head, the director has to change the plot, so it can fit with his condition. i think it’s better than he wearing a hair wig

    I got this information from one of the truly fans of SWAK, check out her blog below

    btw, i’m so waiting for this mini movie ^^

  2. OMG WTF. Those pictures made me lol and lol. I guess they are really reversing roles now and he’s going to be her love slave or something? This is officially the single weirdest couple outside of lakorns.

  3. That picture is not part of sealed with a kiss. It’s only a video of an ad (not too sure) but you can check it at cfensi.dramaddicts!

  4. I don’t think those pictures are part of the mini-movie since apparently it was part of a photoshoot that Yang Mi, Michelle Chen, Gan Ting Ting and others for Sohu. It was probably release as promotional stills just cause.

  5. I think those pics are for some photo shoot? Not the mini movie?
    And I think hawicks hair is shaven probably because he was/ is filming for that Qing dynasty dramas hes been doing.

  6. You’re calling distasteful a drama based on a novel written by one of most best selling writers in Mainland China. Clearly you did not understand the concept of the drama what so ever.

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