
Big Episode 5 Recap — 40 Comments

    • Amen.
      This drama is just so filled with loop-de-loops, that I am sure will make soooo much more sense in hindsight, but I’m not gonna go crazy trying to figure it out ahead of time.

  1. The ending part was surprising but this episode was the most entertaining for me so far.Editing,music,humour,acting,*Gong Yoo’s stare* everything was awesome.I literally laughed at many scenes.I cannot imagine what kind of ending this drama will have.Thank you for recap 🙂

  2. oh, woww!! Reading this recap blind-sided me totally. Should’ve waited for the subs!!

    I guess from the looks of it: DR and KJ will be the OTP. aaand, I’m fine with it! Excited for tomorrow’s episode.

    Thank you for the subs!

    ps: the first stills of Arang are out! =)

  3. i think this is the first time i CONSISTENTLY saw KJ-as-played-by-Shin-Won-Ho in Gong Yoo in this episode… which is AWESOME… it was cute that KJae was such a kid in terms of behavior and it had been hinted that this was the real KJ underneath all the i’m cool as a cucumber acting after his mom’s death but it couldn’t really sink in since we never saw that in KJ before the switch… which was why i enjoyed the scenes of KJae being contemplative so much more (though kinda heart-breaking for the character himself cuz he has just so much to shoulder all by himself)

    and now we get to see that for a lot of this episode, and for good reasons (not just for dramatic effect, but because it’s essential to where the story is going)… props to GY for bringing SWH’s KJ out again~ (if you catch what i’m saying… i mean like his… aura <– weird word but yes, that other-worldly aura KJ had in ep 1 where you sense the loneliness and sadness under that cool-cover)

    as with everyone else probably, it broke my heart when KJae decided to bring his body back, and starts preparing the way for himself to live as KJ a) that is SUCH a HUGE sacrifice… that he has to let go of his identity as KJ to live as YJ b) i'm not sure how much of the reason behind this move was simply because the circumstances required it of him with YJ-mom coming and adding complications… or were there other factors that pushed him to do this? I'm very proud of him that he was responsible enough to make this sacrifice knowing that this would be the best way for everyone, at least for the time being, to handle the switcheroo situation… if he was irresponsible, he could have just ran away… and in a very REAL way, he took the burden of this crisis off of D's shoulders all onto his own (flying away to the states for a year so he can train up to live as YJ and not get found out… and D is cut off from this process so she doesn't get entangled if anything screws up… etc.) Forget about the KJae (i agree with koala's speculations) we see afte rthe 1-year leap; the KJ we saw as he made the decision to become YJ has already proven his maturity and growth in BOUNDS

    this is SUCH a sweet salve to my post-QIHM blues~~ <3

    ty koala for posting the recap so soon! =D

    • hahaha the syntax in this is soooo embarrassing… my brain’s mush from work-stress but i still had to get it all out… sorries!

    • My thoughts exactly regarding how this was the first episode where KJ really matched the KJ from episode 1. I think it is because ep1-KJ had such a sad air about him and KJ was mostly sad and didn’t get all comedic in the episode. I feel so sad for KJ…=*(

  4. OMG.. watching it raw link was totally wrong as I scream of KJ kissing DR. I was OMG… Yay.. But, then was sad that DR got piss off. However, that means we will see way more HOTTER KISS Scene when they kiss again and again and again with GY naked with his choc abs. umm.. okay back to this episode, I love the songs so far in this episode and I must say this is a LMJ/GY is doing totally awesome job especially Suzy and that evil fish face woman. I do not like her at all!!!! The ending was OMG.. I can not wait to watch this again with subs… =)

  5. wow…koala….you did it again…..the comparison of the last scene at the elevator with the bus scene in ep 1…. so true…..I did not see it until you pointed it out

    but how can Kyung Jae act so mature after 1 year only? I guess, we will find out tomorrow

    strictly speaking there was/is something not quite right, if you ask me. How come Da Ran spent so little time with Yoon Jae, who is lying in the hospital? She just visited him…like once?

  6. Koala jiejie, thank you for your amazingly fast recaps! 🙂 I always stop here first mid-day on Mondays and Tuesdays now because I’m anxious to find out what has happened.

    On a sidenote, I loved Coffee Prince but definitely did not find Gong Yoo that cute back then; however, he is such a cutey in Big!

  7. I think I’m dizzy and concerned! I cannot wait for Ep 6 developments. I am very thankful for the time jump though. However, what are the statistics that one remains in a coma for a year plus and then comes out of it unscathed?

    • Esp when one does not appear to have been fed anything but iv fluids and not turned to prevent pressure sores!!!

      I cannot wait for today’s episode 6!!!!

  8. wow thanks for the quick recaps, Koala!
    the thing that really surpassed my expectation in this drama is the constant changes that keeps us wondering whats going to happen next!
    at the end of this scene, it makes me wonder:
    why didn’t KKJ keep in touch with the teacher while she was in the US for one year? and had to meet Yoon Jae in a wedding? is it because they both forgot what happened? or was he pretending to be Yoon Jae?

  9. Thanks for this!
    You are right about those first 10 minutes – whew! I could feel the younger person in all of GY’s moves. As if only kids still know how to play “Keep away!” so desparately.
    Amazing how brave KJ is being with DR – how certain he is that he could prevent her from getting hurt. It shows a maturity we had not really seen yet, and a determination that we saw later on in the episode.

    While DR laughing at him hurt him, I am glad it didn’t become one of those “I can’t forgive you for wounding me” situations. Instead, it looks like said, “You don’t think I am man enough now? I WILL be man enough later” – with a “whether you like it or not.”

    Totally totally felt a stomach flip after he didn’t answer to the second KKJ.
    All I could think was, “Oh, no, you DIDN’T just erase KKJ from your person, from your brain, from the planet!”
    It’ll be interesting to see KKJ return to the forefront when faced with DR. He won’t be able to keep the facade up around her because 1. not only does she
    know KKJ better in YJ’s body (than in his own), 2. she knows KKJ in YJ’s body better than she knows YJ in his own body!

    This is crazy and crazy good!

  10. What a delightful episode. Never expected they will bring the story like that. Now i guess im gonna need to stop predicting so much n just sit n watch what the Hongs is up for us.

    But one thing bother me is what MaRi said to KJ about how he will be hurt if he keep liking DR n ask him to forget bout her once he wake-up. Its sound like a forecast of what the ending will be. T_T OH GOD please dont!!!!

    • Yeah, I think so, too.
      Whatever they go through – meaning DR and KJ in YJ’s body, it’ll be gone.
      So, if they are really meant to be together after the switch, they will have to rebuild.
      It makes sense – hanging out with someone who looks that young is not the same thing.
      Not exactly the same ending as Big the film, but it would still be as realistic as far as the age difference…

  11. yay! thanks so much for the recaps koala sis!
    i just love how this episode played out… i am a hard-core kyung-ran shipper so i am mighty happy he went back to be a more mature person. but what i really wanted for the next episodes is for yoon jae to wake up and for them to switch back(which i don’t think will happen anytime soon 🙁 ). i wanted my kj to have equal footing in wooing da ran not just because he is in yj’s body. although we can see now that da ran recognizes him already as he is. i would really want them to end up together, despite there might be possibilities that yj really love da ran and just had some issues with himself.

  12. Am I the only that still isn’t sold with DR/KJ couple?

    I’m sorry I just can’t see them together.

    I find KJ adorable and the kiss was hot but I don’t see them as a couple.

    It is just weird…

    Hope to see YJ back at this love game.

    And I really hate when second girls think they are going to get the guy just because their mom is at their side, how stupid that doctor is? I hope KJ/YJ rejects her again! Hahahaha

    And does YJ’s mother knows the bitch doctor doesn’t want to give her grandchild?

    • Me too! I am still have a hard time buying the DR-KJ couple. I just want to see YJ wake up and give a good fight or give up on his own. Of course, she wasn’t meant to wait around forever for YJ but I do hope he wakes up soon. I’m just curious about what he really felt from his own perspective. I do think DR & KJ are cute but I really can’t picture the real KJ (in the right body) with DR. not yet at least… 🙂

      • Agreed. I think the story would be more awesome if KJ would find a family from this experience. I mean, the way DR is looking after him is reminicent of a mother’s/sister’s love, not romantic. And KJ is definitely in need of a family, after his mother’s death. He may look and act as a 30-year old man, but the truth is that he is still not mature enough to start a relationship with DR. I admit that his crush is super adorable, but I’m not sold on them as couple just yet.
        Plus, I do think that the real YJ was in love with DR, at some point at least. So, it would be more interesting if the story would take us back to the original couple and resolve the whole YJ conflict. He might have been a bit of coward, but a cheating bastard…I don’t entirely buy that. I am really curious to see the story from YJ’s prespective. And there seems to be this secret family connection also, which makes me doubt even more about the possibility of DR-KJ pairing.

  13. Eeeek!!!!!!!!!! This episode was DAEBAK! So much heart, angst, laughs, and plot-development. This is officially crack! I am so for Kyung Joong (in Yoon Jae’s body) and Da Ran falling in love, but this is the Hong Sisters. Our hearts will be shredded before the end and then taped back together with love.

  14. I thought after K2H I’m done with my kdrama but BIG got me hooked!!! This drama is so good I’ve never been a fan of LMJ the female lead but my oh my she is awesome! I think this is the 4th time she wore a wedding gown and again she did not end up getting married… I’m a BIG fan now!!! I know most of you guys will hate me and its too early for me to say but I think I would prefer our Da Ran will not end up with anyone. Just her by herself after they tied up the loose ends she can just go somewhere start a new life time jumps we will see her with a man married with children. But that’s just me… I love both guys if only they will not switch their body back again I would want DR to end up with the 18 guy trap in the 30 guy. It’s killing me to know and I feel like I have to endure until maybe episode 16-18 before we can finally learn the truth if the 30y guy love DR and why is running away? or etc… it would be interesting if the other lead will wake up from his coma. OMG! I should have watch this when it was over but its the first time that I’m watching 3 drama’s in a week, mon-tue BIG, wed-thurs- I do and weekend Gent’s dignity. Thank you Ms. K! your ship is sailing again. While I love Big, K2H is still number one in my heart for now…

  15. So unpredictable, I am not sure how the story will end up now, thats really brings my curiosity up to the top of my brain, really2 want to know what will happen next. I just can’t wait to see what happen in the next episode, I wish every monday will come soon so I can watch or at least read the recap of this drama. I have never been feeling like this before, so I think BIG really make it ‘BIG’ for me, hehehe…

  16. “That is totally still Kyung Jae standing in front of the elevator or I’m not a marsupial”.
    Looking forward to the growth of the characters with coming episodes. The 1 year is more to fill KJ’s brain with knowledge, I doubt he really “grew” too much, growing is not about the duration, but what you experience.

  17. Can’t wait for tomorrow’s episode!

    Thx Ms Koala, you are amazing for posting these recaps so quickly! 🙂

  18. Great recap! Thank you!!!
    The last minutes of this ep … whoa!
    What does he like to say so often? Surprise!!

  19. This episode was funny and my heart broke when Kyung Jae was waiting for Da Ran to show up at the airport!! Bah Kah Da Ran!!!!!! Can someone be soooooooo blind?? Seriously, she is beyond annoying!!!

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