
Chen Xiao and Zhao Li Ying are Red Hot as the Latest Breakout C-drama Pairing — 21 Comments

  1. Yes, the plots are nothing new (this is a palace drama we’re talking about and china comes up with tons of them) but since I’ve stayed away from c-dramas unless I’m really interested I find them rather engaging than say ahem the latest palace drama from TVB, which is convoluted but BORING. Not even Yufei can save it for me.

    But you’re right, ChenXiao and Zhao Liying are burning up the screen so bad no wonder fans are clamouring for them to be together in real life. I don’t really care for that but I do think their chemistry is AMAZING. I do feel it would be a total miscast if they play YangGuo and XiaoLongnu so I’m looking forward to that new drama Yuzheng is talking about. I’m already up to the latest episode and it’s killing me that it’s a weekend (omg what am I saying) instead of a weekday where we’re treated to three episodes…

  2. Love this hot new couple! I think ZLY is sooooo adorably tiny that I just want to put her in my pocket. It’s been soooo long since I like any c-actress (the last being Zhao Wei) and I’m so glad it’s Sunday! 3 new episodes coming up, hooray! And yes LuZhen is only watchable totally bcoz of ZLY and Chen Xiao because plot and story is kinda…meeeh. Kimi is not too bad in it too but his character makes me want to smack him upside down sometimes for being sooooooo hopelessly in love towards Huanyun, it’s sweet but really dude, grow a spine!

  3. I got confused at the title, but then it’s easy to misspell Zhao Yi Ling, no I mean Zhao Li Ying as both are common Chinese names. LOL

  4. wait wait which happy camp espisode is this?? They really kissed???

    Lu Zhen is amazing because of chen xiao and his damn smiles!! the chemistry between chen xiao and zhao li ying is great too!!

  5. It has been a while since C-Drama caught my attention (the last was BBJX). I thought the title was interesting but I got hook soon after. I like the chemistry! Not ashamed to say that I mostly look out for their scenes together.

  6. This was filmed a while ago and only looking at the released stills, i could tell their chemistry would be amazing. And they did not disappointed. Too bad this drama took too long to aired, or they would have ‘break out’ a little sooner. And perhaps Yun Zhong Ge would have included them … i could only wished

  7. That’s what I was thinking. Yuzheng might as well as cast her as the main lead actress in ROCH. At least in that one, we know that they got a happy ending. Heck, it would be the first time that I would actually finish ROCH just for them since Huang Xiaoming turned me off in that series, he just looked too old and acted so hard to be kiddish.

  8. Chen Xiao and Zhao Liying should collaborate again they were excellent gorgeous and talented couple in The Legend of Lu Zhen!!!👍💕

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