
Nice Guy Episode 6 Recap — 45 Comments

  1. Could you possible translate the preview for Ep 7 as well? I am just curious as to what hints we could derive to perhaps guess where the story is going to take us.
    Thanks 🙂

    • Maru: Heard you were looking for Jae Hee.

      Jae Hee’s brother: I’ll take revenge for you.

      Jae Hee: That bastard, he’s bringing my brother into this?

      Guy: The Chairman doesn’t appear to understand the hows and whys of it all. Apparently there is a recording of lawyer Ahn and Madam (Jae Hee).

      Woman: The Chairman wants to see you.

      Maru: Having feelings for the Madam, approaching the Chairman with an ulterior motive, what do you want to do about a guy like that?

      Eun Gi: Don’t you dare touch him. You try touching even a hair on his head……..

  2. Maru and Jae Hee deserve each other, imo. They’re both perpetual victims floundering around in their own personal hells. Poor Eun Gi. It’s usually time to drop a drama when I can’t muster even an ounce of sympathy for the main lead.

  3. I never liked Jae Hee. This episode sealed my dislike for Maru. Seriously, dude??? Seriously!? So you’re gonna get back at Jae Hee (who you’ve obviously still got some twisted obsession for) by screwing over a girl that is supposedly in love with you…..the same way Jae Hee screwed you over. UGH what a hypocritical dskleraslkdfjdsfjdf

    I’m conflicted over how I feel about Eun Gi. Part of me loves her, because she’s fierce and badass, but I’m starting to think that’s just an act. And that’s the part that annoys me. I HATE how quickly she’s “fallen” for Maru, and how weak/vulnerable she is around him. It’s not even realistic! I’m hoping the knowledge that Maru has known Jae Hee and has been lying will cause her to be more suspicious and figure out everything. But then what? She gets revenge on him? This whole cycle of revenge is really dumb and immature. Maru needs to get over it and move on, Eun Gi needs to run far away (to Joon Ha lol), and Jae Hee just…needs to go.

    I think the story is dramatic enough without the amnesia, but I’m interested to see how things will play out between Maru and Eun Gi. Maybe it’ll make him a likable character.

    • I, too, want Eun Gi to toughen up when it comes to Maru, but I don’t think her obsessive love for Maru is completely unrealistic. She’s like a teenager and they fall in love hard and fast. Put her lack of displays of affection at home into the mix and it makes her more desperate for love. Throughout the show so far she has shown that she is impulsive and shows her emotions. Her relationship with Maru is aligned with the character. However, for someone who has been scarred as much as she has, I expected to have a small period of suspiciousness before she fell head over heals.

      • Yeah i think he reason EG is falling so hard for maru is beacause she wants to be loved. she loved her mom but she walked away and EG could have followed her but choose to be by herself. then EG’s father has starge way of showing love and Joon Ha is too nice to say anything. He is always in the I am her lawyer category as opposed i want to be her friend. basically status issues and stuff cause he is serving her family.

      • Oh I agree! I suppose I’m just angry her strong feelings are what’s allowing her to be so easily used (dang you, Maru). I wish she too would have had a period where she’d been a tiny bit more suspicious and guarded with him, because it might have saved her some pain I’m sensing might come soon…well if she doesn’t lose her memory soon, I’m almost hoping she will.

  4. Thanks, Koala!

    I totally agree that K.M is really startng to freak me out with his ways…especially every time he keeps his eyes open with that calculating yet stoic/hardened soul looks. Gives me goosebumps. I really wanted to root for him to have a happily ever after with E.G. But seriously with this psycho behavior and suing E.G…KangmMaru, and Jae hee really deserve each other.

  5. Thanks for the recap.
    Maru made me shiver bunches of times. When he’s cold, dude, he is Mr. Freeze…shiver shiver shiver.

    What an ass of a person he is being, too. So his life sucks, so? That means you can watch the fragile chick (who by the way has done nothing to you) searching form you in the street and just stare. Jerk.

    This, my friends, can only mean one thing. Drama karma will be a bitch to him. We are watching him treat her badly because later, much later, he will be begging her to love him back. It has to happen.

    Love is not logical, and can eff up even the sanest person. I can absolutely see why she is falling for him. Because SJK looks like he does, because he knows how to seduce a woman, and because he is being genuinely nice to her somewhere in there.

    I see EG in a place in her life where a little natural hormonal juicing was greatly needed. She was as down as down can be, but one little whiff of MR’s kindness, and she was hooked. Her heart speeds up a little once, he kisses her, releasing even more happy hormones, and she’s thinking, “I can get used to this.” People fall in love willinging, meaning, they have to decide to take the plunge. Of course, after that, very little remains in their control.

    I love the amnesia angle. That means even though EG should totally HATE him for the cruel sunvabich he is, she will end up falling in love with again. This time, HE will be scathed – very scathed. He will see her as double double helpless, he will pity her, and FALL IN LOVE WITH HER for real!!!

    • I really love your spin on the series and I would be down for this hook, line and sinker. But if she is going to get amnesia she needs to get it like NOW. I don’t want to watch only one episode of her losing her memory and that bringing about the change in Maru. I need to see him slowly(over several episodes) but surely come back to his old self. Especially after these last two episodes when my faith in him is fading….I need him to step up!

      • I can’t help but wonder, given the way this episode ends, if first EG is going to fully realize what Maru is and what he’s actually doing, proceeded by all the fall out from this. Shortly that will be followed by her amnesia. She’ll somehow be led to believe that Maru is still the loving boyfriend/she’ll fall in love with him again. During this time of amnesia, Maru will truly fall in love with EG. Somewhere towards the end, her memory will come back. Believing all of him is a lie, it’s going to be ugly. Ug-guh-ly. Maru is going to get severely bitten.

        I’m loving the ride as crazy as it is and will be. Thanks Koala for the awesome recap.

  6. Argh, I just want to shake Maru senseless to wake him up from this living hell that he’s created for himself. I really want to root for him but he’s making it so darn hard with the way he is obviously just using Eun Gi to one up Jae Hee.

    He knows Jae Hee is already in hell and he wants to join her there, too? That coyote/jackal analogy was very telling. How much more can a person self-destruct, really? At this point I don’t even care about his twisted plans but he’s toying with a vulnerable woman’s feelings along the way and that’s just wrong. Argh

    • I am just hoping his plan, whatever the hell that is, also self-destructs, that when it comes time to take that FINAL step of destruction, whatever the hell that is, it’ll be EG, or love of EG that prevents him.

  7. “At least we know now that she’s not playing Maru to get back at Jae Hee…”

    Photo of 안변 and 재희 gets Eun-Gi visibly upset. Why? Because if they’re having an affair, then she can’t use Maru to get back at her — since apparently “she wouldn’t care.” Ergo…

    Masks. They all wear ’em. I’m not saying there’s nothing pulsating behind the masks — there is actually something, which is fighting with the alleged purpose for those masks itself. But can’t ignore the fact they’re all wearing one that affects their decisions in varying degrees.

    Amnesia, when it comes, will finally take at least one of those off, and she’ll cry a river for it. This time for real. ㅎㅎ

  8. Nice Guy is working extra hard to put Maru in my black list. I mean, dude… if you want to take revenge, fine! But don’t hurt this girl (the only character I’m rooting and care for in this love triangle) that you can see is already very broken inside! Jae Hee and Maru can jump off a cliff for all I care. Yes, I am pissed right now.

    I’m Team Lawyer Joon Ha right now.

  9. I’d say this episode kind of saved the show for me. The most horrible episode so far for me is episode 5. Sorry. And 3 and 4 are just slllooooww. Now! I say they are pumping up the energy and speeding up the narrative and I hope the next episodes will deliver.

    I don’t know, as for me, I understand Eun Gi’s emotional/hormonal imbalance (hahaha) because she is an emotionally stunted person. She never grew up in an environment that foster love. As a matter of fact I believe she doesn’t know anything about it. There are people that consider their emotions as their Achilles Heel because it is one aspect of them that they couldn’t read or understand or control. And most of the time, these kinds of people are the logic base, governed-by-brain, type of people.

    And because I have reasons to justify Eun Gi’s personality, I am still in favor of her. As for Maru and Jae Hee, I don’t know. They are manipulative at best. Up till now, I really don’t know what is Maru’s motivation in getting near Jae Hee. His conversation with her suggests a lot of things. It’s either he’s still in love/obsess with her, or he’s pissed off because he wasted his life for someone who basically wants to kill herself as well by trying to stay in a place she doesn’t belong to, or he’s lost hope for himself, or errrr I don’t know what else.

    So yes. Will wait for Epi 7 and 8.

  10. My heart ache for Eun Gi!!! People around her are mean and heartless! Except to her cuteness lawyer friend and protector. This girl just want to love and be love… And here comes Maru crucshing her heart to pieces.

  11. I really want to think that Maru has a greater motivation for his revenge than just Jae Hee “betraying” him. I also agree with you that he willingly sacrificed himself so it’s not like she really is indebt to him. It’s very minuscule, but we can see that Maru is slowly melting towards Eun Gi too. Unfortunately, by the time he thaws completely, she would’ve already lost faith and trust in him.
    The part where she ran and hugged him at the beginning almost made me cry for her. I’m not surprised that she fell for him so quickly. I think the first time she really fell for Maru would’ve been when they met Choco’s mother. I think she fell for him so quickly because he was just as emotionally and psychologically scarred because of his parentage as she was. I get that Joon Ha has probably always been there for her but she never felt that attachment to him on a personal level so it’s no surprise that she’s even withdrawn with him.

    I would love to explore Eun Gi’s relationship to Joon Ha. They obviously are a lot closer than just employer-employee since she called him “oppa.” I would also enjoy him becoming part of a love triangle with them, but I’m sure he won’t be.

    I feel like there is still enough time for her memory loss if it’s still going to be employed. We’re kind of at a standstill right now since she just found out that Maru and Jae Hee did know each other. However, I feel like it’s inching towards not using her anymore too, so in that circumstance, the amnesia would be moot.
    I’m for sure enjoying this drama so I hope that it doesn’t go downhill from here.

  12. After he saved her and then their scene in the the bar and his worried look when she left the bar, I began to think that perhaps the drama’s real OTP is Maru and Jae Hee. If so, I’m going to be pretty mad at the end of this drama. Thanks for the recaps, I’ve decided to stop watching — tired of all of Maru’s continued caring for JH — she’s a bitch, he’s a you know what and poor EG is getting dumped on all sides.

  13. always waiting for ur recap..
    i feel like lost faith in maru became good person..
    he is so terible using a girl who already broken inside to get his own agenda for jae hee,,
    but stil make me waiting for the next episode..

  14. I’m new here but i just want to put my 2cents into the threads…everybody is talking about Eun Gi going to Joon Ha but wasn’t it implied on the 1st ep that he was gay or that he was into guys (remember when Eun Gi came out of the shower wearing just a towel & he averted his eyes & was chided by Eun Gi has his interests changed from guys to girls)? I could be wrong (will review the ep)but I feel that in the end Maru will cut-off his ridiculous obssession with Jae Hee but along the way might end up hurting Eun Gi but would probably redeem himself with her (well hoping for that anyway…one can dream right?)

  15. Fascinated with the passion the recap & comments were written BUT I’m still not yet convinced to start watching it… Oh! Jae hee really put me off & Maru’s love for her too urghhh!!! Disgusting 🙁

  16. Maru and Jae Hee get lost! arrrggghhhh! this episode sealed my hate on Maru! poor Eun Gi! 🙁 she’s the only character i love the most in this drama..thank God for Joon Ha in this drama, i’m starting to like him for Eun Gi, he’s so sincere and cares a lot about her..not like that Maru!

    I hope that Eun Gi seeing that picture of MR and JH, will make him hate MR and show her fierceness and strong personality again..i miss that Eun Gi!

    I’m still looking forward to the story of this drama..but right now i dont like the EG and MR OTP because of MR’s evil motives to EG! i want to have more Eun Gi and Joon Ha moments! 🙂

  17. i once posted that i’d like to give this drama a change eventhough the genre is not my preference.. Also based on your recap for earlier episodes, i did watch ep. 1 to 6… But the lastest episode gets me more and more frustated with character o the leading man (not SJK, i still adore him!!) and JH is just too annoyinly disgust me.. The only thing i come to like is EG character.
    But i gotta give credit to the actors in this drama, their actings are superb.
    So, i decide to take a break from this drama. I’ll decide later what to do with this drama, so from now i will rely on your recap whethet to continue or just drop Nice Guy…

  18. I’m on Team Lawyer Park! Maru is a broken, broken soul, out of his own volition, and as long as Jae Hee is still living and breathing, he will continue his downward spiral no matter what. Unfortunately, guys like Lawyer Park don’t ever get the girl in a K-drama. Heck, he doesn’t even have a chance like your typical second lead. 🙁

    As for Jae Hee, I don’t want to waste any anger towards her, she’s not worth it. She’s scheming and conniving but its also not her fault that she can manipulate all the men around her. Just like how Maru manipulates women with his gigolo ways. In that sense, I guess they are a match. They can destroy themselves for all I care but they need to leave Eun Gi alone.

    • One more thing, I find it interesting that Choco can see right through Jae Hee and her manipulative ways, even when she was still young, I don’t think she liked her for her brother. And its not that Choco was jealous because she warmed up to Eun Gi right away.

  19. Thank you for the recap! 🙂

    But I don’t understand your anger… well okay I understand your anger. I know Maru is not really the most sympathetic character but he was never meant to be, right!? He is not pure evil (far from it!) but he is also not nice either. That’s not what his character is/was meant to be.

    I’m absolutely with you when it comes to him hurting EG (I want to slap him for that) but at the same I don’t think he really knows what to do with her. He has those moments where he softens towards EG and where he opens up a tiny bit – I almost went through the roof when lawyer Park called because I wanted to know what Maru would have done when this moment wouldn’t have been interrupted.

    I have partly to disagree about Maru and JH. Yes, deep inside there is still love for her… it’s something he can’t control. But their relationship is self-destructing and unhealthy – it’s nothing they can’t end to easily. We have to remember they just met again after so many years. It would be unrealistic if Maru could free himself from JH’s grasp so easily. It’s frustrating and I hate this too but I think we have to go through this until we get some more EunMa. And unfortunately until then it will hurt Eun Gi, so yeah… it sucks.

  20. Between Choco’s noble idiocy in taking the watch so she would appear to be a theif so Jae Gil will maybe forgive Yoo Ra, and the terrible scary threat of that old bugaboo amnesia, I am really wondering how long I can sit through this drama. Add to the fact that MaRu might just be idiotic enough to try to defend Jae Hee from her brother. I really really really like looking at Song Joong Ki and I like the very off-kilter obsessive stupid love MaRu has for Jae Hee and I can see them as an OTP that is fated for each other but thwarted but DANG! if I find drama cliche ridiculousness added to drama cliche ridiculousness I’m going to scream.

    I like the point-counterpoint machination-countermachination of it all. I like all the scheming. But if Jae Hee has bone cancer in her hip, if the Chairman is gonna die with an iffy unknown/problematic will, if Choco is gonna do the Noble Idiocy thing with Jae Gil and –DANGNABBIT!– if that pesky amnesiac heroine thing pops up to meddle with solid organic plotting, I am so gonna give up this drama.

    I am just hoping rich in-disguise Jae Gil is somehow related to one of the other Parks in this story.

  21. Thanks a bunch for the recap. I love reading your posts albeit I hardly ever comment. But I’ve gotta say this: are you a zombie or something? Or do you have access to the fourth dimension? lol. It’s crazy that you maintain this site by yourself and manage to put out so many posts everyday. Thanks man.

  22. I stop watching at episode 4..hate JH and never liked Park Siyeon,her acting only good as a villain real B****..I never taken by Moon Chaewon but here as EG makes me take notice.I would like her to be strong..and KM..hate a guy who can’t get over his 1st love after sacrificing himself and betrayed..yet still care for her..(shake my head)I wish he do not hurt a vulnerable person like EG if he does I hope the writer will make him realize he loved her before she fall apart..If you still recapping NG I think I will watched when it get interesting..Your recapped of Lie to me made me continued watching because the 1st 4 episode was boring then..Thanks for your recap Ockoala…

    • I totally agree with you Athena 🙂 just how I felt towards Jae Hee. To me, it’s double dose against watching it (still not up to watching it yet as at Friday 28 Sept)…

      Not just I totally dislike the character of Jae Hee – for such person to even exist, I also cant appreciate Park Si Yeon acting. Never appreciate any of the movie she’s in and that’s already anti climax for me to consider watching.

      MCW – might change my heart. Maru@ SJK, oh well another pretty face eh! 😉

      true too that I am “following” this drama based from our beloved Ms Koala recap, otherwise …

      cheerio everyone!

  23. After watching ep 6, the thing that makes me anxious about the ending is the vow that Maru takes in voice over about Jaehee being his beginning and his end. I hope it doesn’t end that way, even if the writer has a penchant for killing off the leads.

  24. It’s my first time to write a comment …. first of all thank you for your recaps it shortens the way until the drama is subbed and I can watch it in my country. Germany.

    I hate that b..h J.H. and I hate Kang Maru more for not taken his lesson from the past. It’s the most unbelievable part of the plot – sorry. If one spent 5 years in prison and lost his chance to fullfill his dream of becoming a doctor and also lost his chance to have a prospective future it could only be hate at the end and no other feelings. My opinion. I also hate him for using a person who is so breakable. I would have no objection if he didn’t know her story but he did and that makes him badass and conscienceless.

    I guess the next 2-3 episodes the “losing memory” will start. She will learn everything about the badass-story and perhaps cause an accident. Kang Maru will wake up if this happens. He will take the responsibility of it and will try everything to comfort and support her. It will even be the time he fall for her. Then he must make a decision between the two of them. But I guess he will help E.g. to get back her rights and turn his back to the b…ch. Then she will regain her memory and everything will change again. ……

  25. Knowing K-drama, Maru will eventually fall in love with Eun Gi with Eun Gi finding out all this time she was using her for his scheme. And the angst ensued. Or this drama could semi-surprise us with Eun Gi finding out Maru’s true motive and still in love with him anyway. Maru eventually fall in love with Eun Gi, but by then she already so tired of waiting for Maru, she’ll go ‘abroad’ for some me time.

    At this point i’m pretty disappoint with Maru like everyone else. I want him to be the better person, but this drama has already implied, he is NOT going to be the hero who does the right thing. The fact that he is using EunGi is not surprising, it’s painful to watch because Eun Gi fall for him so fast and hard.
    At this point, NG has really nice directing and cinematography so i’m still rooting for it. I hope they put Joon Ha to good use, and please, go out of the tired trope and have Eun Gi and Joon Ha together for a chance. Instead of a story where the end is the end game of the leads’ lives, i hope this is just another great story/lesson learned for Eun Gi and Maru where they eventually go off and marry the one who is not toxic and drama-free.

  26. Team Attorney Park right here! I rarely cheer for “the other guy” but I hope the story goes in that direction…or at least gives him lots of screen time 🙂 Jae Gil seems a bit pointless so far, but I’m guessing his rich and scandalous background will serve the story down the line. I’m playing out a lot of different scenarios for the fate of our three leads…

    Sidenote…assuming the subs are correct, I find it HILARIOUS that the chairman refers to skank Jae Hee not by her name but only as “Eun Suk’s mother.” 🙂

  27. It’s been 7months that I had stopped watching kdramas but this one really got me. Bringing me back to this blogsite. ^-^

    But what still bother me is the envelope that Jae Hee handed to the President on the 1st or 2nd episode. Anyone here kind to enlighten me?

    I can’t wait for the day that Maru finally realized that he loves Eun Gi, genuinely & sincerely. But I must say Atty. Park is good looking, but didn’t Eun Gi said that he’s gay? hmmm? another secret?

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