
SETTV Holds Press Conference and Releases Cute Teasers for Upcoming TW-drama with Nikki Hsieh, James Wen, and Chris Wu — 16 Comments

  1. One drama comes to mind: 100% Senorita with Joe Chen and Wallace Huo and the lovely actress playing the twin who got face-off after her car fell off a cliff (care to remind me her name, anyone?). If it can be as good as that one, and actually gave both twins their happy endings I will so enjoy this drama.

  2. James Wen character seems really funny, it’s so unlike his other drama characters. I cannot wait see Chris Wu again!!! It seems like forever. Is he really going to play a tough guy though? I’m just going to wait for the day there is English subtitles for this drama. So is Nikki going to film Die Sterntaler and Replacement Princess at the same time? cause I really want to watch Die Sterntaler in English Subtitles, but can’t find it anywhere and I tried viki a gazillion times.

    • Die Sterntaler was pre-filmed, which is a relief for her — I can’t imagine filming two Sunday night dramas at once! Especially if you’re the lead, lol. And sadly, Die Sterntaler is probably not popular enough among overseas audiences to get subbed.

    • James Wen is one of my few TW biases and I don’t remember having seen him that funny before. He is the Daniel Henney of Taiwan: Everyone underestimates him because he is that tall model (so, stupid of course…) with Caucasian traits but I’m quite sure he can do much better if he lands good parts.

  3. We love Nikki in Die Sterntaler… She is such a great actress with very expressive eyes, thus her role as a mute which she pulled off with flying colors. She is beautiful too. Thank goodness there are professional actresses like Nikki and Ariel Lin. If we have to see those untalented actresses like those Puff girls esp. the short hair one, one just want to turn the drama off… That short hair one who couldn’t act and couldn’t sing was the one who ruined “Miss Rose”, just couldn’t watch that drama towards the end. Poor Roy.

  4. I can’t wait to see James Wen shed that cool dude persona! He’s been sporting that for way too long. Have you guys seen him in 那一年的幸福時光 (The Happy Times of that Year)? He played a silly character in that one and he was paired with Sonia Sui. I had to fast forward through Amber Kuo’s scenes but Sonia and James were pretty cute in it.

    • I actually love Amber’s part until the later part where the guy turned bad and ambitious… James and Sonia is so cute in that, I think people who watched fierce wife should go and watch that, it may lessen their hate for James, hahaha~

  5. They originally wanted Sonia for this role??! That just doesn’t feel right despite Sonia going “ugly” for PS Man..Anyways, this looks cute! Is it airing tomorrow?

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