
Big Episode 7 Recap — 27 Comments

  1. Thank you Koala unni.. it seem to be low key episodes which i think we will get angsty and some lovely scenes tomorrow… I love the supermarket date and it was soo cute that KJ making dinner for DR….

  2. Dear ockoala:
    I was looking at this restaurant clip and I noticed that it was Da-ran who was feeling for KJ’s hand first (in order to stop KJ from talking back to YJ’s mom) before KJ held her hand up to show DR’s mom.

    It’s such a subtle and yet big step forward. I mean, honestly, in this episode, I am feeling for DR’s yearning for KJ in a most physical sense. Your comment on YJ being gay made me laugh so hard but it’s really the problem between YJ and DR. They are so bland and not even “platonic” since they don’t even have any intellectual interchange. In comparison, in a weirdest way, I am actually seeing that DR finally steps into puberty and feels her desire.

    • For sure. It’s weird that Da Ran’s feelings for Yoon Jae were so ephemeral and idealistic, like it’s some sort of perfect construct of what a relationship ought to be. Whereas her and Kyung Jae is awkward, and odd, and completely visceral. I believe Da Ran when she said in the beginning of episode 6 that when she looks at Kyung Jae, she sees only Kyung Joon. That probably happened to her perception before she even realized it. I’m actually laughing at Da Ran’s worry that spending time with Kyung Jae will trigger her to like Yoon Jae again. Hahaha, fat chance of that happening! She doesn’t shoot hearts at Kyung Jae like she did for Yoon Jae, she looks at him like a woman looks at a man. So. Much. Awesome. THIS is how a relationship develops, Gil Da Ran! Time to wake up and smell the pheromones instead of living in your chaste little fairytale love with Yoon Jae.

  3. This episode seems to have answered my questions. This drama is about the relationship between SY and Daran. The fact that the relationship was in jeopardy for whatever reasons and the rekindling of the love or lack of between SY and D. KJ was just the vehicle or catalyst to that end. This was never gonna be a love between KJ and D even though he may be crushing on her but the body is SY and D always sees SY and KJ keeps reminding us of it. KJ is mature enough to realize that her (D) place is next to SY. I think KJ just did not want to see her hurt but now he realizes that this may have all been a misunderstanding. I believe the PD or writers made a mistake in not letting us know SY thoughts before the accident cause now we are all thinking that the young man and teacher will be an item. I believe the writers intended to tell of a healing between two or more people.
    This is my opinion of course and as to not give the wrong impression, the only reason I was watching was because I wanted KJ to end up with D but I know now that is not going to happen. Too bad and very sad. And I still think Mari is psychotic and leaves a bad taste in my brain when I watch her.

    • I also agree.

      DR feels atracked to YJ’s body, not KJ.

      When she is nervous is because of she is seeing YJ’s face.

      I still didn’t see or feel that DR seems KJ more than a puppy/student.

      She cares for him but not in the woman-man relationship.

      the preview just show it more! She feels bad for KJ and wants to help him,

      Maybe people are getting confused thinking it is KJ/DR but maybe that is what Hong sisters want us to believe……. but then BAM YJ comes back and I see KJ’s heartache coming. DR might confused her feelings too but I think she won’t end up with KJ.

      And as for YJ and DR be a boring couple, well, things changed and DR changed, so I don’t think their relationship will be the same if they get together again. I think maybe YJ will show her his feelings and run after her and then their relationship will be a lot more different than their relationship was in the past.

      Isn’t this drama about growing ? So YJ will aslo grow.

      I can’t wait for it.

    • I think you bring up two mutually exclusive perceptions of this drama, rather than a cause and effect.

      I completely disagree that this drama is about Da Ran and Yoon Jae’s relationship, but I completely accept the possibility that Da Ran may not end up with Kyung Joon and end up with Yoon Jae. I think those two things are not required to exist together. Just because the end game could be DR-YJ doesn’t meant this drama is about their story.

      7 episodes in, the drama has shown us definitively that it is about Kyung Joon. Not even Da Ran, though she gets her own maturation arc. Da Ran and Yoon Jae’s relationship is told in flashback and fractured memories. It represents the past. Its not central to the story, but remains a viable alternative. IF Yoon Jae wakes up, then I’m game for him to woo Da Ran again. But for now, his life, love, woes, none of it is important. He’s a cipher. And for fans who clamor for his story, I see it as the selection of the alternate. It’s not BECAUSE Yoon Jae is fantastic and OMG so wonderful, it’s because they don’t see the Kyung Joon possibility as their choice.

      Narratively, neither Kyung Joon nor Yoon Jae is good for Da Ran. One is too young, the other is too distant and elusive. But while Kyung Joon is maturing, Yoon Jae lays in a coma and can’t play ball. That makes him the “unknown” element in this story, but his relationship with Da Ran hardly ranks as central to the narrative. It is a spectre that hovers above Kyung Joon, but his relationship progresses with Da Ran on their own terms in spite of that.

      In the last two episodes, my eyes, heart, and mind tells me unequivocally that Da Ran is attracted to Kyung Jae. And its a genuine male-female attraction, unlike Da Ran’s feelings towards Yoon Jae, which is placing him like some sort of asexual Prince Charming on a pedestal she can worship. At the restaurant, when she tried to smack Kyung Jae with her purse and he grabbed her arm and they stared at each other, that was sexual tension so thick I can slice it with a butter knife. In a Kim Eun Sook drama, those two would have been making out against that wall instead of just pretending for Yoon Jae’s momma’s sake.

      What’s great is that this story doesn’t appear to need or want to go the conventional route. So Da Ran can end up with Yoon Jae, Kyung Joon, or Kyung Jae (or all alone) and it won’t feel like we expected it to happen that way.

      • You wrote it gooder than me, and I totally agree.
        I love the fact this this is KJ’s story. I can’t remember when we got to watch a 19 year old trying to grow up in an adult world.
        Usually they are in school, and are hanging around other kids.
        He is completely isolated by his situation, and so far has been doing a pretty good job dealing with it, even without DR.
        Having DR, and even Mari, is nice and all, but he still has to be the one to get through this with his mind, heart and body intact.

      • Absolutely agree that this is KJ’s story since he is inhabiting the body of the doctor and all that is happening is happening to KJ. That is what I should have conveyed when I said he is the catalyst. All the chemistry on his part is real but “What is DR seeing?” I guess that is where we differ. I am not getting any vibes from her character. DR the character is so simple minded that I believe she is too stupid to know the difference.

      • sonia:
        Your last sentence is actually the key. You see, as ockoala puts it, DR had constructed from her “simple mind” how a relationship should be, that is, finding a good “catch” that could meet all the social expectations of a perfect partner that is YJ. While DR’s romance with YJ goes by the book, DR does not “think” about her relationship with KJ –she just does it by heart and feels it through her body.

        I understand that many of you do not like DR as a character or LMJ as an actress. I do not think LMJ as a great actress, not yet since this is only her second drama playing the main lead (I don’t consider her as the female lead in MIDAS). But in this drama, I think she does one thing right. She has this very naturally “textile” and layered chemistry with Gong Yoo, both on-screen and off-screen. What I mean is that they are not afraid of physical contact, which is essential for the premise of this drama. Surely they do not and should not fall into Queen ihyun’s man category since they are playing the roles of teachers/ students at first. Before episode 6, the physical proximity sets up a friendly and even familial dynamics between DR and KJ.

        However, from episode 6 and especially in episode 7, this physical proximity becomes palpable attraction that cannot be framed and comprehended by “simple-minded” DR. But it’s there, as I like how ockoala puts it, “simmering” with passion. I feel like that maturity is also subtly defined by this open embrace of that attraction.

        In fact, in this episode, the “chicken” is such a loaded metaphor that KJ’s proposal to eat the roast chicken together can be read as an invitation to cross their usual boundary.

        Maybe I am not the only one who is not upset about the confusion between YJ and KJ. In fact, I feel episode 7 is very “sexy”, even though there are no tongue kissing or typical Kdrama intimate moments. I actually appreciate how they present “sexuality” in a most understated way.

  4. What a great recap – loved the thoughts at the end!
    I do agree that the writers did a good thing by showing us a better side of SY.
    I have to admit I really like the actress, so I was hoping she would end up being an ally when this thing shakes out.
    End game – I still see KJ-DR, with a time skip… Maybe SY and YJ can hook back up, Mari-ah gets CS, and Teacher Na gets AK Perfect!

    I know I am supposed to think rationally and look for clues that this is what the writers intend, but all that doesn’t matter to me. They are good together, good for each other, and will continue to learn more about one another as they go forward.

    PS WTH was that outfit that KJ’s samchoon had on?!! It hurt my eyes.

  5. The thing about me with any Hong Sisters drama is, I usually enjoy the first half of the drama, but the latter episodes always let me down… Like they could have done better…. Hope that this one is not like the rest…

  6. Poor Kyung Jae. I re-watched the last scene of ep.7. He doesn’t just “like” Da Ran now; it’s full -blown selfless love. He’s not with her just to protect himself, but to make sure she can keep her relationship with Yoon Jae intact when they switch. That kind of love tears me up and I’ll be wounded inside if Kyung Joon’s love isn’t reciprocated. Gong Yoo is such a great actor. He hurts, so I hurt. Please let episode 8 be AWESOME (i.e. Da Ran & Kyung Jae fighting and she blurts out that Yoon Jae is not making her waver, but KJ is!) And I hope they get married Full House style…, but with much less stupidity.

    • Ya I feel it too. That every action he takes with her in mind. That last scene was all bravado on his part… Breaks my heart

  7. All I’m saying is, let’s be prepared to say “Uh-oh” when YJ wakes up and the second part of the series (after ep 8) unfolds. Either way, I love watching GY whatever he’s playing. Whew!

  8. i’m so agree with you about se yong.
    glad hong sister didnt do a usual daddy long leg and terrible second lead. just hope 9 remaining keep this up.

  9. Wouldn’t it be cool if there were no memories when they switch back and D of course would be jilted but she would be nicer to KJ and they became ‘close’ friends.
    I think that Lee Min Jung is a good actress, she gets to portray simple minded characters except for the girl she played in Boys over Flowers.

  10. Oh My Poor LoveSick BabyBoy..
    How much further pain u have to endure in the name of love? As if it wasnt enough to be forced to live someone else’s life T_T
    He sure is way stronger and mature for someone his age, and i think thats what will make DR fall for him.

  11. Darn it! I really wanna watch this but I’m scared of the soul swapping thing here doesn’t sit well with me. I wish Gong Yoo swapped soul with someone his age, that would be better for me. I just kept thinking, he’s so much younger than her, what if he gets back to his own body?

    But I really like the progress of the story based on the recap, it’s really making me wanna watch the series. :'( been waiting for Gong Yoo’s next project for a long time.

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