
Da Mo Yao Chapter 15: A Date — 46 Comments

  1. Oh no, its too sad all around. My heart breaks for Yu Er. Whatever it is that’s holding him back to love her more fully, it can’t be that bad right? I mean, Yu Er is willing to go to the ends of the earth for him, why can’t he take the plunge with her? *sigh*

    I really don’t like noble idiots but at the same time I can’t help but feel for Jiu Ye. He seems to be carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders.

    And HQB, ahhhh…he is always there for her. And how much do I love that despite everything, he still gives her space and doesn’t push himself on her? Love.

    *Thanks, Koala for this recap! You are the best. 😉

    • What kills me is that you can see how much both men love her. They both truly live her. I dont think Jiu Ye would have been so cold if HQB didn’t show up. HQB knew about Jiu Ye even if it was never confirmed but Jiu Ye went years caring for her and growing the attachment without knowing about HQB.

      I think he gave up after he realized HQB was in the picture and could give her so much more. So sad…..

      • Yeah, but Jiu Ye was cold to her from the beginning, even before he knew about HQB. But I do agree with you that Jiu Ye is either getting more discouraged or more motivated (to show his love for Yu Er) because of HBQ.

      • I feel the same way. That’s why when he asked her if HQB is good to her and she nodded yes…I can feel his heart break into pieces right then and there. And hers, too. 🙁

      • exactly exactly exactly. im crying so much because Jiu loves her so much and thats why hes not implicating her. Just like her own warning to Feng ??? about being tied to their family matters. im so sad. why author whyyyyyyy

  2. Oh no…I am 100% on the Huo Qu Bing train — In fact, I wasn’t the least bit interested in Jiu Ye…but now? Is he staying away from her because he can’t (for some currently unknown reason) have children with her? Because that would break my heart just a little.

  3. I think Jiu Ye isn’t able to procreate and that’s why he’s been longing for Jin Yu, but at the same time keeps pushing her away. Now that he makes sure she wants a normal family life, he finally asks whether his rival for her love is a good man. Poor Jiu Ye! He should have been open with her, though I can’t say what’s Jin Yu’s reaction will be if she realizes that he’s incapable of fatering her child.

      • LOL. Does such a man exist? Novels like this are feeding female dreams and fantasies. I love the fact that he puts everything on the line and does his utmost to look for her. Wow. (Glad that she likes him too, and he’s not a crazy stalker / kidnapper.)

  4. How can a girl choose between such adorable men? HQB is a passionate man while YJ is calm. Life would be “happily ever after” if Yu er choose YJ, but life would be an “epic adventure” if she choose HQB. Sense is telling me that YJ would have been perfect for Yu er if only he gave her a chance.

  5. I feel for Jiu Ye, even before I read the epilogue. I know that there have to be some reason behind his rejections and then when his question came, I knew exactly what it was. It’s the noble idiot syndrome that affected so many dramas. At least, this book has the realistic version and consequences ’cause if you waste your time being a noble idiot, someone else will get the girl.

  6. forgive me but I am not comparing, but the lover’s vine reminds me of Disney Beauty and the Beast rose petals…..anyway the vine wilted, the innocence of love but the ability to grow another vine remanains, to love again, somehow the names are all mixed up in my head, although I cannot write as many characters and dillemas yet for a beginner it’s exhausting, I must say the goals of each charcter is much intriguing than the first few chapters, Dumas was a good character maker in Monte Cristo….I can say I see the same approach on this story…. 😉 but the wolf of the herion is still yet to emerge, hmmm or maybe it slipped my thinking…..thans Koala Bear

  7. First of all, thanks Ms Koala. U r the best! I love this novel so much. I am so glad u will be translating it for us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Between these two men, I so much prefer HQB. He is really really the man. It is not that I dont like JY. I know he has his own burden to carry but love is love. I love a man who loves like HQB. So I ship HQB and YE so much that I want to use a red string and bind them together.

    I think most probably JY wont be going to meet her and YE will follow HQB to Xi Yu. And that is the beginning of Volume 2. Hip hip hooray.

    My friend who reads the novel to the end told me the ending. I love it very very much. 🙂

  8. “So the biggest sadness isn’t heartbreak, it’s unending despair.” wow!
    Poor girl. Good thing Huo is there to pick up the pieces.

    • “Good thing Huo is there to pick up the pieces. 🙁

      I so adore his character and think he deserves better than this. She needs to choose to be with HQB and not just on the rebound or the colossus “unending despair”. He has already decided its all-in regarding their relationship so I hope she reciprocates and does an “all-in” for him too.

  9. Thanks for the chapter!

    Eh.. Jiu Ye can’t have kids? So he’s being noble and giving up on her, because HQB is good to her and can give what she wants (a family)? Oh well…

  10. Thks a million – I kinda guess dat was one of d reason why – my JY — sooo sad …. I hv to prepare my heart n start accepting HQB ….not dat I dont like him – just prefer her with JY and can see i am d minority here … 🙁

  11. “…If it wasn’t for his legs, I would have told him long ago how I feel. But he still keeps pushing me away.” should be
    “…If it was because of his leg, I have already expressed my stand to him (that it doesn’t matter), but he still keeps pushing me away”.

    Thanks for your dedication in translating this book and thus allowing so many more to know about this work of art. I started reading the online novel after I can’t stand waiting for your next recap and am now nearly half-blind by all the reading. Tong Hua wrote this in 11.5 months so don’t be in a hurry to translate all at once and take care. Like Jiu Ye told Jin Yu – you already did a very good job – and I follow your daily postings with awe. Only true love to DMY can make this marathoning happen.

    I find the love entanglement here a bit similar to BBJX – heroine fell in love with gentlemenly Jiu Ye/8 Prince, love didn’t work out, and so forth… but unlike BBJX, I find his continual rejection a bit too forced, too obvious as a plot mechanism. It is only till the very end after I understand more of Jiu Ye through his thoughts that I can buy into his rejection. But by then the novel is over.

    *sigh* Simply love HQB in this episode (what the heck, he is lovable in all the episodes!!) Ms Koala, you just have to beat us all helpless admirers off with a stick from dawn to dusk to keep him. Hmmmm, maybe each of your recap should start with “HQB is MINE and don’t read on if you don’t agree”. For your recaps, I”m sure we will be more circumspect : ) But oh, I love that he destroyed her tree and his ‘humble’ apology the next day. For the mighty HQB, this is really unheard of. 🙂

  12. I love that Huo Qu Bing is not wishy-washy and knows for certain what he wants. In the same aspect I was never worried that HQB would give up Yu Er and be a noble idiot. He always let her make her own choices, how can you not swoon over that?

  13. Sigh, I kind of cringed when JY blurted out her all-too-honest response to Jiu Ye’s question. On the one hand, I appreciate that she’s honest and doesn’t hesitate to speak her mind. On the other hand, how can she not have known that that was a loaded question? I remember reading someone else’s translation of this passage before Captain Koala translated it here, and even then, with the passage taken out of context, I could already tell what Jiu Ye’s underlying motive was, without needing to know the rest of the story. Obviously, I’ve seen way too many Korean dramas, and JY has seen zero, otherwise she would’ve known that her response was going to launch the dreaded “noble idiot syndrome”. Oh well.

    I’ll save the rest of my response for when the last chapter(s) of Book 1 are posted. 😀 Thanks for everything Captain Koala!

  14. Thank goodness they had the “talk”. It’s about time. I don’t know, but Jui Ye wants her too and I think poor HQB does not stand a chance because he is her first choice at the moment. She’s definitely in a pickle. I wonder if he will show up for her birthday.

    Now, her oath to Consort Li makes me very afraid for her…

  15. *Sob*
    Feel so sad for Jiu Ye as he clearly wants to be with her yet he think he can’t as he can’t have kids. She, on the other hand, has HQB to pick up the pieces but he has no one at all. *Sob*

    I wanted Jiu Ye t be with Ji Yu as I think they are each other’s Ying and Yang. He would have being her steadying rock in these precarious times unlike HQB who is exactly like her.

  16. They could adopt someone, though, like her Papa adopted her! So just because of that, I don’t know if it would make sense. He should still give her a choice. Oh well, we’ll see! ^^

    Thank you sooo much, ockoala!

  17. Oh my gosh. Thank you so much Koala for translating this! I just started reading through them yesterday and I’m already salivating for every chapter. Thanks for spoiling us and translating so fast! Ugh. This story is so compelling, and I love all the characters. I’m also falling in love with HQB lol, how can you not?

    Just curious? Who would you cast as the other characters? LSS and HG are confirmed and I think they’ll do great, but who do you see as Li Yan, or Jiu Ye, etc? Personally, in my head I can see Yang Mi as Li Yan, but I don’t think that’ll ever happen because of her relationship to Ladyboss.

  18. I feel sorry for Jiu Ye in this chapter. I kind of wondered what would happened if Jiu Ye accepted Yuer’s confession. Yes, the story would end here, but this triangle is not that simple to begin with. Even with all these passionate feeling Yuer has for Jiu Ye, she still hang out with HQB and let him do all those things (touching her, kissing her ears). As much as she let Jiu Ye into her heart, her door is also half open for HQB. If Jiu Ye was selfish in finding his own happiness and accepted Yu-er, what would Yu-er be like down the road? Would her passion for HQB die down, or would it continue to simmer under the surface? Yu-er is such a fiery ball that I can’t see her settling down with Jiu Ye. The calm Jiu Ye will extinguish her fire after a while, and HQB is the one that bring her true self to life. Tong Hua seek the easy way out by making Jiu Ye the noble idiot when she obviously set Yu-er and HQB as the OTP. If Jiu-ye has accepted her, and Yu-er still long for HQB down the road, would that make Yu-er unfaithful and less likable as a heroine to viewers?

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