
Ishihara Satomi and Oguri Shun Channel Quirky Man, Sexy Woman in September Magazine Spreads — 18 Comments

    • @ Anvesha –

      I agree with you. Not the best, not the worst. The worst would be his Rui hair from HYD. At least his Hyuga hair didn’t totally obscure the pretty. haha

      And THANKS, Koala! I just knew there would be Shun & Satomi pictorials out there!

  1. Oguri Shun can pull off ANY hairstyle and still looks hot.

    That is one weird looking shirt, but he looks so hot. unf.

    Satomi is so pretty!! It’s the first Monday without RMPW ='(

    • Satomi is really pretty and cute and gorgeous *inserts more superlatives* but I can’t describe her as sexy. Idk why. I majorly cringe whenever I see her doing sexy poses in mag, I’m all like no no no that’s skirt way too short for you gurlfrand.

  2. I agree with Shun being hot no matter what. But I loved his hair in Densha Otoko and thought he really entered sex-god territory there.

  3. YESHHH!! Moarrr Oguri and Ishihara! I absolutely love and adore these two. I remember when I first saw Oguri in RMPW ep1 I was absolutely befuddled that everyone thought THIS guy to be good-looking…yeah, and now am a total fangirl! hahaa I thought his hair and look in Crows Zero was pretty darn awesome though. It is now my fervent wish that he star in an Eriko Kitagawa drama…cuz that’ll be pretty epic.

    Thanks for sharing!!

  4. Thanks so much Koala!
    How I wish they had more photoshoot TOGETHER!
    Did they ever do any of that, for other magazines?

    I love Ishihara Satomi’s look! She got that innocent yet sexy look to her!

  5. If you want to talk about bad hair.. you should see him in Juui Doolittle and in Bimbo Danshi.. pulled back, slicked back, curly hair!! and then he had that fluffy hair where he was trying to be a poor homeless guy…

    But I think His look in Tokyo Dogs and RMPW is so much better than the ones I mentioned above, at least he is one of the few actors who can pull off a longer hair look compared to some of the other japanese actors so I’m satisfied!! He looks hot regardless!! 😀

  6. Thanks, Captain K! Yes, please, keep them pics and news coming! We want more, more, moarr! of Shun Oguri and Ishihara Satomi. I have not recovered from RMPW, and is still very much addicted. I have gone on a re-watch mode, and I am loving the drama even more. Now, I am finding the little nuances in the story and the characters. It has become even richer and more intelligent for me. Adore these two.

  7. I’ve just finished watching the last episode of RMPW, all I can say that it was perfect. OS made his character unique, so does IS. They both made a good job, and you can see that they add in some of their own personality to their character as well.

    I can see HT if I watch OS anytime from now on(especially when he is hiding behind something because of shame or embarrassment 😀 ), but I’ll still miss him deeply!

    I am watching OS’s wife’s drama now ‘Vision – The Woman Who Can See Murder’ , I am beginning to like japan dramas I guess, because I like that one as well. When I first started to watch it, I didn’t know Yu Yamada was in it, but because I’ve never seen her act before, I was happy to see her acting, she is okay, but she looks/acts like a model, not an actress. The drama still good, she’s right in her character and the story is interesting, funny and scary.

  8. Awe c’mon, the hair was his best! I actually think his hair style in RMPW was perfect. Sometimes it really did just look like broccoli, but overall I liked it. I wish he’d keep his hair short like that. Although, his long hair in Crows Zero was hot too. LOL.

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