
Li Yi Feng Turns 26 and Goes Retro Cool For New Magazine Spread — 11 Comments

  1. I actually love this guy myself! I saw him in both ‘Happy and Love Forever’ and ‘Sunny Happiness’. I actually am not a fan of SH at all! Found it extremely boring at times and dragged with the whole – wife being in a wheel chair so I have to be with her – track. But I liked HALF, and he superb in it, and I actually went through the whole of SH for him. He’s adorable and a really promising actor. I really hope he can do some more good projects!

  2. Oh Feng Feng! I love him as an actor, but I still haven’t seen him in a project I really loved. And is it just those shots, or did I really never notice how BIG his feet are!

    • It’s not his feet. It’s the awful shortpants without socks trend striking again (*running to buy more socks and pack them up for him, too*). I cannot wait for this style to go out of style. These pictures are more proof that they really do not look good on anyone and ruin great outfits. I am still not buying that a “glimpse” of ankle is supposed to be sexy. Does this many need help with looking sexy *cough* I mean interesting? (note to self–remember–young enough to be your son. young enough to be your sone. younge enough to be your son. Just buys socks and move on)

      • Trotwood, could you get him him a new pair of pants at the proper length when you get the socks? The man capris are a fashion trend that need to die a quick death. Just, UGH.

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