Jo Hyun Jae Reunites with Only You Co-star Han Chae Young as the Second Leads in Advertising Genius Lee Tae Baek
The upcoming KBS drama Advertising Genius Lee Tae Baek barely garnered any interest from me when the leads were confirmed last week as Jin Goo (who I last saw when he was a child actor in All In as the child counterpart of Lee Byung Hun) and Park Ha Sun (adore her but not enough to watch a drama just for her). I was slightly intrigued when I heard Han Chae Young joined the cast as the second female lead since I have a soft spot for her and she’s not been in dramas since 2010’s hilarious and abominable A Man Called God (it is seriously so bad its good for the first half at least). Today comes the news that Jo Hyun Jae has joined the drama as well as the second male lead, with him and Han Chae Young both playing accomplished ad executives. Jo Hyun Jae is in this drama? I AM IN. Jo Hyun Jae is my first K-crush and K-bias, and the laundry list of all my K-drama guilty pleasures includes many of his dramas ranging from Seodongyeo to Only You to Nine-Tailed Fox. This casting will actually mark Jo Hyun Jae’s reunion with his Only You leading lady Han Chae Young and I swear I let out a whoop so loud I scared my sleeping dog. Iย LOVEย Only You. I hope to god the powers that be behind this drama arrange for a secondary love story for them so that we’re spared the schmoopy love triangle and the two leads Jin Goo and Park Ha Sun will have their underdog professional success story and plucky love story. Advertising Genius Lee Tae Baek premieres after School 2013 on KBS Mon-Tues. Gah, so so excited now!
Jo Hyun Jae and Han Chae Young were so so cute together in Only You. The hairstyles and costumes were atrocious, the storyline was flimsy and silly, but this drama just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I actually never liked Delightful Girl Choon Hyang because the OTP there fought all the time and kept getting split up by the machinations of the second leads, but in OY the OTP manage to quickly work through all issues and keep staying together (after the first big misunderstanding, of course). It’sย is one hella stupid drama but good lord do I love it. As a rom-com its just alright, as a love story its derivative beyond reason, but for whatever magic powder Jo Hyun Jae and Han Chae Young sprinkled over me, they made me rabidly crazy over their love story and this drama. I’ve watched it so many times to count and I know I love it so much I can keep on watching anytime the urge arises.
First script reading by the cast released last week. Jin Goo and Park Ha Sun will be a great unexpected pairing and I can see the potential for great chemistry. I don’t see Jo Hyun Jae at the first script reading so sounds like he joined at the last minute. I guess the production wanted to save the best for last.
Super yay!! Best news to start the year! Been wondering where he went after 2 dramas in C (hv they been aired??). I’m sold as long as I get to watch him on screen. Don’t know who the leads are but am already shipping the 2nd leads! Only You is my bias too! Not the great show but I too have a very soft spot for it. Despite the horrible hair, I fell big time for JHJ!!!!! And HCY, she’s just going to be too sexy for the role!
Counting down starts now………
Does it make sense their second leads after they’ve been around for so long?! That’s mind boggling to me… Anyways this drama made me interested as well because of this announcement. So I will be watching for HCY and JHJ:)
What’s up with all these leading men going second fiddle? First my KimJiHoon & now JHJ. It would be fine if they are second lead to huge hallyu star, but this is not the case. I just hope the drama is worth it for them…. And YES there is nothing wrong with being second lead….it’s just so hard to look at the lead when the second is soooooo gorgeous.
“save the best for last” – spot on, Ms. Koala! Looking forward to this because of JHJ and HCY – love them both in OY despite the atrocious hair style and wardrobe. I confess to watching OY whenever I feel the blues. Those 2 and their boy give me the warm fuzzies as well.
if only they switched it up and made han chae young and jo hyun jae as the first leads. *sigh* :/
i hope they end up together and have equal screen time with the main leads.
Jae Hee and Han Chae Young: best couple ๐
Oh now I want to go back and watch OY!! Must. step. away. from. the. computer.
Wait. How am I supposed to do that when I have to work?!?!?!
Sadly, even if I gave up my already pitiful sleeping hours I still wouldn’t be able to watch this for the next 13 months or so, but I had to leave a comment because I LURVE him! ๐ Hope your new drama goes well, Kang-ahhh! <3 <3 <3
How can they both be the second leads when they are more popular than the otp O_o
Really annoying!
all beautiful casts so please be a good drama ^^
Han chae young looks so gorgeous… But why second leads? I cannot comprehend…
OMG! Capt K – you loved Only You too?? ๐ That was one of my few original guilty pleasures. It took awhile for me to warm up to his character but once I did, it was over from there. Watched it a million times in a row. It’s still my favorite HCY drama.
So I will be looking forward to this. ๐
I love ONLY YOU too. It must have been my 2nd or third k-drama. So, in a way, it started me on kdramas. Watched it quite a lot of times. ONLY YOU comes to mind when the mood comes for some determined response to do what is right. Ad Genuis would be something to watch then. I’ll be on board Captain K. Not too excited about the leads though.
I really love to see Jo Hyun Jae and Han Chae Young back together! Hope their story is more interesting than the main couple ๐
Ah, looks like this time i have to disagree with ms koala’s opinion on Only You. The atrocious hairstyles & costumes, I could still bear it. But the drama simply dragged way too much IMO that all i wanted to do was tear my hair out whilst watching it especially towards the second half. The male & female lead were both too spineless to my liking & what’s with its stupid plot & script,I really wished i could have my 16 hours back…
Is Nine-Tailed Fox any good? I was interested in watching it once, but never got around to it, somehow.
I’ve got to be one of like 10 people that actually loved Only You. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve rewatched it. I aodre Jo Hyun Jae. I was in the minute I heard he joined the cast.
I love ONLY YOU, watch it now and then, dose of watching make my blues away.. I actually love Jo Hyun Jae and Han Chae Young more than our Filipino actors hehe
When can be Jo hyun jae and han chae young be together again in a most romantic movie?How I wish they will make movie again,I really love those couple.