
So Ji Sub Visits with Yoo Seung Ho on the Set of his Upcoming Rap MV — 13 Comments

  1. I don’t know if it’s because Yoo Seung Ho became a well-known and beloved child actor at much younger age than some, that I still find it hard to dissociate the young vs grown image he wants. I guess the military would solve that dilemma. I’m with you on So JI Sub. I may not be fond of his rapping endeavors, but at least he’s doing what he loves. I am liking the bromance this two have.^^

  2. This really is adorable! But Yoo Seung ho looks so cool and sexy and poor So Ji sub looks like a homeless person. I mean this is my first impression upon seeing these pictures. Anyway, hilarious…

  3. I’m xcited to see the MV…I hope that the rapping will turn out to be good but even if its not I will not mind as long as Yoo Seung Ho is there and paired with Park Shin Hye it is more than enough for me. I love them eversince. I’m praying that YSH will come back safely from doing MS and do more great projects for us his fans:-)

  4. They just look so freaking alike! Yes, I won’t doubt if ever there will be a news that they are related to each other. Both of them so HOT! ^^ Maybe because of these comparison, they developed some bond over the years (since they had filmed an MV and cf together before) and that’s cool! ^^ AJA to both!

  5. why not collaborate yoo seung hoo with yoon eun hye again,,,,its gonna B most waited MV aftr their korean drama hueheheh bt PSY is good!!!!as long as YSH at the MV,,,,^_*

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