Full House 2 to Air in Japan on TBS in Early October
For a drama that looks this bad based on the promotional stills I’ve seen, normal expletives might not be enough to convey the degree of shock and awe I experience every time I lay eyes on Full House: Take 2, the sequel to the famous early Hallyu Asian hit Full House starring Rain as a top Korean star in a contract marriage with Song Hye Kyo. While I liked the original manhwa to a certain degree, the drama was one of the rare early hits that I cannot stomach in any way, shape, or form. Usually my tolerance is high for early Hallyu K-dramas, since watching it requires a suspension of disbelief and willingness to accept certain narrative limitations. But with FH, I wanted to stabbity pretty much every character in the drama and for the sake of my blood pressure I stopped watching after a few episodes.
It’s been nearly a decade since the original, and the sequel starring No Min Woo, Hwang Jung Eum, and Park Ki Woong had completed filming this past Spring and was just waiting for an air date and channel. Turns out this Korean-Japanese co-production will be airing in Japan first, on channel TBS starting in early October. I wouldn’t hold my breath that it’ll air in Korea since TBS is releasing the DVD shortly thereafter, which indicates that its probably DOA and trying to recoup costs in any way possible. I’m trying hard to find a silver lining, but I think everyone involved in this turkey might want to just feign amnesia and hope the audience also forgets soon. I’ll probably end up watching out of sheer morbid curiosity, like when I watched way more of Paradise Ranch then I should have.
Geez, too many fugly haircuts in Kdramaland these days. Poor Hwang Jung Eum!
HJE has like zero luck in the hair department…first CYHMH, then this drama and finally that bird’s nest in Golden time…how I wish everyone in kdramaland had Lee Min Hot’s hair stylist
this looks like a Korean version of Twilight! hahahaha, although I’m really itching to watch this and yes, I’m one of those whoe loved the first full house drama and I’ve been waiting for this since it was first announced that there will be a part two. hurry up!!
I wish I could say something positive but… not one thing about this drama seems digestible. I can’t believe they made this. The promo still looks like a child’s work. I would have felt bad for the actors but they all chose it, so..
The promotional stills so far look like a joke. Harsh, but that’s the first thing that pops in my mind…hopefully the drama itself will pull through…
Yeah, FH never did make a lot of sense (seriously, those first few episodes were a headscratcher) but I still loved it for some insane reason. I was wondering if this was ever going to see the light of day because it just looks awful, but I’m strangely glad, just because I’ve been wondering if this will be a carbon copy of the original, insane logic and all or if it will try to be more believable.
I bet the production company’s kicking themselves right now for thinking something like this was a good idea. Usually when a drama’s been on the backburner this long, it’s probably a trainwreck waiting to happen (Paradise Ranch and The Musical come to mind) so i’ll probably watch with very low expectations.
I don’t really know about the other 2, but I bet that Park Ki Woong would rather not be seen in this after his great performance as the best friend turned villain in Gaksital…
I’ll believe that it’s airing when episodes Actually air. Since there’s a lot of “confirmed” dates for it to air. It went from March to April to May and now October. I hope it actually airs this time. Ugh Hwang Jung Eums hair is horrid!!
i can’t help but cringe at their photos. Geez, what’s up with their hair?.. @_@
I really don’t know whose hair is worse. But the drama has absolutely no appeal whatsoever, I sincerely don’t care for it based on these promotional stills. It seems like a big joke so far. Though, you never know..
I love Park Ki Woong that I endured watching/cringing The Musical until finale. But this. 0.o this has train wreck written all over it.
The hair. ’nuff said
— koala unnie. who’s that on your cover?
the original full house drama brings back so much memories for me. it was the first k-drama that i watched and loved, maybe because i was young then and didn’t have much sense in me lol
but yeah, i loved that show. i still remember one of rain’s outfits in the first episode..a red midriff shirt with a plunging neckline. It was really so much lolworthy haha XD
“the original full house drama brings back so much memories for me. it was the first k-drama that i watched and loved, maybe because i was young then and didn’t have much sense in me lol”
ditto xP
I was also young…to dramas when I watched this. I also now know there are better ones but it was at least entertaining.
May be Full House (the original)doesn’t make much sense, but for me it opened the gate to the land of Kdramas and I’m hooked since!But I don’t think I’ll watch Full House 2 – the retakes are usually a great disappointment (look at I need romance 2012 which was like tepid water next to champagne -the original.
Won’t say I loved it but I did like it. I would probably attempt to watch
I don’t get it. Why are they so terribly dressed? No Min Woo looked so brooding-hot in Gumiho, that hair makes him look absolutely ridiculous.
The first Full House was completely unlogical, but it had its funny moments and the leads were pretty cute. I was hoping the new version would be a deeper, more realistic version, but this looks like it’s going to be worse than the first.
awww!! She is sooo short
They look awful. I won’t be watching this. sorry.. mean..
I think that was kind of the point behind the original Full House, it wasn’t really meant to be taken seriously. It’s just the combination of characters (Rain & Song Hye Kyo) and their push-pull/love-hate relationship actually made them rather remarkable characters (for the time). Now admittedly the secondary characters (Han Eun Jung & Kim Sung Soo) were pretty much spot on for being rubbish, so there needs to be a bit of disbelief and/or utter contempt for them whenever they try to interfere with the other characters (in any means).
As for this new version they simply waited too long to strike, a decade for a sequel or a re-telling often spells disaster (I’ll include General Hospital’s sequel from a few years ago) and this one looks like one just on spec.
I watched the first FH and have few memories of it. I guess my brain used the selective amnesia option already. I don’t know what will happen with that sequel/remake/thing but one thing I know: Uglifying No Min-woo is a crime against humanity. It so looks like a train wreck…
Not even Park Ki Woong can make this poster look positive….>.>
Thank you Ms. Koala for letting me know that this was right around the corner. My Park Ki Woong love has no bounds. I will watch failure of a drama with relish. Then they threw in some No Min Woo? muhahaha! I watched a clip of him playing drums to Boom Boom Pow about 57 times in a row…I think I can survive a campy travesty of a drama. The places my feels take me is ridiculous.
The stills are forgettable and BLAH. But the poster is the WORST promo poster I’ve seen in…well, ever.
I dont think this drama ever stood a chance in Korea…..there’s that distinctive manga-ish feel that only seems to do well in Jdoramas….also where is No Min Woo….haven’t heard anything about him in so long
at least make them pretty…just give us eye candies and maybe…maybe…we’ll endure watching
Nope. Still don’t see anything remotely redeeming. Ugh.
This is going to be worse, much worse that Full House 1. I pity the actors, I think No min woo is hiding and Park Ki Woong has a killer instinct in Bridal mask because of this stupid series.
Never thought that No Min Woo can look…well…not pretty but FH2’s stylists actually managed to do that to him. so, job well done perhaps? Or maybe they don’t deserve to be stylist. Either one. The horrible fashion hurts my brain so much. Not sure about the storyline but FH not exactly have good storyline either. At least gives us the pretty to gawk at, peeps. Park Ki Woong must be crossing his fingers for this not to air in Korea. Shunji totally not approve this!
what’s DOA?
While the google gave me a lot of straightforward answers,******
I am going with this:
DOA – Domaine de l’Angoisse (French: Domain of Anguish)
because French is only one of Koala’s many languages, and she knows it will be paingful to watch.
****** DOA Dead On Arrival
or maybe:
* DOA Devils on Asphalt (motorcycle club)
* DOA Department of Occult Armament (Hyrda)
* DOA Department of Airports
* DOA Department on Aging
* DOA Drug of Abuse
* DOA Dose of Advice (Internet slang)
* DOA Dispatch of Army (gaming)
* DOA Defenders of Azeroth (gaming guild)
* DOA Demande d’Opérations AFNIC (Association Française pour le Nommage Internet en Coopération; French: Request for Operations AFNIC)
What’s wrong we the make-up/costume crew of this drama? Everybody looks awful! One of the guys looks like a girl, the girl looks like a geek/nerd with a helmet and the other guy, well, I haven’t found a pairing for him, but I hate his fake blond hair.
I’m not a fan of FULL HOUSE 1, but, at least, people looked better, Rain was hot and Song Hye Kyo was pretty and girly.
aand i thought no min woo would look freaking hot in this but but………………………