Sealed with a Kiss Cast Reunite to Film Mini-Movie
Will the insanity of this story never end? Much as I deem Sealed with a Kiss the drama for being utterly distasteful in concept, apparently the viewers in China disagree and can’t get enough of it. It was a ratings hit, and leads Hawick Lau and Ying Er have been voted in some end-of-the-year awards as best drama couple. Excuse me while I headdesk over here for a few minute, and also guffaw quietly. Apparently there is a market for so-called “tortured love” dramas. I’m not sure where rapey leading men get off having their love described as tortured, other than maybe I would like to subject said swine to some torture.
Because SwaK was so popular, the entire cast quietly reunited last week and filmed around-the-clock for 7 days to produce a mini-movie. What the what? The mini-movie will air on Valentine’s Day simultaneously on Hunan TV as well as online. Because young and old lovers alike can’t wait to celebrate the day of love with more tortured shenanigans. While the picture above is an adorable BTS shot of Hawick and Ying Er filming the mini-movie, the first official teaser pictures have just been released and leave me stunned. Seriously, my jaw = on the floor. See more behind the jump.
Apparently Ying Er has lost quite a lot of weight since when she filmed SwaK and she is happy to unveil a different Tong Xue to the audience. Like I said before, the public reaction to her form and attire on SwaK was overwhelmingly critical, even if people kept watching anyways. She was decidedly plumper in SwaK compared to when she did The Book and the Sword, but it was the fault of the production company to stick her in outfits that made her look at times pregnant, and at times like she had just given birth. She looks stunning here, and I’m loving the femme fatale look on Tong Xue. It’s about time the girl stop being a weepy victim and start having more control over her own life.
I don’t know why Hawick shaved his head, other than the last we saw of Mo Shao Qian, he was headed into a police station to turn himself in, so he’s clearly been or is still in jail. Even as I profess how horrifyingly stupid I think this story is, I still can’t wait to watch that darn mini-movie and see if this drama can reach new heights of insanity. Bravo, drama, for making me simultaneously cringe and then ask for more. I’m sure this mini-movie is going to be an even bigger smash hit, now that Hawick is part of the new IT celebrity couple with Yang Mi. Viewers will be dying to check out the guy that landed the current hottest young actress in China.
LoL so now he becomes her submissive? This show is SO weird, why couldn’t she just fall in love with the brother-in-law?
Hawick shave his head, because recently he had just filmed a drama which setting is in dynasty era. So we can’t see his cool face again 🙁 and because of his bald head, the director has to change the plot, so it can fit with his condition. i think it’s better than he wearing a hair wig
I got this information from one of the truly fans of SWAK, check out her blog below
btw, i’m so waiting for this mini movie ^^
OMG WTF. Those pictures made me lol and lol. I guess they are really reversing roles now and he’s going to be her love slave or something? This is officially the single weirdest couple outside of lakorns.
That picture is not part of sealed with a kiss. It’s only a video of an ad (not too sure) but you can check it at cfensi.dramaddicts!
She reminds me of Cecilia Cheung in those pics. So pretty.
I don’t think those pictures are part of the mini-movie since apparently it was part of a photoshoot that Yang Mi, Michelle Chen, Gan Ting Ting and others for Sohu. It was probably release as promotional stills just cause.
I think those pics are for some photo shoot? Not the mini movie?
And I think hawicks hair is shaven probably because he was/ is filming for that Qing dynasty dramas hes been doing.
No no no no..
Hahaha.. those were photo’s for Sohu’s photoshoot..
Love to see them get together again. Hawick makes good pair more with ying er than yang mi.
You’re calling distasteful a drama based on a novel written by one of most best selling writers in Mainland China. Clearly you did not understand the concept of the drama what so ever.