
Yun Zhong Ge Chapter 2: Accompanying Fragrant Grass — 46 Comments

  1. Ms K, you’re so generous to us.
    first, I know Bu Bu Jing Xin from you..
    second, I can read Da Mo Yao because of you..
    and now, Yun Zhong Ge..
    wooahhh…thank you very much Ms K… ^^

  2. I believe Du Chun and Qiao Zhenyu are slated for the two male leads, and female lead will be Yuan Shan Shan.

    Definitely not watching this one.

    • Yumama specifically said the female lead will NOT be YSS.

      于正1978:回复@镜琳琅: 我用演员考虑的从来不是自己人,签袁姗姗的时候就是觉得她合适我笔下的一类人物,但不是所有剧都合适的,比如下一部的女主,她就特别不合适,我请了江一燕,再比如云歌她也不合适,我给她接了别的剧!

      As for Du Chun, that is Tong Hua’s choice but we shall see. If Qiao Zhengyu does Ling gege I might barf but he does have the shu-sheng look.

      Yu Zheng said he hopes the female lead will be either Zhao Li Ying or Zheng Shuang. I can handle the former but barely tolerate the latter.

      Honestly, I don’t care who does the drama. I am enjoying my novel imagination freedom.

  3. I must admit, I squealed internally when I saw YH’s photo!!! Talk about hot. But does this mean that I will be crying a river with him as Meng Jue? I don’t think I’ve quiet recovered from his role in BBJX…my poor death-defying 13th prince. *sigh*

    Thank you for this, Koala! 🙂

  4. I LOVE YOU!!!
    Because of you, Koalas are now my favourite animal!

    Thank you for the awesome translations. You spoil us soooo much 🙂

  5. ms. ockoala, please please please tell me that the person who ask for Yun Ge’s hand in marriage was Meng Jue and that he followed her to Chang An!!! <<>>
    I can’t believe he remembered her all these years since at the end of chapter 1 he seemed so angry and bitter 🙁

    • That would be interesting since Meng ju is also the adopted son of Jui Ye. Too bad she don’t remember him as the other shoe guy.

    • you can’t expect ms. ockoala to give you spoilers right? And i dont think she’ll hand it over easily anyway.

      I think that is the same speculation a few of us have. I thought about it, and it seems romantic but at the same time, kinda creepy. If he was the one who asked for her hand in marriage, then 1: he know exactly who she is 2: he know exactly who her parents are 3: he follow her the whole way to Chang’an.
      And for her parent to accept his offer when they have always rejected the other ones, might suggest that they know he’s Jiu Ye’s adopted son.

      But then it doesn’t make sense that he’s in the restaurant on the 2nd floor when she just arrived. My guess is that he saw her there, and decided to follow her. I think he’s also the one that stole her money as well.

      So if the first assumption is true, i think it’s kinda creepy. And for him to conduct such an elaborate plan to get back with her, only to dump her at the end is just so — If that’s the case then he’s really scary. To love someone that much but to trade that for his ambitions say something about the guy

      • but then koala did mention previously that Meng jue is a complex kinda guy so his motivations are going to be rather convoluted. Dont think its a straight forward case of just him liking her

  6. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh….YH! Awww…seeing his picture kinda want me to picture LSS as his leading lady again, lol. Thanks for translating!

  7. Koala, you must have 28-hours in your day while the rest of us only have 24. LOL!

    Thanks for chapter 2 of YZG. Like BBJX and DMY before it, this novel seems like a sweeping epic that requires readers to mull over the chapters to really get a “feel” for each character and scene.

    Also, thanks for the advice to “read and think and allow the answers to come in due time”. –easier said than done, but I’ll try…. 🙂 Thanks for introducing me (us) to these wonderful writings.

  8. I started reading chapter 1 this afternoon and totally got hooked. Yun Ge’s character is so adorable. I already love her. So excited when I see your updated chapter 2…. thank you so much.

    I will be looking forward for your next installment and hope to read it soon.

  9. I dont know what has gotten to me and decided to read chapter 1? And after reading chapter 1, I’ve been craving to read chapter 2, to my surprise my friend told me chapter 2 is out. And now im so dying to read chapter 3. Ms.K, first time reading chinesse novel and im efing loving it. Thanks for introducing me here. Okay back to the story since im new here, im seriously slow. MJ is not Ling gege right?

    PS: Im excited to meet Ling gege. Love his arrogance and self confidence..

    • I did a major back reading and research about YZG, now, I dont feel left behind. I kinda have a grasp on what’s going on and who is who here. I guess, I kinda went overboard and read what im not suppose to read yet. Ahhhhhhhhhh :-(:-(:-(:-(

      TY Ms. K so so so much……..

  10. Ms K, your so wonderful as novel you’re translating, thank you so much make me enjoy both novel as well. You’re the best.

  11. I guessing Meng Jui took her money.
    It’s a fun, interesting beginning & I’m afraid to know the sad & tragic part:(

  12. Twinnie! You r the death of me. I’m weak and am tempted to rewatch me a tiny bit of YeLuXie just today and now I want some LoCH as well. All that and I was planning to finally start YZG! *I know I’m a tardy snail and have myself to blame*

    QADFGHFHGKJGHFGFDSADFFHGKHJGHFGFA AND u r giving me my closeted CP I so veryvery want the most in Cdramaland….

    *YZG I’ll read you and sweetdream of Loverboy these few or till forever*
    May I ask how am I going to sleep uneventfully in near future?!?!?!!

    • You are tardy snail, I punish you with more Yelu Xie rewatching and then posting hot gifs of him at your LJ.

      Your closet C-drama CP is HongMi? No way! I shipped them SO HARD in Prince’s Education, esp since leading lady was a wet sponge. Blergh. But they are insanely cute. Mi also had waywayway better chemistry with loverboy in his few episodes CP3 cameo than she did with HuGe. Bless his poor heart. Remember that tiny sequence between Yang Kang and Rong Er in the steel spear temple, and I was like “OMFG, I ship Yang Kang with Huang Rong, what the hell is wrong with me!!!” I feel like when Yuan Hong shows up, he steals all the chemistry with the girls. PERIOD.

      Wait….or is your secret C-drama CP……HongQiu? Ahahaha, okay, I can totally get onboard that as well. It’s no RedWhite, but it is much too pretty. Hhhmmm, HG and Roy did have good bromancing going in Invincible…. Oh the possibilities.

      • haha stop messing with me, of coz it’s HongMi circa 2006…
        ermmmm ……but shush I want HongQiu very much now, esp the only one acting socks off and had so much (slashy) chem with HG in ShampooAd was Roy and by association and deduction HongQiu will be the next bigbang :X

        Roy needs to be in a meaty period role pronto. He’ll be a better, hotter, younger W and totally replace him as Angstiest Angsting WuxiaPrince! *darn now I can see Roy as LHC and I have much fewer WTFs to scream*

        I’ve just another proof u r an all knowing psychic fairy! I ship them SOOOOO FREAKEN BAD since Prince’s Ed. SO BAD. I think they have very similar magnetism on screen and can invent chemistry out of woodiest woods. Most importantly, they have matchy talent and just think IF they would do sth that allow them to have smexy times,circa 2006. My head, explodes. Even in stinky AnXiang, she had sth going on with a clownish posing HXM as a cameo, wayyyy more than his sad excuse of an OTP. *sigh* If I get my hands on a time machine, I’ll sacrifice my ride for MiMi just so she can go back to her ~2005/6 self pre whatever she’s done. :/

      • In miss old Mi, too! I miss that girl in RoCH and PD. :-/

        I thought HongMi’s chemistry in PD was out of this world, and this coming from a Qing drama where everyone was standing five feet from each other and never touching.

      • I totally agree: “when Yuan Hong shows up, he steals all the chemistry with the girls.” He’s just so hot, especially in his angsty bad boy roles.

  13. Hi Koala, have you ever thought of writing your own novel? You probably have some stories to tell, and I think you’d be good at it. It would require different skills like researching history, but you may find that you have a lot of fun with it.

  14. Loved it !!!!!! wow, it’s like a continuation of DMY ….I’m loving the characters already ! Can’t wait to read the next chapter …this is also addicting like DMY …Thank you for the hard work , Koala san ! You’ll be blessed ^^

  15. i’m probably getting ahead of myself here… but you’ve mentioned that DMY and YZG are part of a Han-trilogy that TH has planned right? If i rmb correctly, the third book is tentatively entitled JieYouQu or something along those lines? Has TH ever mentioned what context the third book will be based upon? I don’t know the ending of YZG exactly but from what everyone has been bemoaning about, im guessing there’s not gonna be a third generation of HQB and JY thrown in there somewhere right? Are there any murmurings amongst the C-netizens about the possibilities of the context of the third book in the trilogy? I’ve been learning to use baidu lately (no thanks to you.. bad koala! jking i love you unnie!) and it’s really… may i just say… a vastly different universe to what google can give me….but the fervour of C-netizens is scaryyyyy.. in both good and bad ways… ><

    • No, Xie Yo Qu is not written and at this point I doubt she’ll write it. My instinct tells me she’s moved beyond early Han and to other time periods and genres.

      If I were to speculate, based on the title of the book alone, I’d say it was about Princess Xie Yo, making it then a prequel to DMY and YZG.

      • Wouldn’t it be great if it about 3rd brother..
        from what little part that was about him.. he seem like a really good character to get to know..

  16. oh gawd….I dunno where to discuss this but I just finish the first volume…and T.T why!!!!!!! Meng Jue…. why?!! Such cruel fate…history repeating itself in the worst possible manner…..sigh

    • i know! he had her, he had her for a year 🙁 which is more than Meng Jiu had with Yu er, and he lost her!! gah…

  17. I can totally picture YH as Yang Kang flicking & squishing fireflies now haha…
    Such a conflicted & complex character such as Meng Jue would be really a challenge to be portrayed in a drama.. Would love to see how Yu Zheng attempts to accomplish that feat though I doubt any production can ever do MJ justice!

  18. Yuan Hong…..’excited squeal’
    koala, u just made my day. =D =D =D

    i am still focusing very hard on the third brother parts…. hee hee hee

    • Bingo. Imagine if you will Huang Rong in her beggar get up running away from home cuz daddy yelled at her, and then falling in love with Yang Kang instead of Guo JIng. Oh, the mind boggles. TH’s taking so much inspiration from LoCH and RoCH for her Han novels it’s pretty funny.

      • Yeah… but I find YG to be a very… annoying version of Huang Rong… sorry but I loved Huang Rong in the Tangren version because the actress nailed her character to the T… ionno… maybe i’m just not used to reading TongHua’s stories without a first person narrative– it’s prob not a good choice on her part to write in third-person starting with such a… hard-to-understand/relate-to female lead… I just CAN’T get inside her head it’s weird >x<

      • You don’t hear me saying Yun Ge is one my fave female leads. I find Yun Ge a narrative character. Her purpose is as a catalyst for Meng Jue and Liu Fu Ling’s lives and loves. As a character, I initially found her annoyingly perky. She lacks Rong Er’s incisiveness and anti-social tendencies, which made Rong Er fascinating in her “I don’t care if the entire world fell as long as not hair on my Jing gege’s hair is harmed.”

        Oh, don’t forget Yun Ge’s amazing culinary skills. Seriously? Tong Hua, if you wanted to borrow Rong Er, you need to be less obvious than picking the most famous little chef to grace the pages of a wuxia novel.

        Anyway, back to YZG, if Rong Er was Yun Ge, then the moment she ran into Liu Bing Yi, she would have flat out asked the dude if he was her Ling gege and whether he had her green shoe. Hence, all future crap avoided.

        I mean, when Rong Er saw Hua Zheng for the first time, she immediately confronted Jing gege and asked him who she was, and what their relationship was. And in front of Hua Zheng, she was all like “Oh no you don’t, the boy is mine”. She only backed off because stupid Jing gege and his stupid integrity. And then she said “I don’t care who he marries, he will always only have me in his heart.” Swoon. Ladies take note – be honest and lout and proud about your man.

  19. With Yang Mi as Yun Ge, I hereby present my loverboy Yuan Hong as Meng Jue and my special guy Roy Qiu as Liu Fu Ling.

    I love the cast you picked! They are prefect especially the boys. Not a fan of Yang Mi but I think she is not too bad. Can we just have them in YZG pleaseeee?

    I never like reading Chinese novels but just reading your recap on YZG chapter 1, I had to quickly find the Chinese version to read. I cried a buckets yesterday at the end of chapter 2 despite not fully understanding 20% of the text since I don’t really read novels. Such a shame because I can those are really beautiful descriptive words/ poems. So I really hope you can continue to recap this series. It’s a lot a lot of work and I really appreciate it.

    YZG is totally heart breaking and I think it will be more phenomenal than BBJX if the cast are right. My heart is breaking and I really can’t bare to read Chapter 3.

  20. Random: so Second brother gave YG the very special white camel and Third brother Blood Sweat Horse. Second brother also played the tune to her ALL the time whenever she’s unhappy. Second brother seemed very sweet and caring to the siblings who were 15-18 years younger…

  21. Thanks again koala for this new chapter of Yun Zhong Ge. Wow,in other side was DMY and now this…i’m really curious about 3rd’re the best ms koala.
    Now,i will read again,enjoyed and think about it.

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