
Oguri Shun and Ishihara Satomi Win Drama Acting Award for Rich Man, Poor Woman — 12 Comments

  1. Not surprised that Umechan hogged the awards, I thought I’d just check it out and ended up watching the whole asadora+ 2SP. It was really well written, the cast was good and the story was nice and it had good ratings over 20% which is solid. Congrats to Shun as well.

  2. This is great news. This is well deserved; it was a fairly low-key show, but often people assume that these kinds of roles are not hard to play. These leads really made the show and the characters, both of which could easily have become caricatures, into people not only that anyone could know but whom anyone would want to know. I left the show wanting to work for that company myself . . . and for a techno phobe, that is saying something.

    How cool is it that we internationals saw the beauty of the show as the critics did, even if it didn’t get high ratings – which have NEVER EVER been the measure of a show.
    My brother actually said this yesterday about unrelated phenomenon: “Just because a lot of people like something, doesn’t mean it’s good.”

    I bet they did some “supporting” role definition bending to get Satomi that win, and that’s all right with me.

    It really was a quiet, really, romcom. Aside from certain characters hitting themselves with clubs, the drama wasn’t the pull as much as the characters. (OK, so I don’t have words today. Blame the two days of Turkey day goings on. My brain is fried.)

  4. Well, Satomi was nominated in the Best Supporting Actress category cuz in Japan, there’s only one lead, no matter if your actually the Male/Female lead of the drama^^


  5. Sorry to be off topic, but I just read that Tang Wei is actually dating Kim Tae Yong, the director of Late Autumn, and not Hyun Bin? They sure pulled a fast one on us, lol.

  6. Congrats!!! I love that you still update news about RMPW and Oguri Shun and Ishihara Satomi. Much appreciated! It’s hard to find news about them.

    The top picture reminds me of that trolled kiss >.< but I gotta say Shun has a really nice sculpted jaw. O_O

  7. I really enjoyed this drama. It was bit weak on romance but actors more than enough made up for it. Love the storyline more than the romance. One of the more enjoyable jdrama I’ve seen in a while.

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