
Koala Watches Crap: Happy Michelin Kitchen, I Love You So Much, and Ru Yi — 16 Comments

  1. Totally agree with you on this. I recently lost my interest in C-drama and T-drama. I felt that their story line is flat and repetitive. Honestly, by just looking at the promotion pictures, nothing catches my eyes. BTW is it just me or Yang Mi’s bang is just so freaking ugly and traditional? I like her in “period drama” rather than these type of movies

  2. Shucks I was looking forward to Ru Yi, I think I’m still going to give it a try.

    Also I’m not a big fan of Taiwan dramas as most of them are silly and blend. But the recent “In time With You” was awesome. The plot was realistic and easy to relate to, plus the chemistry between Ariel and Bolin was just explosive. I’m off to watch their movie “Love Sick” now.

  3. yup and the entire universe is telling me to write but I’m still lost somewhere between me and a goal and reality 😉 STUCK!!!!

  4. Oh, the crap wagon, how C-dramas and T-dramas and J-dramas and K-dramas fill it up, time and again.

    Blue Lan seriously needs to re-think his selection process when approaching his work: he’s one more bad drama from my banned list, which takes a lot of effort to get on, in the first place. Secondly, if he makes the banned list, I will NOT watch anything of his again no matter if I’m assured by every faithful reviewer under the heavens that it is the crackiest crack-a-lackin’ drama. He’s like the Keanu Reeves of dramas, only that insults Keanu and dramas. So frustrating, I just won’t go there any more and move him to the banned list and live a much happier life for it.

  5. I started watching ” I love you so much” first 2 episodes and found that the first episode wasn’t bad. I think what bothered me was the writing itself about the characters–who they are and what they do in the drama to actually get me to want to root for them. Also, the story of them working in the makeup industry was different but the idea of her pretending to be a boy to get into the competition to steal—so over and done with. This just reminds me so much about the other Tdramas–a little of “yellow ribbon love” mixed with “sunshine angel”.
    I would love to see a drama that’s original with lots of spunk from the main characters.
    I suppose so many dramas out there that no original work anymore? How sad.

    • When I first saw the beginning of I Love You So Much, the characters were problematic personality wise and it definitely was not promising. The idea behind Ivelyn’s character’s transformation was really shallow/ Blue’s character’s just got duller. As I watched on, the growing chemistry between Ivelyn and Blue’s character made the drama increasingly interesting. The last episode of the drama gave me a sense that I got Rick Rolled but it did make the main character seem more practical than delusional (I suppose). One thing I did like about ILYSM was its kick-butt soundtrack and the well-done chemistry development in the middle. I can say I really applauded Mao Di’s humorous interjections and Mark Chou’s acting.

  6. Phew, havnt watched that drama with hans zhang in it, so I’m just gonna check it out a bit later. I just wish that his acting will improve up for the SOP queen and he better to not ruin his otp chemistry with chen qiao en. I don’t wanna find myself dissapointed after this whole long-waiting hmm…

  7. i’m actually watching “I love you so much” for Ivelyn Lee, maybe I kinda feel bad for her because her previous drama ‘Love Recipe’ was a dismal in ratings but i really saw her effort. And there’s just something about Ivelyn that draws me to watch her performance. Overall, “i love you so much” is not really gripping. So with OG down now, Skip Beat would be my first Sunday choice. Wonder how Love Forward will deliver, after all it has a pretty refreshing premise to start with.

    And I only watched Happy Michelin Kitchen for the cameos and squealed like a little girl when the OTPs came out, and when i saw Annie Chen (IP fever).

  8. YLSM is a copy and paste ( bad ) script drama. The acting is below average. But you know what ? I knew it would be that way from the start. And i don’t care since all i want from that show is Blue with guyliner. How could i be disappointed with such low expectations ?
    But i agree with the lack of creativity in TW dramas these days. Writers need to find new ideas, and inspiration : They are like stuck in a box, breathing their own sweat. Should we send them on a Tour du Monde to refresh their minds ?
    When the story lines will improve, the acting will follow and i’m sure we will discover talented rookie actors.
    Dramaland has its cycles, and we are at the bottom of the poll.

  9. I like Blue Lan, but I have never liked or finished any of his dramas and Happy Michelin Kitchen and I love you so much didn’t sound too interesting to begin with. I did wish that Happy Michelin Kitchen will have a great OTP chemistry to rise against the word out there that Blue and Cheryl dislike each other.

  10. I was looking forward to HMK because I’m a Cheryl fan (not so sure why on that)… but I haven’t watched it yet. Too bad it’s on the crap list! Stand-outs are few and far between, methinks. However, some sub-standard dramas still have that pull (the OTP, the potential, star power) so we can still enjoy them.

    And… why did they team up if they dislike each other so much? Seems like it could have been avoided. -_-‘ Maybe they couldn’t get past the petty. I thought they were more professional than that. Oooooh, well. 😉

  11. i don’t think i’ve ever finished watching a drama with blue in it. for some reason, i find him rather repellent & very wooden as an actor, so i’m kind of not surprised that these dramas aren’t all that gripping. i may watch HMK just for cheryl, though & the cameos. 🙂

    thanks for the reviews, ms. koala!

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