Fans Snap Picture Spoilers of Nice Guy Cast and Crew Filming
I was mostly certain that the unconfirmed spoilers for Nice Guy that I posted yesterday were likely not true. It would be a nice enough and have symmetry with the overall narrative construct laid down by Lee Kyung Hee, but ultimately I have this feeling the drama is headed in another direction. Call it my pessimistic side rearing its cautious head, if you will. I also thought sharing those possible spoilers is a fun way to discuss what kind of ending everyone wants, the one written there or something different. This is one drama where its not about a happy or sad ending, but an ending that would justify the journey taken by the characters and give us something to ponder afterwards. I’m sure the cast and crew are on a crazy day and night filming schedule right now to churn out the final two episodes and I send them my gratitude and utmost respect for delivering such high quality entertainment from beginning to end. The writing hasn’t slacked off, the acting is not on cruise control, and the directing remains brilliant as ever. Below are spoiler pictures of the NG crew filming at a certain location this weekend. If I reveal the location above the post it would be a giant spoiler as is so I will play coy.
I have to giggle at some of the angles where the fans were sneaking pictures of the filming. I can imagine fans running all over the place going crazy trying to peek at the filming and trying to get a picture which is worth a thousand words. If I were there, I don’t know how I could control myself not to rush over and give both Moon Chae Won and Song Joong Ki giant bear hugs and thank them profusely for being such consummate and amazing young actors who have truly done their characters justice. Same goes for Park Shi Yeon as well, who was never an actress I was fond of, though I have watched her improve her acting by leaps and bounds since she debuted fresh from winning Miss Korea and being Eric‘s girlfriend. In the role of Han Jae Hee, she manages to show off every aspect of Jae Hee’s weaknesses and complexities. I also think she’s is super duper absolutely pregnant (about 5 months along if you ask me based on her bump), and to deliver the performance that we are seeing onscreen while dealing with the physical aspects of being pregnant makes me even more impressed. I’m sure she won’t confirm it until the drama wraps, but if she turns out not to be pregnant then I’ll have to wonder how many donuts she tucked away in the last few months. She’s also glowing as well, so whatever she’s eating I want some!
Fans caught the NG cast filming at the hospital. From the scenes its all Maru and Eun Gi, which means the spoilers yesterday are likely not true. Word on the street is that it’s Joon Ha that has been hospitalized. I hope they run into Maru’s doctor friend and he gets dragged off to surgery as well, because I can’t deal with his looming hematoma explosion much longer. I’m also slightly mollified in seeing Maru and Eun Gi hugging. Those two need to hug and kiss more and talk less.
Dammit I need to stop passing by here!! I’m writing a bloody thesis but every time I take a break I end up here and you Ms. Koala have nice guys spoilers and i just cant get my head back in the game!
I have thought the woman was pregnant ever since BIFF. The black dress she wore to that not only looked matronly but highlighted her sizable bump (especially considering how thing she is typically). She has to be at least a 4+ months along at this point considering she was already showing in the beginning of october.
As for the ending, I just hope the ending matches the tightly told story and makes sense. If that means Maru dies, so be it. I was actually one of the few that liked the death of the main character in 49 days since I felt the theme of the drama was much more than just the characters so i would have no problem with it here.
I don’t think anything about NICE GUY ep 19-20,,i hope happy ending
I have a feeling this was shot at a hospital but then i could be wrong….
so it is at a hospital still hoping for a happy ending but hoping more for a brilliant ending to a brilliant drama never thought that this drama would grip me the same way that Rich Man Poor Woman did but though with different emotions….want a good EunMa ending,lol!
Ms. K, you are fast. I am simply amazed at your multitasking skills. From the tidbits you’ve dropped about your personal life, you sound like a corporate/commercial lawyer who must be busy pouring over legal documents and contracts (worth millions most likely) while juggling family life. Yet, you’re able to keep us up to speed with Asian Entertainment news esp. dramas you love like NG. My hats off to you.
Anyhoo, I was on the fence on the “amnesiac Maru ending”. I still am. It’s hard to jump on the train (whichever ending is being speculated upon) when so far NG has cleverly withheld some of the important clues and scenes. I’ve decided I’m just going to let LKH take me along for the ride. I just hope whatever the characters decisions, the events/situation that leads to it, make sense. That is all.
oh i love you fans for doing your very best just so we can take a peek at whats happening in this really really great drama that is Nice Guy.
Best Drama this Year!!! Hope the ending doesn’t disappoint, The fans are wonderful, how lucky are they to get this close to the shoot. Hanging out for Wednesday night.
I agree. Park shi Yeon is definitely preggo IMO. I’d say around 5 months too at least 20 weeks where you can find out the gender.
The ending… I hope they don’t go with a happy ending just to please the fans. I just felt that this was a deep melo and all signs point to a not so happy ending. Either way I think it would be fine just don’t be ambiguous, show! Ambiguous is my least favorite of all.
I’ve been wondering about the resolution for this along with everyone else. One of the channels to a happy EunMa ending, which would pick up early story threads apparently abandoned (this writer is great at that) and would involve a hospital would be to sacrifice Choco with a severe return of her condition . . .
an entirely different scenario from the earlier spoiler but i really like where this is headed.
I don’t want to make any speculation abt the ending, but I can’t 🙁
I hope they’re in a hospital so that he can get his hematoma treated.I don’t want him to die in the end…
Why would Joon Ha be in the hospital??Maybe lawyer Ahn did something to him!What if Joon Ha dies??I can’t handle the stress anymore!
Thanks Ms Koala:)
Damn! This drama was driving me crazy, all of my k-world friends and blog (yours, Mrs Koala) were talking about it. I then decided not to wait any longer (and get the spoilers of the finale ruin my passion for the drama) and watch it once for all. OMG! What a ride! 18 episodes on a weekend, were I pretty much cancelled all of my appointments and dates just to watch this drama full of deep dark emotions! Totally worth it! Now,here I am waiting for the finale…still confused on the ending of epi 18, and as for the finale, I don´t even want to take my guess. Let it be, I wont be mad if they screw up the last 2 episodes cuz the first 18 were just AMAZING!!!
@ dani :
Yes, you are right! the 18 episode is worth watching & keeping.
I cannot work also without sneaking out here too.
While waiting for the finale, i just keep on checking BTS video
to make me busy & forget the time…..
to kill time anything related to this amazing drama is worth reading/viewing…as the 2-finale episode is about to come…still hoping for a happy ending (with no amnesia involved)…thanks again ms. koala for sharing this
Yeap! You guys are right! I have tons of work to do and my mind went blank and thought… lets go to Koala and check if there is a new post about NG!!!! THis drama is killing me!!
I want an unexpected surprize-ending.
the time for the final is very near >.<
and I search like crazy to catch a glimpse of it
Thank you for sharing the news for us, Ms K
NG is trully good drama
*I already prepare for the worst, buy enough tissues for this final week*