
Oguri Shun in Costume Fitting for Rich Man, Poor Woman SP — 19 Comments

    • Such a wonderful news! My lovely RMPW… Fantastic!

      So really very happy to know! Yippee! 😉

      Thx Ms Koala 🙂


  1. ok, so the first one is Hyuga in business mode, and last one Hyuga in crazy genius mode.. the first

    I doubt there will be any kissing.. I haven’t seen many jdrama where they had makeout scenes

  2. Hyugaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~i missed him so much. He looks good either way..Can’t wait to see him and Makoto again.

  3. I just love Japanese style. So deceptively sophisticated. So conceptual. Not like the Korean stars who think being stylish is wearing the latest, trendiest designer stuff.

    • Lol , totally agree!! They wear those outfits that only show up in the runways and in k-drama conferences 🙂
      It’s cool though got to have chops to wear some of those 🙂

    • Agreed. K-drama fashion always makes me wonder if people really wear such things in real life or if the drama is just trying to be as outrageous as possible.

      And I don’t live behind the moon either, but in anything-goes London.

  4. I was going to say the same thing. People are still wearing regular suits?? Look at his pants 🙂 I don’t think you’d see this suit being worn by anyone in a Kdrama. I could have sworn all the pants being worn are pretty tight (for a suit). Both looks are great. I’m glad he pulls out this looks so wear. I love the 3 piece suit.

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