
Drama Adaptation of Tong Hua Novel Best Time with Wallace Chung and Janine Chang to Premiere in Early January — 14 Comments

  1. Oooh can’t wait. I’ve turned into such a major Janine fangirl after watching Sunny Happiness bahahahah :3

    This is off topic, but I’ve been wondering – Ms. Koala, have you ever watched Mars (with Vic and Da S)? What did you think of it?

  2. Does anyone notice that Janine Chang looks like a mix-up of Liu Shi Shi and Hirokita Maki put together? I never looked her up before but from the pictures, I thought I was looking at Maki and ShiShi.

  3. Yeah!!! So looking forward to this. I must be one of the few to like the novel (except for the ending). To me, I read it like a drama so all the illogical obsessions seems just like any other Korean fluff dramas. I can’t see the matching bracelets that the girls r suppose to be wearing in the first few pics though. Just hope that it is just my poor eyesight n not an overlook – a subtle detail that mirrors the girls relationship.

  4. i just hope a great ending… wallace and janine.. and seriously.. i just realized that wallace acted in Meteor Garden 1… hehe..

    ps : janine is really pretty.. btw is she really dating Peter Ho?

  5. Still, turning 18 is great because you are “allowed” to have some fun – like a teenager – but
    still enjoy of the pleasures of adulthood. If you require any more persuasion that there’s a need to mark the occasion, there is a superstition theory to note that the tradition of celebrating birthdays originated the Europe in a time when people believed that good wishes, presents and positivity would ward off evil spirits. This is the reason why even the government gives them the right to participate in the political proceedings and cast their votes as per their opinion about a particular party.

  6. I felt like puking blood when I finished reading the novel. The ending doesn’t make any sense at all! I can’t believe that the same author was behind Bu Bu Jing Xin. All in all disappointed. Why would anyone want to make a drama adaptation of this story is beyond me.

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