
Yamapi Does a Diabolically Funny Poodle Showdown with KimuTaku on SMAPxSMAP — 16 Comments

  1. ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜€ im cracking up.. laughing like a mad women alone in this room.. bot pet r sooooo cute… i wish they were my pet..!!! <3 <3

  2. OMG! i did not understand a word of that but that was just wayyyyy too funny! thanks for sharing, ms koala!

    i miss kimu taku… when is he coming back on the small screen?

  3. it never ceases to amaze me what the Japanese will do for a laugh (and those poodle costumes alone had me giggling), it started with a giggle when P-chan went all Lou Rawls on the Lady of the House and didn’t stop!

  4. Thanks much Captain for sharing this. I didn’t know Kimura Takuya does this regular skit…in a pink dog suit. He is so cute as well as Yamapi. ๐Ÿ™‚ Now I appreciate more Kimura’s versatility as an actor…Speaking about dogs, did you get to see Kimura’s drama last year? The one with the dogs at the Antartica? I forgot the title but it was your post about it that led me to watching it. I finished all the episodes and liked the drama. Both the human and canine actors acted very well, I thought.

    Is the song “Sesshun Amigo” the same one played at the end of each episode of “Nobuta wo Produce”? It sounded familiar. Their dancing was so in synch and awesome. (*^_^*)
    I think they should do a drama together. Wouldn’t that be cool?

  5. LOL P-chan is my fav skit of smasma and they haven’t been doing it for a while…glad that this time we have P-chan with Yamapi-chan ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. I love this running skit cause it’s always so hilarious. I believe each and every time that I have seen it (which is many times over the past I don’t even know how many years)… Kimura pretty much always keeps a straight face. Goro sometimes cracks up LOL. Shingo is so cute in his kindergarten cap. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Thanks so much for posting this Capt K. ๐Ÿ™‚ I haven’t watch SxS in quite some time. Just too busy and this brings it right back!

  7. LMAO! I just saw this post now and I have to run out. Next time I have 14m, I’m going to sit down and watch it. Thank you for the post. I can hardly wait^^.

  8. I’ll be back after I get off the floor. I’m just dead from laughing. OMG, Kimutaku at the 6:30 minute mark – I had to pause it, I was laughing so hard. Thank you SO MUCH!

  9. I always love this skit, P-cha is the sexiest and most perverted pink poodle ever, even in concerts. And I agree with you, I’m not missing Kame at all. I love Kimutaku’s rendition of Seishun Amigo. I was fangirling like crazy when Kimutaku and Yamapi started singing together that song.
    But I need subs to make the experience even better.

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