
Preview for Episode 7 of Arang and the Magistrate — 9 Comments

  1. Thanks for posting the previews Koala. Sometimes the weekly wait is just unbearable that watching you deal with your addiction via these tidbits helps me with mine too. 🙂

  2. This looks wonderful. Like you, I am fine without romance but the romance does add a delicious cherry on top of the wonderful sundae.

  3. You guys don’t understand how this show is affecting me.
    I literally slept with the light on last weekend when I was alone in the house. I stayed up watching funny Japanese movies until my eyes closed because of the scary parts of this show.

    I WANT THE ROMANCE back just so I have my nights back.

    • Hihi, can you imagine me, at 2 am, watching episode 6 and my Siberian grey cat walking around the room, with its green eyes :)) spooky!

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