
Written and Video Preview for Episode 14 of Queen In Hyuns Man — 20 Comments

  1. Oh Gawd… I can’t watch this.

    I stopped watching Episode 12, just after Boongdo asks Heejin to help him set up a life in the modern-day. Waaaaaay too nerve wrecking. The previews didn’t help. I’m going to wait til the show is done to marathon it all at once, so that I don’t suffer mini cardiac arrests.

    SO GOOD! This show!

    • watch it! today’s epi was good. although, i don’t think there’s been a bad epi for this drama yet.. sure ep 12 seemed out of sync with the other episodes, but it was still good.

      i think i’d rather go through the mini-cardiac attacks than have to wait.. but then again, just probably just me.

    • oh gawd….i wished it wasnt so addictive so i could stave off watching ep 13….but but…i couldnt!! And now…here i am…mouth dry….bloodless face…..lifeless body…….gawd…i feel so wretched now! Watching Hee Jin cry in the extended perview for ep14 did that to me. I wanna go hide in a corner till all the bad things goes away.

  2. I know I should not but I confess having laughed at the very end of the preview. Because frankly her tears sounded/looked so fake and forced.

    Wonder how the writer will wrap everyting up. I am a sucker for happy endings – looking at you angrily K2Hwriternim!!

    • I actually really liked the crying of YIN, especially after seeing the the other preview with the longer crying scene. Normally crying scenes in dramas feel too restrained for me to really emphasize with the protagonists pain, but in this scene YIN just lets it all out. This is how I’m crying when I’m amazingly hurt by something, so I guess that would mean my crying is fake as well… lol 😛

      Anyway, I desperately want a happy ending as well!!!

    • woooaahhh are you serious? haha. when i saw hee jin crying in the preview, tears welled up and actually fell!!!! i thought it was super convincing. i cant remember any crying scene in any drama that elicited such a reaction from me before!! well, to each their own! ^o^

    • man her unconsolable grief is so heart wrenching and i’m just watching the preview, i can’t help but to tear up.
      hopefully dong min, seeing hee jin like this, will realize he really had no claim on hee jin what so ever and lets it go.
      and maybe they can be reunited at the hospital, would love it since after going through such grief, hee jin deserves it. but remembering the opening scene of ep 1, means that boong do will be going back to joseon again to right things, won’t he? damnit kim boong do!!!!!!

  3. YIN / Heejin’s cry was actually heart-wrenching for me. The preview alone made me weep for the pain she must be feeling. This show has totally sucked me in to its fantasy world. I have grown so attached to the characters, my beloved OTP of course but even manager SK and the tragic YW. My heart palpitates in dread of the next episode. But then, writer-nim has not failed us yet. She has catered to our fanservice’s every wish so I am crossing all my fingers and toes that we will have our happy ending. Seriously, I don’t know how I can take another tragedy a-la-shi-kyung again, and to a drama even more beloved now than TK2H. Gotta be strong! I’m preparing my heart for a watch now – onward to episode 13 – raw! Catch you later! We will all need hugs and hand-holding… and lots of tissues!

  4. Saw the longer preview for ep 13. Looks like BD is being wheeled in while HJ is losing it in the ER. Just a guess.

  5. OMG so sad watching HJ crying. so heartbreaking. I hope BD will survive and they will meet at the same hospital coming episode. thanks for preview and to tessieroo for the longer version of preview Ep. 14.

  6. That preview of Hee Jin crying on the hospital bed caused me to lose sleep last nite… I know they’ll be alright and be together at the end but still, it gets to me, really.. T___T

  7. Since I started watching this drama, I have lost interest in my job and other dramas… this is so addictive. Are you guys in Korea? I am still waiting to watch Ep. 13.

  8. Please, stay calm! We can not change the final that God (please, read “screenwriter”) has chosen for this drama…. You already forgot “Fashion King”‘s ending?
    Finger crossed!

  9. It was never out of momentum, at least not yet anyway, things could still go wrong. So far, it’s great from 1st-12th and I really don’t know how “asking to spend the night” can mess a great drama or lose its footing. And yes, with great power comes great responsibility…so please, if you’re going to nitpick on something and make hundreds of other people read it, make sure your point is even valid or debatable. Cos sorry, i just don’t see whatever out of character you’re saying. Neither do hundreds of others. And I think you should heed thundie’s advice to just shun this stupid thinking (not gonna be like the masses; I be standing tall with my own unique opinion)

    • Agreed, and the analogy to Fitzwilliam Darcy is…. Not really good. A person’s I’d, ego and super ego are more than enough to change behaviours. Can’t wait till tonight’s episode! Excited~~~~

  10. At this point, I’m fascinated but detached from the drama. The out-of-sync first started at the end of ep 8 where I “oh-no” at the amnesia business. Then come the forced separation ep 9 and super-romantic ep 11, which is enough to give me whiplash. I lap up all the lovey-dovey, don’t get me wrong, and I still love all the characters (Soo-Kyung fighting!) but it is starting to feel like the court intrigue and modern romance is like 2 seperate story-lines. I like Yoo In-ah’s heartbroken crying in the ep 14 preview but somehow, I’m no longer on pins and needles. Just praying for happy ending next week.

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