
Good Friends Song Joong Ki and Im Joo Hwan Attend Movie Premiere — 19 Comments

  1. I think you need to do another iltimate bromance post on these two
    If either of them ever got to act in a Park Chan Wook flick I would die….seriously, can you imagine how awesome that would turn out???!!
    Im Joo Hwan is totally my top pick for being MGY’s costar in Goddess of Fire…either of them are perfect for a sageuk of that magnitude but I think SJK might be up for the army in latter half this year, so I’m not sure how it might turn out of he gets cast but this is perfect timing for our Park Kyu

  2. Lmao, SJK tried to not look too short beside his friend, LOL cute.

    Jung Woo Sung and So Ji Sub are friends? eh? I always thought SJS was a bit cocky but I still like him, but beign friends with JWS?

    Well, maybe JWS he is a good friend.. just not a lover.

    • he’s not. SJS’ friend is SSH with the late Park Yongha… JWS’ friend is LJJ. JIS and Gong Yoo too with KDW.

    • yup.. together with Noh Min Woo too. A lot of pretties in A Frozen Flower with gorgeous main cast Joo Jin Moo and Jo In-sung.

  3. 1 is solemn and the other is playful, both are easy in the eyes..
    They may cruise all the venues together, me, no complain.. ^^

  4. IJH does break into smiles–every time SJK talked to him on the red carpet. 🙂 Fancam evidence over here:

    Their new management, Blossom, is more of a boutique agency and doesn’t produce dramas so I don’t think it increases the odds they’ll work together. It’s the drama producers (like Sidus, their former agency) that tend to put package deals on the table. Were there projects they want to do together, maybe, why not. But I think what they’re both looking for from Blossom is management that’s tailored to their own needs rather than the balancing act they’ve got to do with a bigger firm (reconciling their careers with whatever projects the big firms have in the works).

  5. So…you boys couldn’t come out to DC for the premiere here? Eh? We get the director as part of the film festival (which I admit was great) ::drums fingers in annoyance at film festival for not playing this for all it was worth::

  6. I’m so used to seeing Song Joong Ki and Lee Kwang Soo together that I have to remember that they aren’t always joined at the hips LOL.

    I love how strong friendships can be formed whilst making a movie, you always hear about ego’s and whatnot.

  7. I just saw these!
    I think it makes sense that IJW would hang with SJK. They aren’t exactly opposites, but Song is clearly more relaxed in front of the camera. Im could learn to loosen up, or at least appear to loosen up from Song.

    Either one would be fine for Moon, but SJK in saguek was my first heart-shattering love. The one that completely floored me for a looooooon time, so I lean towards him. Still seeing IJW again in a gat makes my heart speed up a little…

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