
Haeundae Lovers Releases Amusing Posters, Stills, and First Teaser — 18 Comments

  1. All I see in the first pictures is boobs. Not a good sign if we’re relying on the cleavage.

    Also, is it me or does someone look a LOT like Lee Dong Wook in sunglasses?

  2. That teaser is so bizarre… You can’t guess what’s the genre chosen for the story.
    I love the 2 fighting ahjussis (I love the actors who play the characters actually). For the rest, it’s a big ????.

  3. Are there investigating prosecutors in Western dramas? I admit my ignorance in this area. I always just assumed that the Korean justice system ran a little differently and gave prosecutors more investigative authority than (what I presume is normal for) American/Western prosecutors.

    I have to admit I don’t really care either way, because a) I’m not in any kind of law profession (though it does bug the crap outta me when procedural dramas do all kinds of things to muck up a crime scene, imaginary though it is), and b) KKW is to me pretty much the hottest thing on two legs. Not sure why, but he hits all the right buttons for me. ~oogles~

    • I think the investigating prosecutor bit is a truly K-drama construct. I can’t imagine a legal system where the counsel acts as the evidence gatherer, because that just breaks about every bit of privilege and chain of evidence issue. An overzealous counsel could collect whatever evidence scrounged up to make a case, without any impartiality. The trifecta would be if the investigating prosecutor was also the judge. I think my brain would explode in that case. Anyways, unless there is a shortage of cops on the street, I don’t see any reason for the prosecutor to GO UNDERCOVER. O__O I’ll take it for dramatic license purposes but I hope folks don’t think this is anywhere near reality.

      • You know I was wondering the same thing b/c I think in CH, the prosecutor started investigating. And also in Ghost, the prosecution just took over an investigation and all the evidence in the episode I just watched.

  4. LOL!
    You mock this drama’s premise (and almost every aspect about it) and yet you absolutely adored the hot mess that was BIG. Not sure if I’m following your logic…

    • Oh my head hurts. Your comment fails the basic test of making a connection between two wholly unrelated objects. I’m merely discussing HL based on what I see of it and the expectation stemming therewith. How you could bring up Big, or any other drama for that matter, frankly leaves me befuddled. My comments on HL are backed up what my observations. Agree or disagree, it’s my opinion. And it’s so far from anything I wrote on Big that I can’t even call it comparing apples to oranges. That would require both to be fruit.

    • Correct me if I’m wrong, but I think this drama is intended to be ridiculously funny, it’s just a gender of comedy that likes to mock itself, like, for example, the movie “the naked gun”. It’s not a bad gender of drama/movie but you have to be aware that the plot is not going to be coherent and that anything is possible. Unlike BIG.

      BIG was not this kind of gender and it was supposed to be a romance with elements of fantasy, drama and occasional comedy, but in the end was badly orchestrated, it had many things unsolved and that didn’t make sense. Although not a good thing in a drama, still one can madly love a drama in spite of all its incoherencies. I, myself, loved “my princess” and it had a lot of incoherency, still it was good enough for me. Maybe the same thing happened in BIG for Koala.

      You can never understand the matters of the heart – why one likes the things one likes. I think koala didn’t deny the incoherencies of BIG, she just liked it in spite of that, its her taste, try to respect it.

  5. I think I will check this one, probably this will surprise me… I havent comment anymore in your BIG pages ockoala, but not because I dont like it, but because too many people already comment about it, so I decided to keep all my comment and impression inside my head. Despite so many viewers dislike BIG because of the ending, but I just think the ending is perfect, thats all I can say.

  6. I’m gonna give this one the benefit of the doubt because of the residual love I have for KKW from Story of a Man. BUT….it won’t take long to pull the plug if too many of my brain cells start dying.

  7. The guy with the plaid shirt around his waist, is He the actor from Rainbow Rose? The one that played the Japanese student?

  8. Hm, the preview was a little WTH, but I’m always willing to give a potentially funny drama a try. Unfortunately, many of my brain cells have exploded after watching the latest Dr. J episode so I do have to be more careful in the future with “train wreck” dramas…

  9. This does indeed look rather terrible. Let’s hope the crack-smoking team behind the marketing will not be the team behind the show.

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